Indoor Full Circle Adventures in Growing

Happy New Year Everybody !!...Update: Day 16...Plants are moving along nicely..A couple plants are showing either slight heat stress or the small fan is messing up the transpiration,sooo i will raise the light a little and point the fan away from the plants(its not blowing directly on/at them but i will move it more anyway)...Amazing at 16 days two of the bigger plants are showing good preflowering...This is a 65-70 day strain and i do believe(at this point) they will hold true to that range if everything goes good..the stuntlings are of course still behind but still looking good,in 14 days(at day 30) they will be moved to 600 watts of HPS on 18/6 schedule,...okay,heres some pics ..Cheers:drunks:
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This one has a leaf anomaly(?sp)View attachment 518738
This one has a stress issue??? what is it??...can anyone offer any advice???

budelee That looks like heat stress the way the leaf is starting to taco. One of my plants did that when the light were too close. I pulled the lights up a little more and all was good and it bounced back enough so that it was not a problem. The smallest one looks like it's trying to grow up there. The other may surprise you and be a short little bushy producer. They look great though ,good job. I am looking forward to more updates. Peace ..Cheers to you.
Thanks @Ripped In Oregon ,I do believe that you are right and after raising the light and moving the fan,the leaves look better today. All seems to be going good and a third plant started showing preflowers,yaaaa...the smaller plants seem to be responding well to the pep talk( more like threats of annihilation),and they seem to be growing at a better pace...okay,peace out everybody!!!
Thanks @Ripped In Oregon ,I do believe that you are right and after raising the light and moving the fan,the leaves look better today. All seems to be going good and a third plant started showing preflowers,yaaaa...the smaller plants seem to be responding well to the pep talk( more like threats of annihilation),and they seem to be growing at a better pace...okay,peace out everybody!!!

Awesome I thought that may be it,at least you caught that early. Nice,I love it when they start showing the sign of preflower just for the fact they do it so fast. Threats of annihilation LOL ,the smaller will catch up just give a pep (annihilation) talk once a day. Just hold a pair of shears over their head,they'll grow. Glad they are coming along budelee..Peace!
I think that "annihilation" was the key,Scuurd straight !!! They are giving showing good effort,i think they might just make it !!!....Yes sometimes luck throws me good hand and i can correct problems early,this is that hand !!! The shears are ready Peace out Bro !!!
I think that "annihilation" was the key,Scuurd straight !!! They are giving showing good effort,i think they might just make it !!!....Yes sometimes luck throws me good hand and i can correct problems early,this is that hand !!! The shears are ready Peace out Bro !!!

They will make it especially since there is noticeable growth. It's nice when you can catch it early and rebound,good job.
Peace bro
Update: Day 18...Plants are looking good and showing steady growth,increasing feed slowly and they are now at 700ppm,ph for the feed was set at 5.7,..They are continuing to show pre-flowers..Heres the updated pics with two more days growth..Cheers
Thanks @Ripped In Oregon ,yes they are showing growth so not totally stunted,not looking too shabby..Peace !!!
Good Evening Everybody....Update: Day 20...all 5 plants are growing and looking good,the 2 smaller plants are doing what they can to hang in there but are still behind the others,well,no surprise there..NOTE: I have decided to fim one of the bigger plants to see if it will help or hurt this strain, I chose the tallest plant,although she is a little more sparse than her bushy sisters,so this is where i will start documenting what will happen..All plants getting same feed and same light/schedule...View attachment 520064
The plant in the center is the Fimmed plantView attachment 520072
She also had a lower haircut(not pictured,she is shy !!)
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here she is next to a shorter bushy sister,before the fim-n-trim
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Heres the 2 smaller plants,the MH light makes(shining from the side)makes it look a little faded,but its not.

Thanks for stopping by..Peace !!!
Those look great budelee! It will be interesting to see that fimmed plant grow out. This will be good to see on of my 3 strectched just like that.If it was a photo It would have gotten raped and cleaned all of the lower useless growth off.
It's great to see them doing so well,also to see how tall they get,I would love to do some of those on my next run. Awesome job! I was wondering I was told not to cut anything off of an auto but obviously you can. Peace..