Outdoor G Haze and 8 Weeker outside, downunder...

I guess you missed the part about giving the three week old seedlings 9 times the recommended fert levels.

A 1 is as good as a nine to a blind man! :eek:
Cheers mate. Im not letting myself worry about it too much - obviously wish I didnt (especially 'cause I don't like screwing up genes others have worked hard on) and will try not to do similar again but have flushed and will do so a little more and theyre looking ok - glad they werent younger and glad wasnt chemical nutes. Done all I can with flushing so no use stressing about it - I just had a talk with them and we've agreed to not let it bother us - Ill grow as a person and they'll grow as plants :D.

On a better note though - I didnt stuff up feeding the 8 Weekers and they are looking lovely :thumbs:

Seems to be better veg growth outside than inside (despite longer light hours etc inside) so having them both on the go is a good opportunity to try and see how I can get the tent performing better.

cheers stunted - as you know, pretty good growing weather at moment - now just a matter of me screwing them up!

... speaking of... holy shit-hawks batman! I apologise to the breeder but we are about to see what these G Hazes are made of. I was earlier mixing a feed for them - being good and giving them there own feed at a bit under half strength of growth nutes - all went well. Untill about an hour later I thought "Oh Shit!". Then I remembered the ratio on the bottle of nutes is per 9 litres not 1 litre. I have then given them a good flush and have fingers crossed that being an organic nute it shld'nt be too harsh but I'm also hoping they are hungry critters!!

So burnt, stunted or about to rocket into growth we will see. They are about 3 and a bit weeks old though so hopefully they can take it!!

I always try to look on the bright side; we are going too get and see just how tuff they are.
I always try to look on the bright side; we are going too get and see just how tuff they are.

cheers Zy, actually means a lot to hear that - thats the attitude I thought best to go with when I first realised my error. Anything that I manage to harvest and get in the bag will have proven itself to be one very important thing - idiot proof!!

so, the morning after pics. all in all I think they have fared pretty well. little bit of nute burn on some tips but hopefully I managed to flush in time.

GH1.jpg GH2.jpg

The shorter of the two is starting to show sex - looks like pistils to me but my eyes have told me the wrong thing more than once so I'll let it wait a few days till I am 100 per cent but feel free to let me know what you think.

GH3.jpg GH4.JPG

Assuming that is a girl and that boys usually show first I hope the other is a girly girl. (though the fact that one has shown earlier perhaps means my eyes are telling me the wrong thing and its a boy)...


So, thus far they seem to be a pair of fairly robust plants - just how I like them!

And the 8 Weekers - loving life...
8W1.jpg 8W4.jpg 8W3.jpg 8W2.jpg

Cheers folks
I think you got a lady too :)

Glad they made it through the heavy feeding, they still look great :smokebuds:
cheers CB - hope yr well there.

woohoo for a Haze girl :dance:
They all look great, and that one plant sure looks female to me.

cheers Zy, actually means a lot to hear that - thats the attitude I thought best to go with when I first realised my error. Anything that I manage to harvest and get in the bag will have proven itself to be one very important thing - idiot proof!!

so, the morning after pics. all in all I think they have fared pretty well. little bit of nute burn on some tips but hopefully I managed to flush in time.

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The shorter of the two is starting to show sex - looks like pistils to me but my eyes have told me the wrong thing more than once so I'll let it wait a few days till I am 100 per cent but feel free to let me know what you think.

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Assuming that is a girl and that boys usually show first I hope the other is a girly girl. (though the fact that one has shown earlier perhaps means my eyes are telling me the wrong thing and its a boy)...

View attachment 55648

So, thus far they seem to be a pair of fairly robust plants - just how I like them!

And the 8 Weekers - loving life...
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Cheers folks

I think you flushed them in time they look ok to me. And you got a girl GH. :thumbs: You are right “ boys usually show first” I will admit that I was little worried about the GH line.
But I have no worries about the 8W it is tuff as a boot, lol I guess you could call it” idiot proof”. Specifically breed and target for drought tolerant & heat tolerant, disease resistant, early maturing, pest resistant, great high and taste.