Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

Don't get me wrong they're both good for root development, building resistance, growth, and are full of hormones, only real reason I'm cutting them out is to go back to the basics nutrient wise. Both are both full of potassium, using the bloom Nutrients I. Using are too, along with the silica. So I was thinking maybe I'm doing too much, or possibly just not doing enough Cal/mag or magnesium alone, because I'm not seeing calcium deficiencies. Soon as I figure out the problem or have it solved (which I pray and hope I have) lol, I'll reintroduce a little at a time. Still at a learning curve myself with LEDs I guess is the problem. Only thing I did different, other than lighting from outdoors is I didn't add lime, and this promix is seedling mix, I usually use the hp.
Here's a couple links that go more into detail about them and the different ratios you can use. This first one in particular says that kelp is great alone but used with humic acid it's even better. They're synergistic.

Here's a PDF file a lot of good info though.
I only know the basics about them. This is another learning curve lol
Another reason why organic is looking more appealing by the day too lol
Thanks, will read these today! I think letting the plant choose from the soil what it wants is the way to go. Looking forward to your rresults.
Thanks, will read these today! I think letting the plant choose from the soil what it wants is the way to go. Looking forward to your rresults.
Agreed. I've always used synthetic, and with great results. Probably always will, I've got 20lbs of this megacrop from Green Leaf Nutrients, it's one part deal it's powder and granules. You only use like 3/4tsp per gallon in veg and 1 and 1/4 for flower. It does pretty good too. I'll probably use it up against the fox farm my next grow. But I'm still going to give the organic a go, and from everything I read I'll probably like it, and continue to use it. I like every aspect of it, ecspecially the ease of it once you get going with everything dialed in. This kelp, humic acid, thing is just something I picked up along the way and I figured I'd try it. That's why I say it's a learning curve because I'm new to it myself other than what is in the nutrients I already use. With this hobby it's so easy to get sucked in to buying things and trying things out, so on and so forth. Which is great I don't knock it at all. If it works then more power. Super thrive for example a I've only not used it in the 6 plus years since I've been growing one year maybe, and that was the first when I was using miracle grow lol Did some indoors with CFLs then too, one plant at a time type stuff. But then I started to buy better Nutrients, a step above miracle grow and good stuff in my opinion jacks classic it's Peters now, then super thrive, and eventually fox farm, which I like and enjoy. Back to the super thrive,I've never done a comparison grow with it, just think it works and I keep a bottle it's not expensive, goes a long way. It's just something that's stuck with me. Lol I've been taking things a lot more serious the last 3 and a half years, because now it's turned into something else, a passion. I love it, it's good medicine, not just using it, but growing it alone is therapeutic in its own way. Using synthetics, for me personally, I feel like I'm always chasing something, trying to improve overall. When there's hundreds, if not a thousand or more products out there to be bought it's easy to get caught up in.
Cannabis is like a woman (no offense to women) but it's delicate and complicated at times, can be a real bitch when she's not getting what she wants, and you just don't know how to approach her lol But in reality, it's really simple to make her happy. Just listen and give her what she needs when she needs it. With organics it's like she's a Queen she has everything she needs, every now and then give her a good bubble bath (tea) lol
Disclaimer: This don't apply to all women, guys. Some really are demon spawn and can't be pleased ever.
That's my take on it. I'm ramble on a bit, I apologise. I wasn't expecting to type this much if my thoughts would have been in order I could have made it less ramble esque. Lol Serious though it's not hard. You ever heard of Mandala Seeds? Check them out if not, their whole philosophy is less is more and organics. I think they're right.
I hope I'm on the right track with this grow though, if this doesn't work I may be stumped honestly lol The Cal/mag I'm using is from the same company I got the kelp and humic acid, npk industries. Their stuff is pretty concentrated, hopefully it does the trick. Looking at getting some stand alone magnesium also. I'll get some pics up after work.
Agreed. I've always used synthetic, and with great results. Probably always will, I've got 20lbs of this megacrop from Green Leaf Nutrients, it's one part deal it's powder and granules. You only use like 3/4tsp per gallon in veg and 1 and 1/4 for flower. It does pretty good too. I'll probably use it up against the fox farm my next grow. But I'm still going to give the organic a go, and from everything I read I'll probably like it, and continue to use it. I like every aspect of it, ecspecially the ease of it once you get going with everything dialed in. This kelp, humic acid, thing is just something I picked up along the way and I figured I'd try it. That's why I say it's a learning curve because I'm new to it myself other than what is in the nutrients I already use. With this hobby it's so easy to get sucked in to buying things and trying things out, so on and so forth. Which is great I don't knock it at all. If it works then more power. Super thrive for example a I've only not used it in the 6 plus years since I've been growing one year maybe, and that was the first when I was using miracle grow lol Did some indoors with CFLs then too, one plant at a time type stuff. But then I started to buy better Nutrients, a step above miracle grow and good stuff in my opinion jacks classic it's Peters now, then super thrive, and eventually fox farm, which I like and enjoy. Back to the super thrive,I've never done a comparison grow with it, just think it works and I keep a bottle it's not expensive, goes a long way. It's just something that's stuck with me. Lol I've been taking things a lot more serious the last 3 and a half years, because now it's turned into something else, a passion. I love it, it's good medicine, not just using it, but growing it alone is therapeutic in its own way. Using synthetics, for me personally, I feel like I'm always chasing something, trying to improve overall. When there's hundreds, if not a thousand or more products out there to be bought it's easy to get caught up in.
Cannabis is like a woman (no offense to women) but it's delicate and complicated at times, can be a real bitch when she's not getting what she wants, and you just don't know how to approach her lol But in reality, it's really simple to make her happy. Just listen and give her what she needs when she needs it. With organics it's like she's a Queen she has everything she needs, every now and then give her a good bubble bath (tea) lol
Disclaimer: This don't apply to all women, guys. Some really are demon spawn and can't be pleased ever.
That's my take on it. I'm ramble on a bit, I apologise. I wasn't expecting to type this much if my thoughts would have been in order I could have made it less ramble esque. Lol Serious though it's not hard. You ever heard of Mandala Seeds? Check them out if not, their whole philosophy is less is more and organics. I think they're right.
I hope I'm on the right track with this grow though, if this doesn't work I may be stumped honestly lol The Cal/mag I'm using is from the same company I got the kelp and humic acid, npk industries. Their stuff is pretty concentrated, hopefully it does the trick. Looking at getting some stand alone magnesium also. I'll get some pics up after work.
It's all in the led lights, cal mag just seems to pop up regularly. I'm still trying to find something for the soil that will provide this when the plant wants it.

Oh, as a married man I'm totally in agreement with the demon spawn statement! Hahah, didint want you to take all the heat.
Agreed. I've always used synthetic, and with great results. Probably always will, I've got 20lbs of this megacrop from Green Leaf Nutrients, it's one part deal it's powder and granules. You only use like 3/4tsp per gallon in veg and 1 and 1/4 for flower. It does pretty good too. I'll probably use it up against the fox farm my next grow. But I'm still going to give the organic a go, and from everything I read I'll probably like it, and continue to use it. I like every aspect of it, ecspecially the ease of it once you get going with everything dialed in. This kelp, humic acid, thing is just something I picked up along the way and I figured I'd try it. That's why I say it's a learning curve because I'm new to it myself other than what is in the nutrients I already use. With this hobby it's so easy to get sucked in to buying things and trying things out, so on and so forth. Which is great I don't knock it at all. If it works then more power. Super thrive for example a I've only not used it in the 6 plus years since I've been growing one year maybe, and that was the first when I was using miracle grow lol Did some indoors with CFLs then too, one plant at a time type stuff. But then I started to buy better Nutrients, a step above miracle grow and good stuff in my opinion jacks classic it's Peters now, then super thrive, and eventually fox farm, which I like and enjoy. Back to the super thrive,I've never done a comparison grow with it, just think it works and I keep a bottle it's not expensive, goes a long way. It's just something that's stuck with me. Lol I've been taking things a lot more serious the last 3 and a half years, because now it's turned into something else, a passion. I love it, it's good medicine, not just using it, but growing it alone is therapeutic in its own way. Using synthetics, for me personally, I feel like I'm always chasing something, trying to improve overall. When there's hundreds, if not a thousand or more products out there to be bought it's easy to get caught up in.
Cannabis is like a woman (no offense to women) but it's delicate and complicated at times, can be a real bitch when she's not getting what she wants, and you just don't know how to approach her lol But in reality, it's really simple to make her happy. Just listen and give her what she needs when she needs it. With organics it's like she's a Queen she has everything she needs, every now and then give her a good bubble bath (tea) lol
Disclaimer: This don't apply to all women, guys. Some really are demon spawn and can't be pleased ever.
That's my take on it. I'm ramble on a bit, I apologise. I wasn't expecting to type this much if my thoughts would have been in order I could have made it less ramble esque. Lol Serious though it's not hard. You ever heard of Mandala Seeds? Check them out if not, their whole philosophy is less is more and organics. I think they're right.
I hope I'm on the right track with this grow though, if this doesn't work I may be stumped honestly lol The Cal/mag I'm using is from the same company I got the kelp and humic acid, npk industries. Their stuff is pretty concentrated, hopefully it does the trick. Looking at getting some stand alone magnesium also. I'll get some pics up after work.
Great link! Have you listened to any of the KIS podcasts?
Great link! Have you listened to any of the KIS podcasts?
No I haven't, but I am a fan of podcast, lol
I used to listen to free weed with Danny Danko from High Times. There was another one older than that I can't think of the name.
Other than that though I listen to and highly recommend, big O and Dukes, Mike O'Meara show, Adam Corolla and Dr Drew, and anything that stems off of that. Ace digital, podcast one.
I love talk radio. In fact I'm just getting back into some old radio show I lost track of about extrterrestial like shit. Guy named Art Bell used to do these shows on an am channel. Lol
No I haven't, but I am a fan of podcast, lol
I used to listen to free weed with Danny Danko from High Times. There was another one older than that I can't think of the name.
Other than that though I listen to and highly recommend, big O and Dukes, Mike O'Meara show, Adam Corolla and Dr Drew, and anything that stems off of that. Ace digital, podcast one.
I love talk radio. In fact I'm just getting back into some old radio show I lost track of about extrterrestial like shit. Guy named Art Bell used to do these shows on an am channel. Lol
They have a great bunch of guest talking about growing naturally. You want the link?
KIS Organics, podcasts will be at the bottom. It's where I have been buying ammendments.
It's all in the led lights, cal mag just seems to pop up regularly. I'm still trying to find something for the soil that will provide this when the plant wants it.

Oh, as a married man I'm totally in agreement with the demon spawn statement! Hahah, didint want you to take all the heat.
Lol at demon spawn if you deal with it then you may not have it as bad as I've seen it.
My wife doesn't have it that bad bit sometimes she shows deficiencies if you know what I mean. Lol Some women are demon spawn, men too Im not that guy to say one does or doesn't. I'm on both sides of the fence when it comes to a lot of things. I'm open minded.
Ya I'm hoping it's LEDs and Cal/mag. Honestly reading about it beforehand I thought everyone's problems can't suddenly be cal/mag. But now I believe it. I just thought that was a trend or something. Everyone's a specialist because they say Cal/mag lol But the more I read and in my own experience I hope that is the cause.
As far as having something in the soil that provides both calcium and magnesium is lime. Outdoors I always add a tablespoon per gallon of soil, I do that because of rain and sometimes I don't have time to pH Everything when I'm dealing with outdoor plants.
I should have done it with these. Maybe I wouldn't have the problem. I don't know. I will next grow though because I'll add it to the soil, and maybe I won't have to worry with it later on.
Lol at demon spawn if you deal with it then you may not have it as bad as I've seen it.
My wife doesn't have it that bad bit sometimes she shows deficiencies if you know what I mean. Lol Some women are demon spawn, men too Im not that guy to say one does or doesn't. I'm on both sides of the fence when it comes to a lot of things. I'm open minded.
Ya I'm hoping it's LEDs and Cal/mag. Honestly reading about it beforehand I thought everyone's problems can't suddenly be cal/mag. But now I believe it. I just thought that was a trend or something. Everyone's a specialist because they say Cal/mag lol But the more I read and in my own experience I hope that is the cause.
As far as having something in the soil that provides both calcium and magnesium is lime. Outdoors I always add a tablespoon per gallon of soil, I do that because of rain and sometimes I don't have time to pH Everything when I'm dealing with outdoor plants.
I should have done it with these. Maybe I wouldn't have the problem. I don't know. I will next grow though because I'll add it to the soil, and maybe I won't have to worry with it later on.

I use aurora/roots elemental. It's a powder I put in the soil as well as top dress and just water in. :thumbsup:
Hps users rarely have the ca mg problem!