Indoor CBD Lemon Potion Auto & Fast Bud 2 (all in one journal)

nice looking buds :smoking: nice growing :smokeit: full up jars :thumbsup: and a happy high :biggrin:
spam them @ 's :pass: @KonopCh :pass: @LordGreenWood :pass: @mitra :pass:@MordecaiAlliVanAllenOshea :pass:@HighnDry :pass: @ChroToker :pass:
whats up next ? battles have just started 1st May last day to enter :warrior:
good luck n keep er lit

Thanks Buddy :) its a 8% THC and 16% CBD , but after few joints i find it strong in fact for a cbd one. It make your brain like in a cloud ( strange for me , not used to this lol )
The famous battle :) thanks if it's an invite (or not lol) , but i cant for the moment :pighug::thumbsup::pass:

Im growing a little fast bud 2 again im my "setup bonus" in a 3L airpot under 100w of hydromars (trying it after few cob harvest)
and i started a bubblegum for a 25L dwc (i i will try to make a journal of this one ) she is germinating right now

Have a great day, and thanks to all stoners that come on this journal :bighug:
Thanks for every stoners that followed the journal , gave some reps or likes etc :bighug::thumbsup::thanks:

I will make a little grow journal for a fast bud 2 (again lol, this two month variety is my bonus) but under mars hydro 100w , no topping and a 3L airpot ( so just a very little quick setup, let's see how much i can harvest)
And im doing a bubblegum in Hydro 25L , under 200w cob, she is just sprooting

Have a good sundy everyone