Indoor Full Circle Adventures in Growing

Beautiful budelee:headbang: Those look awesome those are some healthy little babies. That MH will keep those nodes close kepp them nice and bushy. I was told to switch my MH at week three but I let them go 3 and a half but I always thought it was four. I always vegged my clones under MH for 5 weeks but 3 weeks sounds about right. I am sure you knew this but I thought I would throw it out there. This going to be a great grow to watch,great start budelee. That mutated leaf is a trip,pretty cool looking actually.
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Hey @Ripped In Oregon ,that's always good advice( about changing the light) ,I'm still new to autos so yes,it helps( the advice).ill prolly let mine go to 4 weeks with the MH,cause the plan is to let them veg for half their life under the MH then finish up the second half under the HPS, but we'll see how things go,..Thank you for the compliment on the plants,I think they look okay but my opinion is ,they go thru a homely stage before they get bushy ,and the few effed up leaves aren't helping things,they will grow out of it( I hope)...Peace out Brother !!!
Your'e welcome! I think that's a good plan,I think you will see some good results. Yeah those mutated leaves stand out more at this point but I bet they grow out of it as it progresses. They will come out looking good they look to healthy not to. Peace brother!
I'll be watching!

I've only seen Wappa mentioned a couple times over the years and never thought much about it. Then my daughter's new boyfriend, a caregiver, said he likes Wappa best of all. SO... I'm interested in this grow, especially how the final product stacks up.
Thank You @NotAllThere I will try not to disappoint. The smaller runts are going to given a fair shake but if they dont cut the mustard I will have to give them the ax.I only have 1 auto grow under my belt,and this will be my first time with this strain.Come along for the ride !! The more the merrier !!!
Looking great budelee those are nice and healthy and that MH will grow those nodes nice and close to each other. Watching this one! I just looked up this strain(never heard of it) a nice indica with medical extraction:headbang: I am going to have to do that after my next run which will be lsd 25 by Fast Buds but the wappa is very sweet looking strain. This going to be a good one:woohoo1:
i will definiftley grab a seat on this one lol ....
Happy New Year Everybody !!...Update: Day 16...Plants are moving along nicely..A couple plants are showing either slight heat stress or the small fan is messing up the transpiration,sooo i will raise the light a little and point the fan away from the plants(its not blowing directly on/at them but i will move it more anyway)...Amazing at 16 days two of the bigger plants are showing good preflowering...This is a 65-70 day strain and i do believe(at this point) they will hold true to that range if everything goes good..the stuntlings are of course still behind but still looking good,in 14 days(at day 30) they will be moved to 600 watts of HPS on 18/6 schedule,...okay,heres some pics ..Cheers:drunks:

This one has a leaf anomaly(?sp)

This one has a stress issue??? what is it??...can anyone offer any advice???
:welcome: @dbossmanfl .Pleasure to have you along for the ride!! I'll do regular updates to show progress or issues(hope not)...