Outdoor G Haze and 8 Weeker outside, downunder...

Hey man, I've gotten a bunch of learnings through denial and error. At first, I thought it was as easy as guerilla see, guerilla do... peach and cake. Not so. All of my grows so far have started off fine, but they've all suffered from pH drops and serious deficiencies that I can't get on top of after budding starts. I have yet to have a completely healthy plant at harvest time. But the plants teach me every time. Sometimes I feel like I've got my arse hovering over a pool of hungry piranhagas and the plants could just die at any time. And some have. Others have been stunted. I don't think any of them have been allowed to reach their full potential for my setup. They've all taught me to swallow my prize and soldier on. One thing I've realized lately is that I need to not be around my plants when I'm not in a good mood. Before I go in with them, I need to meditate or do something that will put my brain compartment at ease. They don't deal well with frustration, and neither do I. That's not what the plants are about, and I can't make it what I'm about. They make the pants in our relationship and with their help, I'm seeing little tiny improvements each time and the setbacks are becoming less and less.

Long story short, worst case Ontario, you learn a bunch of lessons to use in the future and any harvest that you do get is going to be better and safer meds than anything you could have possibly purchased. I've got $60 fortasay that you've got some primo meds in your near future.
hey - matey. I replied to your message above but it seems to have dissapeared - maybe I didnt hit send...

hahaha - you always make me laugh bro - denial and error should be my middle names and its fair to say "fortasay" is one of my favourite words ever!!! Good point about only being around the plants when positive - they are in my bedroom though so they get the best and worst of me but I am making sure to only send them good vibes. Whilst I realise its gonna be a life long learning process I think Ive now got things happening a bt better (I think therefore I have).

Sooooooooooo - hows this for excitement. When I originally replied to this I googled to try and get some TPB quotes right - in particular when they are driving home from the library during the spider mite incident - and instetad of quotes I found out that the TPB stageshow is coming to Aus in two months!!!! I might be getting all cultured and going to the theatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a bit excited so that might be why I didn't post the reply properly...

Quick GHaze update - sorry for the dodgy pics - the second one - biggest of the two - has shown sex and is a boy. At this stage Im thinking of just pulling the male - I wldnt mind some seedless GHaze smoke and being that its taken a fair while to show sex it mightnt be the best male to use as breeding stock in order to get stable progeny... Ill leave him in for now and try and decide by the end of the day...

GH.jpg GH2.jpg GH3.JPG

hey folks - sorry to those following on along with this one for the lack of updates. been hectic including a week in hospital with kidney stones and a few surgical jobs (last one earlier today). Will get pics up as I get the energy and get organised but looks like the 8W's are showing their bits and Im pretty sure I can confirm 2/3 are girls. I think 3/3 are girls but will have another look of the last one tomorrow.
woohoo - looking forward to giving these girls some attention and watching them bud up. :thumbs:

Bropane!!! Shit mate, hope you're feelin better! Do you have some meds to help?
hey me-matey - good to see ya :smokebuds:

too be honest still feeling like Ive been run over but thats a LOT better than I was so at least over the worst and getting back on track.

With the Meds - cut straight off a week of big big doses of morphene, oxycontine etc etc etc etc etc so I think part of my shittyness now is coming down from those but thanks fuck I had/have some homegrown Moby Dick bud to smoke (I wouldnt mind a more indica strain at moment to be honest for pain relief but this is a nice sati high so is keeping me sane) and just as importantly - Dr Bronners Peppermint Liquis Soap. Seriously, over the last few days baths with Dr B have saved my life on numerous occasions! Dr B and Bud should always be the first and last defence!!

Was so glad to see the garden kept healthy for the most part in my absence too - whilst they might have liked a bit more than what they got at least Im getting the medium right in which they can live on their own if need be... I was expecting to come home from hospital finding dead plants so is a huge bonus that things are still moving along. And of course very happy to notice the 8weekers showing their lady bits today :dance:

Hope youve been well matey - just slowly getting back on here so Im looking forward to catching up with what everyones been upto

Right on duder, those heavy meds are the pits. Very glad you have some proper meds to burn :smokebuds: And, as we both know, Dr. B's peppermint is TRULY magic soap... they're not bullshitting by calling it that. As a mater of fact, I'm going to give myself a good face wash with some DBP and some ice cold water when I'm done typing this!

Awesome news on the garden front too! Lookin forward to seeing pics, but much more important to get feeling better first before worrying about pics.
And, as we both know, Dr. B's peppermint is TRULY magic soap... they're not bullshitting by calling it that

D r B is my fave doctor by far - highly recommend to One and All - All One!

Well, I may have been a bit delirious when I thought I saw three girls as it looks like #2 is showing balls... anyway Ill let the pics do the talking. Ive tied down 32 a bit and also tried "supercropping" #3 so hopefully I havent been to aggressive with that and done it kinda right - anyway, its all a learning process! :smokebuds:

8w #1
1a.jpg 8W1.jpg 1b.jpg

8w #2
2.jpg 2a.jpg 2b.jpg

8w #3
3.jpg 3a.jpg 3b.jpg

This plant is showing a nitrogen deficiency.

Sorry to hear about you being sick, get better soon.:thumbs:
This plant is showing a nitrogen deficiency.

Sorry to hear about you being sick, get better soon.:thumbs:

yes, get well soon mate.... and yeah, up your veg nutes a tad...
This plant is showing a nitrogen deficiency.

Sorry mate - I thought i had replied to this - thanks for the advice and well wishes from Zy and JM - advice taken and they all got more veg nutes...

...so the dramas continue - I wont bore with details of dramas themeselves but last cple months havent provided me with exactly ideal growing conditions buthave been perservering as much as possible. Unfortunately the GHaze has suffered the most (spent a lot of time in very low light as I have been forced to hide my outdoor stuff lately) so will only be a very small amount of smoke coming off this one but I did hit it with some pollen so will hopefully get a seed or two.

Whilst I thought the 8Weekers were all girls my eyes were playing tricks on me and I ended up with one girl and two boys. One boy has been dispatched but one is still living outside so I can try and get some pollen. I couldnt let the one girl languish in a dark hidden spot outside though so she has had to come inside. The following pics are now about a week old and were taken just as she was coming inside (along with a few others). I dont want to make a habit of bringing the outdoors in as doesnt help the current insect problems but was a must do. She has since been tied down to allow room inside and equal coverage to the bud sights - she's coming along nicely and Ill try and get some more recent pics of her. Definetely looking forward to watching these bids swell.

8w1.jpg 8w2.jpg 8w3.jpg
