Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

Here they are tonight before lights out. Some growth.
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Take care folks. I'm going to bed.
Morning. Trying to find a couple yard sticks to fasten to wall so the angles are pretty much the same every time. Thinking of scratching doing it like this as a whole and doing it from seed in a separate journal. But here they are.
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Looks great bud!
Thanks man. Want to feed this week but might just water. Leaves Started getting that dark green, blue hue to them. I assume that is from pushing N too much. I believe I read that somewhere, I'm going to search around and see what I find about that. She's bushing out nicely though. 28 days tomorrow. Hopefully I can order more optic foliar overdrive this week.
Really not that hard. The Nectar for the gods has been in mid 700s, fox farm mid 800s. Which is high I guess. I generally try not to go higher than that throughout the grow also. I've got the earthworm castings with rabbit poop in there too. So that could be the issue. Not alone, but with the added feed. I might try a diluted feed instead of water only. Still haven't looked the info up. I'll do that now. I need a better ppm meter and pH meter honestly.
The lights are at 26" above the canopy. I actually split the two hbss and put the critical plus cbd in the middle. It's shorter, so naturally the light is lower in the middle, but the idea was to get some secondary light to each of the hbss. From the cob in the middle to canopy on either side is like 24".
You aren't too hard on them. 800 is middle of the road. Looking happy but a light feed keeps them from getting hungry.
Ok so here's what I'm smoking. Lol toof decay. I love it.


Loving it. Not sure if it puts me down like the AvT though. The AvT gives me a boost for about 30-45 minutes then sleep. Lol I dunno why.
And here's the update nothing really going on. Just pics, definitely filling out more copared to last week. I've been tucking fan leaves.


Critical plus cbd auto.

Oh shit that's a sideways pic of them all. The critical is in the middle. Still thinking of pulling it. I did lst it though. Lol had to bend something over.
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