Outdoor First time grow - northern lights - auto - outdoor

i think as long as the RH % dont get upto 75% and has good airflow you should be fine [emoji106]
a completely closed up tent would be bad for RH if plants are wet.
Thanks bud, today theyre drying up well while the tents open even without sun or alot of heat. Think ill continue what ive been doing: tent open during no rain/light rain, tent closed during heavy rain and closed all night regardless of rain

Hopefully they manage it well..

If the soil soaks up the rain im assuming ill have to push back the feed a little, ill keep checking on them throughout and see how theyre doing

:frog:Hi mate, you are doing great for your first grow. I admit its a bit nerve racking, Good idea cover the girls are night, keeps possums and roos away and plus dew.
Cheers mate appreciate it!! No possums or roos where i live mate but I'll defo be visiting australia some time soon !!
Why are you closing up the tent at night? In case it rains?
Closing the tent at night to keep some warmth inside the tent mate. At the moment here in Spain the temps range from 28 degrees C on a warm sunny day to about 8 degrees C on a chilly night. When the night's warm up as we move into summer im planning on losing the tent completely and growing more plants at once, and then getting a slightly better tent for next winter (whoever designed the tent with a flat top didnt plan for rain collecting on top!)
8 days later and theyve been fed again!

It's been a very rainy week here, and the pots were getting wet from the rain. Figured id let mother nature do its work until it dried up.
Today is lovely weather, and the pots are feeling light but not completely dried out which is exactly the timing i wanted.

The plants are a slightly lighter green than they have been (apart from the yellows at the bottoms lol) which im expecting is due to the rain not being full of nutes. Other than that they seem to have got through the rainy spell nicely and are now ready to enjoy the next sunny wave coming their way!

Today ive followed @archie gemmill advice and upped both grow and bloom nutes to 2ml/L. Hopefully they will start showing a slightly darker green again and keep up the budding!!

Last night i picked off 2 of the smallest buds on plant number 1 and had a quick toke on those out of curiosity more than anything else (i know this is a bad idea to do) and was greatly dissapointed! Wont be doing no early picking again and im even more excited for when theyre finished up and smoking sweet!

Also yesterday i went back to the grow shop for some new pots, however they only sold slightly bigger ones. Didn't get these and ive spotted some lovely looking air-pots online which ive seen a few people using on this forum so planning on getting those soon! Did get myself some afghan mass xxl & blue diesel seeds for the next grow though!

Question for you guys! How do you guys go about mixing your water & nutes and actually watering your plants (or suggest to in my situation)? At the moment i have two 8 litre drinking water bottles which i mix and shake then water straight from those, however im wondering if there's any particular easier way? Only asking because im planning on growing more than 6 on the next grow in bigger pots and im expecting my way to become a bit of a nightmare lol

Tried to take the pics away from the sun as i thought they werent the greatest pics before, still not fantastic though. Will post the pics in pairs then ill post close ups in order 123456 :D

Muchas gracias!

Plants 1 & 2


Plants 3 & 4


Plants 5 & 6


Close ups (in order)

I only grow 3 in small pots in a cupboard.2x5L water bottles sat 24/48 hours and use old nute bottles for nute mix and feeding.:pighug:
I think we've all been guilty of sneaking a cheeky tester bud when we first started and being a little let down on how rough the toke was :crying:. Good news is it will only get better :headbang:

I have a 10 liter watering can for my nutes, usually mix enough nutrients for 2 cans full in a 1 liter plastic bottle and tip half in at a go:thumbsup:.
I think we've all been guilty of sneaking a cheeky tester bud when we first started and being a little let down on how rough the toke was :crying:. Good news is it will only get better :headbang:

I have a 10 liter watering can for my nutes, usually mix enough nutrients for 2 cans full in a 1 liter plastic bottle and tip half in at a go[emoji106].
Haha it was a proper let down! Only took two small bits off though so werent a big waste and i didnt dry them or anything either... exactly it will only get better im looking forward to trying them when they're all ready for smoke!!
I always use drinking water bottles. I add nutes to the bottles, give them a shake, and pour on! If you're doing more plants, get more of those 8L bottles. :D

For my next run I'm going primarily organic, though, and I'm using a commercial pelletized organic fertilizer that will be mixed into the soil and then left for the beneficial bacteria to do their thing before I drop my seedlings into them. Also adding 10% worm castings and kelp meal. Both worm castings and kelp do incredible things for my girls!

Also plant products are a lot cheaper at a nursery/gardening center than a grow shop. You can look for larger pots there if you don't want to go with the air pots for whatever reason. In the heat of summer a regular pot should hold more water: not sure if you're planning to do another run right after this one!

Nothing I use for growing comes from grow shops anymore, although I did buy tiny sample bottles of potassium silicate/cal-mag/enzymes/bennies recently since one of my local stores does them for a few bob each. It was cheap and convenient and I couldn't resist. :p
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