Outdoor First time grow - northern lights - auto - outdoor

I always use drinking water bottles. I add nutes to the bottles, give them a shake, and pour on! If you're doing more plants, get more of those 8L bottles. :D

For my next run I'm going primarily organic, though, and I'm using a commercial pelletized organic fertilizer that will be mixed into the soil and then left for the beneficial bacteria to do their thing before I drop my seedlings into them. Also adding 10% worm castings and kelp meal. Both worm castings and kelp do incredible things for my girls!

Also plant products are a lot cheaper at a nursery/gardening center than a grow shop. You can look for larger pots there if you don't want to go with the air pots for whatever reason. In the heat of summer a regular pot should hold more water: not sure if you're planning to do another run right after this one!

Nothing I use for growing comes from grow shops anymore, although I did buy tiny sample bottles of potassium silicate/cal-mag/enzymes/bennies recently since one of my local stores does them for a few bob each. It was cheap and convenient and I couldn't resist. :p
Sounds like you're way is the same as mine mate! Yeah i guess thats what im gonna do, just gonna have to get quite a few more considering i wanna use bigger pots and more plants too! At least im familiar with those amounts though so wont be over complicated just more bottles to do it with!

Sounds nice mate, always sounds nice to grow completely organic like that, even just using the sun makes me feel like im doing it organically lol! I gotta do some research into worm castings and additives like that i bet they do wonders for your plants!!

I am planning on doing another grow straight after i harvest these, different strains and different pots though and different conditions as you said, summer is coming and its beginning to warm up a lot! Hoping to lose the tent completely aswell... Ive read some good things about the air pots but havent done a lot of looking into them, ill do a lot more reading on them before i buy them! Ill definitely start looking at garden centres too apparently theres one only down the road from me (someone told me today) so gonna pay there a visit sometime soon and have a look what theyve got. There might be a little delay between the grows while i get some different bits sorted but theres no rush at the end of the day!

Yeah i was using the grow shop mainly cause i was a complete noob but now most of my info is coming from you guys and other threads & forums about, and now ive got my first grow under my belt i have a little experience so i think ill only be visiting the grow shop for specific stuff i cant get elsewhere! Really enjoyed this grow ive had some great results in my opinion so gonna get really stuck in on the next one!
The plants that were a little behind in flowering are now beginning to bud out! Not massively but definitely getting there so looks like theyre enjoying the boost in nutes!

Today is 80 days since i planted the seeds, not completely sure the germination date?

The seeds were northern lights auto from 00 seeds, which says 80-90 days harvest. Im guessing thats an estimate, or maybe for indoor grows, considering my bigger plants are only just budding. Will be interesting to see the time difference between plant 1 and the slower flowering plants.
Going to look more into how to tell harvest times now as the faster plants will be ready soon i think!
I'm gonna guess those seeds aren't autos, or aren't all autos, if they're just starting to bud in pots that small. Some may start to reveg as the days get longer...
I'm gonna guess those seeds aren't autos, or aren't all autos, if they're just starting to bud in pots that small. Some may start to reveg as the days get longer...
Theyre supposed to be autos mate! All 6 are Northern lights auto from 00 seeds.
The bigger ones are behind on floweing compared to the smaller ones though. Hoping they dont reveg or anything else thatll mess it up lol!
Day 82 since planting

The weather has been amazing! Very sunny and getting warmer. Going to really enjoy the next grow in summers conditions!

Today the nutes are - grow 1.5ml/L and bloom 3ml/L. Theyve seemed to enjoy the up in nutes last feed so i thought id change them slightly to favour the flowering. I think theyve been stunted at some point, probably early on, which is causing them (or some) to flower a little slower? The up in bloom nutes seems to have helped them along though and theyre all looking much more mature now.

They smell so goooooooood!!

Close up pics will be one of the top bud and one of the main buds from a lower branch as i think they look different, might give a better insight. Pics will be like last time:
1 & 2
3 & 4
5 & 6
Close ups 123456

Plants 1 & 2


Plants 3 & 4


Plants 5 & 6


Close ups 1


Close ups 2


Close ups 3


Close ups 4


Close ups 5


Close ups 6

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Unfortunately the nature of the seed biz is that a lot of breeding is contracted out to Spain. There are lots of autos on the market that don't auto! Your girls look to be finishing up fine, though, so hopefully they aren't photo plants that start revegging at some point!
Unfortunately the nature of the seed biz is that a lot of breeding is contracted out to Spain. There are lots of autos on the market that don't auto! Your girls look to be finishing up fine, though, so hopefully they aren't photo plants that start revegging at some point!
Well thats good to know i guess! Ill keep a closer eye on these and future autos, hopefully wont get no photo plants!