Nice and healthy TT im subbed!!
Interesting grow you have going here! I used those (10W?) Chinese LED bulbs on my first indoor grow as well (1 plant 12/12 from seed, 4 bulbs) and pulled 8.4g of dry manicured bud. In my opinion it's better to remove the plastic lenses so the beams are distributed more evenly.
Thanks for the tip! I really need to get a decent yield out of these; home growing is now my only source of bud, so I would rather have a lot more than 8g per plant to last me 2 months.
I'm planning to germ the next round of seeds during the end of flushing, sprout and being them during drying, and by the time this harvest is in cure the new wave will be in soil. Even stacking up like that, with perfect timing, I'll still be a good two months between finished cure and next harvest dried and ready to cure, so I'm nervous about my yields. Obviously it'll be MUCH better than the ditch weed I used to smoke, but even assuming I smoke 1/4 as much as before, I'd still need about an ounce to last two months (and that's fairly light smoking on hopefully MUCH strong bud).