Photoperiod First time DWC grow - big bazooka and the future #1

If these are Photos I have a 2 week or 16" rule for the flip. Otherwise they may outgrow your tent!
Hmmm they very much are photos. if I was still growing in coco I would definitely have flipped them at this point but I also would have topped them too. The reason I haven’t topped them yet is because I waiting for the roots to break through the net pot. The girls will be two weeks in real veg this weekend. Maybe I’ll top then tomorrow, do a res change Sunday and flip them then.
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All the girls were topped this morning. I’ll be keeping a very close eye on the healing process for the next few days and as soon as I believe they are healed I’ll be flipping them into flower
Some really good growth in the last 24 hours. The changes are now coming in very rapidly. I usually check on the girls at 6:30 am and then again at 6:30 pm, and each time I check they’ve grown a little bit more. I hope I’m not speaking to soon but I’ve got a real good feeling about this one.

The girls continue too grow lovely. Nothing to report on apart from the fact they look great! The tops are healing nice so in About two days I’ll do a complete res change and flip them. Then the fun begins!!

Does this root system look healthy? They’re matted and an off brown/ beige kinda colour. The plant itself looks healthy. Any advice anyone? Plus I’ll also ask the DWC guru @Mañ'O'Green

I’ve pulled my neck muscles today and that’s rendered me somewhat paralysed for the today so I’ve been unable to change me buckets nutrients today. I have however changed my timer so today marks the first day of flower.
Completed a res change last night. All plants were looking great too


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Disaster! All plants have wilted this morning. Checked EC and all have gone above 5. My fault for using to much of a strong mix. All have now been changed with a mix of just base nutes and hydrogaurd. EC is now 1. @Mañ'O'Green what do you think?


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