Outdoor G Haze and 8 Weeker outside, downunder...

I think you flushed them in time they look ok to me. And you got a girl GH. :thumbs: You are right “ boys usually show first” I will admit that I was little worried about the GH line.
But I have no worries about the 8W it is tuff as a boot, lol I guess you could call it” idiot proof”. Specifically breed and target for drought tolerant & heat tolerant, disease resistant, early maturing, pest resistant, great high and taste.

Cheers mate - the sound like winners!

For the unaware - these are both Zygote strains so is great to have the breeder himself watch this from the other side of the world - and to kick my ass when needed...

GHazes are still looking good - am possibley seeing girly bits on the other taller one but Ill wait a day or two and see if more pronounced - am stoked to have at least one :dance: and super glad I noticed my mistake in time and got em flushed. phew!

But by the looks of things I still need an ass kicking or at least to learn more what Im doing and what Im using. Whilst my attention was focused on not burning the GHs looks like I might have done so to the 8Weekers. I can say though that I definetely didnt feed them with the same high ratio I originally feed the GHs but a bit of leaf curling etc is making me think I still over did it somewhere. If its possibley caused my something else please let me know folks...

They are still growing and Im sure they will continue to but hopefully I can sort out what Im doing soon so can grow these to their best potential.

"8 Weekers"

1. 8W1.jpg 8W1a.jpg

2.8W2.jpg 8W2b.jpg

3.8w3.jpg 8w3b.jpg


So at this stage Im thinking whilst the nutes should'nt have been too high, possible combined with what is in the soil has been too much for a strain that is bred to survive on a lot less. So I think I'll give a decent flush through on next watering (am making sure to let them dry decently between waterings with ph'd water to 6.2 - 6.6) and just not give them nutes for a while... Im getting there, slowly lol Of course if people think something else may be the cause I'm all ears.

They got bigger :)
you'll enjoy smoking them soon enough :smokebuds:
Lookin good bro, can't beat the best HID in the world, huh :smokebuds:
Howdy there ElDiablo I see you found your way to the 8Weeker Downunder

Zygote - Sure did! Thanks for the info that led me here. A thread like this is what a I need right now.

Glaucoma - Your plants are looking good. When in doubt feed less and it will still yield! I grew it last summer and will grow it in the future. It loves hydro and will tolerate a hot grow room.

Cheers Eld - nice to have you on board and good to hear your thought on the 8W. Not one thats plastered all over the net etc but one I am definetely looking forward to getting better aquanted with. This is my first season growing and due to living arrangements I cant grow huge plants outside and have to try and keep the time they are there to a minimum so the 8W's sound like they are going to fit in well with those requirements plus should suit my growing conditions perfectly.

Your not wrong Kindred - is the best light there is and free!! Add to that nature air circulation system etc etc and its a winning combination (except the bugs!!)

They are still coming along nicely and growing away - potted them up to what will most likely be their final pots today (about 12 litres or 3gallon) - would go bigger but as I say I gotta keep check of the height and space etc.) Those leaves in the pics above are still crinkled (Im wondering if is a result of bugs, possibley aphids - I need to check what each of the critters actually does) as apart from those bits (which Ive also got on a few other plants) they are looking green and healthy with no problems on the new growth. Will make sure they are settled into the new homes and snap some pics.

The GHazes are also going nicely - Im still learning just how much growth there shld be so possibley could be bigger but they are nice and healthy so that makes me happy. Ill also snap some pics of those when I get some of the 8W's.

All in all, these first ambassadors of the 8W's and Ghazes in Aus are doing well - maybe a little shy at first with their new surroundings - but fitting in and no doubt there'll be many more of them.


Hey folks - hope alls well

nearly bed time here but thought Id add a few pics I snapped today.

GHaze - the girl on the left hasnt put on a lot of height since showing sex but she's at least green and healthy looking so Im happy with her. happy with one on the right too but doesnt seem to be showing sex as yet - no matter - I dont mind a photo Ghaze but Im thinking I might have to carefully take the one that hasnt showed sex yet out and transplant - if its a photo it should be ok in transpplanting but will have to make sure to be carefull of the one thats starting flower...
Ghaze2.jpg GHaze1.jpg GHaze3.jpg Ghaze4.jpg

8 Weekers - still definetely growing and will continue to do so but also showing a few signs of being under my care...
Leaf crinkling is still there on a few leaves - lotsa white flies (aphids?) around the yard and the girls so not sure if they are responsible.

Also a few spots etc on some leaves - if anyone can let me know what may be the cause Im all ears - whether bad management on my behalf, nute burn, virus etc etc etc I didnt notice how bad some of the leaves were till I looked at the pics so will have to have a proper look tomorrow.

Been fairly hot here last cple days so all in all Im quite happy with them - at least looking greener and fresher than my tomatoes!

8Weeker1.jpg 8Weeker2.jpg 8Weeker3.jpg 8Weeker4.jpg 8Weeker5.jpg 8Weeker6.jpg
Also a few spots etc on some leaves - if anyone can let me know what may be the cause Im all ears - whether bad management on my behalf, nute burn, virus etc etc etc I didnt notice how bad some of the leaves were till I looked at the pics so will have to have a proper look tomorrow.

To me it looks like a nutrient burn to me. Time will tell.
cheers matey
nute burn I can live with - slap my hands and learn from it kinda live with - but was mainly hoping not a virus or something more sinister... doesnt seem to be showing on new growth so hopefully all good. Man, I feel bad about not growing good genes to their full potential but I am appreciative of having good things to learn with :thumbs: