Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

Here they are [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]




Bent [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] over a little bit, an attempt at encouraging lateral growth, she wasn't doing so much vertically. I might lst another one or 2. I want to see how they grow on their own, Being that I stunted my first one ever or it was a dud, could have been a little bit of both. Slower Growing plants will usually pull through, but of you stunt them at all and it's an auto, that's time lost. About time for a watering also. Might just go with straight water this time, I've got plenty of nutrients in the soil as it is between the chickenfuel and worm castings, minerals I've mixed azomite into the soil at a tablespoon (heaping) per gallon of medium, if I remember correctly, I'll double check. Pretty sure that's what it is though.
Thanks, gave them a light feeding today with the Alaska fish fertilizer, added some molasses. 1.5tsp molasses and fish ferts. Still treading lightly with that. Next couple waters will be water only, small waterings. Unsure of what to do after that I need to top dress or feed with something higher in phosphorus and potassium though. Maybe bat or seabird guano while topdressing with some azomite rock dust. Then also want to add the barley, I'm thinking about going with it halfway through flower, does that sound good? Or is it better for like the last 2 weeks?
Building a soil will be a lot easier than doing it like this. Although Alaska (brand) does sell a grow and flower bottle. It's the same quart size bottles for $10 a piece at Wally world. I've bought more expensive bottles of lesser nutrients I'm sure lol
Edit: I could probably get away with the chicken fuel the whole way through it's 2-2-2 but not ideal in npk ratios. It does work though, I've used jacks classic a couple of years all the way through and had pretty good results it's 20-20-20.
They seem very happy! The barley and seabird guano will be good stuff with the other things you have. Plus the Alaska fert is good all around.
Ya they do, so far. It'll be interesting. I have gone off the path of organic, I sprayed them with Optic Foliar overgrow with some dynagro protekt added. That's it though. Anyway here they are a couple days after the feeding. I noticed a difference so I figured I'd share.
Day 24 double grape.
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Subbed up looking great next two weeks they going to get BIG [emoji1303]
Thanks man. I appreciate the sub. This is an unofficial double grape grow probably turned official lol I'm interested in how these will turn out. I actually just fim'd [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] hopefully I'm not to late in doing it. [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] is the third largest so far. We'll see what happens. And we'll see if I did it right lol I've done it before and had pretty good results. We'll see. She's starting to show sex.