Photoperiod First time DWC grow - big bazooka and the future #1

About 6 hours since the tank change and they’re starting too look a little better. Just hope now that the damage hasn’t been to severe and that it is reversible.

Ok so the girls are almost back to normal. I’m very amazed at this. Just goes to show how resilient cannabis is. Unfortunately tho one of the Big Bazookas looks like it won’t make. I think the over feeding them has something to do with this however she does look like she’s succumbed to root rot, even though the roots don’t smell or look slimy. Here’s some pics of the plants now and the one that looks like she’s gonna die, If she’s not already dead that is.

The dead one lives! She is nowhere near her former glory, nor are the others for that matter, but she’s definitely fighting on. I’m thinking of vegging for a few more days then attempting to flip again,

Just done my checks and the roots on nearly all the plants have gone an almost black colour. I’m hoping it’s just stain from the VERY over feeding they had the other day.the plants themselves look quite good considering what they’ve been through but I Just hope that it ain’t root rot!!!!

The plants are looking healthy-ish again now so I’ve decided to flip them today. There’s a little bite burn on some of the leaves but this from the over feeding issue from a few days ago. The curled and dead leaves I’ll just let fall off. I don’t want to pull anything off that mat still have a little life in them as the plants have been through a lot of stress lately.
Just a quick update. The plants are EXPLODING with new growth. Currently on day 5 of flower and all is looking good. White roots are now back and the staining from the heavy feeding is gradually fading away. I realised yesterday that the reason the Nutrient calculator on the Remo website have me a strong dosage was because I had it set it gallons when I work in litres. Do’h!!!!! Anyways, lesson learnt.

Complete res change on the buckets two days ago. Also LST’d all the plants down and placed them under the 600hps. They’re looking good! All the tops have sprung back up since being tied down. The plan is too keep pulling them back down once a week with new growth until the branches become too hard to manipulate. Also, I’ve got some heavy staining again but this is definitely caused by the nutrients.

I’d also like too add how quick new growth is with DWC. It’s fucking outstanding!

Day 12 of flower and all continues too look good. My tent is crowded at I’m trying to save on energy but I will very soon have too place some of the plants in my other tent under another 600 hps. I’ve just finished lollipopping all the plants bar the one at the back left because I can’t currently reach it. I’ll do that one when I do a res change next, which will more than likely be tomorrow. I’ve also done some defoliating on the bottom third of each plant. I plan on keeping the dark zone leaf free for many reasons. This is a technique I’ve used for years with coco. I’d also like too add how thirsty the plants are. My god , they’re drinking up the water like there’s no tomorrow, and the EC isn’t being rising much either, plus the PH hasn’t changed from 6.1.

so as it stands, we’re all good so far!