Outdoor First time grow - northern lights - auto - outdoor

I've never made a nute chart but @archie gemmill has a pretty good one for biobizz. He might be kind enough to paste his up for a rough idea on what he used? To me .25ml per liter sounds quite low at this point :shrug:

Agreed pal, I just definitely didn't want it dropped altogether
Bottom yellowing i think has been from the weeek away.
Im not at me confuzer for pics but will be this evening.yep biobizz is mild i never used less than 1ml.start at day 10 and up it a ml every 7 days till i get to 4 or 5 then i back pff as i up the bloom.
Keep er lit
Cheers guys!

The lower leaf death i aint too worried about, like you said @daylighting im pretty sure its normal seeing other peoples grows and considering i wasnt here to open/close tent and was a little late back to feed them, id expected it.
These girls are gonna be staying in these pots, however im planning to get 7 gallon airpots (them nice looking ones) from somewhere to grow the next batch. Ive read theyre great and they even air-prune roots when they overgrow the pot to remove the rootbounding issue (might be completely wrong though)...
& nice eyes spotting the purple lighter lmao!

@H'n'D youre right bud! (And still wishing i never lollipopped them lol!)
To clear up what nute strengths i did... the day before i left i fed them 0.25ml/L veg, and a little higher than 1ml/L blooms, and thats the strongest ive ever fed bloom nutes.. the veg was the same as i have done since i started adding blooms.
Yesterday it was a little late on feeding, and fed them the same veg nutes, and a weaker strength of blooms at around 0.75ml/L because of the burn..

@the green bandit
@archie gemmill - i am still using biobizz mate... since the beginning ive wanted to be careful of overfertilizing so i chose to consider 0.5ml/L my normal 1x strength and have adjusted slightly along the way. I havent changed that regardless of the size theyve grown so even when im using my strongest concentrations they will be lower than 2ml/L.
Archie you have definitely used much higher strengths than me, so im thinking Its possible that im looking too much into the burns, probably cause its the first time ive seen anything resembling burning, maybe it was another symptom of the harsh conditions i left them in? Ill definitely appreciate a picture of that nute chart if you get a chance later at some point mate :cheers:

Ill attatch a picture here of the bits i thought were nute burn just so you guys can see --


And here are some pics of the dying leaves --

i hesitate to call this a schedule(its about my most filled in schedule).i schedule is something you follow,as i filled this out after i done the watering it followed me.
schedule walter day 75 - Copy.JPG

about the worst thing ya can do is to blindly follow a schedule.+/- a ml here and there or +/- a week
some schedules look like this
random schedules.JPG

burnt from too much N is brown,a dead (lack of N or water) leaf or cells are also brown.a lil nibble from a passing bug will result in a brown spot,a tear from wind/leaf damage = brown.
unless theres a lot of nutes in the soil (cant remember or find what soil) im thinking its a lack of juice.
good luck n keep er lit

I don't think that's nute burn buddy, usually nute burn is the tips of your leaves. Just a bit of wear and tear I think :thumbsup: The yellowing bottom leaves look like N deficiency. I would think you could safely bump your nutes up to 2ml/Ltr of grow and 2ml/Ltr of bloom with no issues. Then increase your bloom dose every week, sometimes by the end of flower I would be as high as 5ml/Ltr bloom with 1ml/ltr of grow still with no negative effects. :pass:
@archie gemmill cheers for that mate! Yeah im not planning on following any schedule really, but its definitely great to have something that i can use for reference! That last bit you put about different things that can cause the browning has got to be the most helpful thing ive read anywhere lmao!
Dont think theres many nutes in the soil, it is sphagnum peat moss that the grow shop recommended i start with, and ive clearly been going very weak with the nutes so i agree its probably a lack of them..

@the green bandit cheers buddy, i agree now i think its wear and tear, all of the worst looking leaves have quite a few small tears in them and others have been munched on, so im guessing this is also a factor in them dying off.. ill follow what youre saying and next few feeds bump both nutes up to see how they react..

Ive read everywhere that you should stop feeding nutes and just use ph'd water for the last week or 2, can anyone recommend a good way to tell this time frame??
Just wait til it looks good to harvest and then use water for an extra week? Or is there a decent way i could tell its time beforehand?
Overfert will show as brown tips as the green bandit said. You've got either a micronutrient deficiency there or the results of pH swing from the soil drying out too much. IMO keep them watered and see if the symptoms spread. If they do then it's time to look into trace element deficiencies, but in fresh soil that's unlikely to be the issue.
Some people say flushing is a myth,i kinda agree with them.
edit ...although id give them 2 small drinks of water a few days before chop.
Yeah i wont be flushing in the sense of completely flushing the soil, but i was planning on not feeding and only watering at the end of the grow, seems like a good idea
Overfert will show as brown tips as the green bandit said. You've got either a micronutrient deficiency there or the results of pH swing from the soil drying out too much. IMO keep them watered and see if the symptoms spread. If they do then it's time to look into trace element deficiencies, but in fresh soil that's unlikely to be the issue.
Yeah im gonna up the nutes on next feed and do it when the pots feel light but not dried out, so itll be a little earlier than before, and see how they react! Yeah the soil was brand new and although it isnt no super soil stuff theyve grown well with it so far
Been raining here since yesterday, and forcasted to rain for most of this week.

So far the most rain ive had hasnt been much, and after a day or two max it has been sunny so the plants dry out nicely. This rain is forcasted longer and will be the first since buds have shown up, so quick question:

When the buds are wet (not completely drenched as the tent is helping but still fairly wet) what is the best option? Ive been trying to open the tent when the rain stops to help the airflow so they arent just sitting damp, but its difficult to do when its raining often.

Im not sure how the rain can affect the buds at all, and a closed tent + rain to me sounds like a bad idea (the tent doesnt completely stop rain there must be a few holes here and there). Am i overthinking it and worrying to much and any general advice for the rain? Havent noticed any problem yet but would rather be prepared and prevent a problem if possible

Cheers boys!!