Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

hey guys :D
I think it's actually hard to "overdose" anything that is plant matter, as long as you keep an eye on the C:N balance.
The only things that have potential to "burn" anything are animal based - feather, bone, hoof, blood, guanos, manures.
My theory is that that is at least partially because in plant matter, all the nutrients are bound into it until the microbes come and mine it, whilst in the animal products, more of it is immediately available, more like your synthetic fertilizer would be. :smoking:

I really like the experiment showing how the combination of inputs yields better results than they do singly. There's a deeper truth in there, applicable to so many things!! :thumbsup:
Cheers and happy Easter days!!
Thank you ma'am. Deeper truth was crossing my mind. We could learn from that.
That makes sense now that you say it. As far as the plant material vs the animal. That explains more to me than you know. Thanks again, and Happy Easter.
@Dudeski Happy Easter Sir. Glad you told me about her, that makes a lot of sense. I feel like we should have known that already lol
Thank you ma'am. Deeper truth was crossing my mind. We could learn from that.
That makes sense now that you say it. As far as the plant material vs the animal. That explains more to me than you know. Thanks again, and Happy Easter.
@Dudeski Happy Easter Sir. Glad you told me about her, that makes a lot of sense. I feel like we should have known that already lol
Happy Easter to you too! Yes we should have but you know how stoners are.
Some things are just too simple! I've use my Malibu compost twice to make teas, both times the manure in it has whacked my leafs up. But it's how we learn!
Quick update. Day 15 Double Grape.
The plant [HASHTAG]#s[/HASHTAG] are in the pics.




Just gave them a little molasses water on day 12. 3/4 teaspoon per gallon. Mostly around the outside edges. Some around the stem. I know that's light on the molasses but I don't know what I'm doing lol Just trying things out. Some say don't give them molasses until flower, some say you can do it through the life of the plant. I say when in doubt, try it out. Lol not really, just on some things. Happy Easter Everyone!!!
Some things are just too simple! I've use my Malibu compost twice to make teas, both times the manure in it has whacked my leafs up. But it's how we learn!
Ahh you got the Malibu? Cool how do you like it other than in teas? We're the plants young Still? Shit have you been posting in your thread? I haven't gotten any alerts, and I even signed up for the email. Haven't checked my email in a couple days though.
I was thinking of getting the Alaska humus. Or maybe even the oly fish compost. On one of the podcast Tad mentions that the oly fish compost actually has some kind of beneficial insects in it. I forget which episode and what insect. I'll find it though and let you know.
I like the Malibu so far, just think I'm heavy in N and short PK. The last tea was about day 40. But I put kelp in it too.

Molasses is good, it helps to feed the soil so you did nothing wrong.
Cool deal. I still need to go to my local nursery and see what their humus looks like. Isn't it like $25 to get soil or compost tested? That would probably be better, because the humus there is only $3.99 a bag so if it turns out to be what I need I'd save a ton of money and would be helping a local Mom pop nursery. I Know I'll be using ewc as part of my 1/3rd mix. Was thinking of maybe doing 40% peat, 40% perlite and/or pumice, and 20% compost and castings. Then my minerals. I'd really like to try and do at least half organics and other half fox farms and mega crop. Gotta see how money is looking.
Ya that's what I was trying to accomplish, feeding the soil, just didn't want to over do it. Need a microscope lol seriously though. They have some inexpensive ones that have really good reviews.
Even the bottle users will feed with molasses too, just a lot of good stuff in it. I think your soil mix sounds good, its a good balance. The MC looks good so far, may need some bloom boosting but really makijng plants grow. I only got the small sample.
Have some day 21 pics in a bit. I also found some 5 seeds yesterday, and figured why not. Not sure what they are, more than likely bag seed. Found them floating around in my junk drawer while cleaning it out, lol so they're soaking. I've grown some real beauties in my bag seed, miracle grow days, keeping my fingers crossed.