Canna', how are ya my friend? :hug:....shit, has it been 10 days already?? :no:- sorry for the lagg brudda,...***damn those stubborn bitches! please, be careful with the orchid food,... are you diluting the dosage, and making a blend with the other bloom formula? reduce the frequency too, mate... don't want to create a P-toxicity issue! It'd be good to get more K in there,.. but we don't know what that value is in that food! :slaps: ....clawing is more likely the N,.. overwatering would have them drooping,... *sigh*... I'll ask another guru to look in my friend,... going 12/12 is worth a try,....LOL!- otherwise, they're fine-ass ladies!
... I'm toast tonight!... off to PM a guru, then soon to bed,... :tiphat: ..check in later!
I'm doing OK thanks, brother Waira. :Sharing One: Would be a lot better if the grow was going to plan. And it's not. :no:
The 10-52-17 is granular. I dilute it at 1g per litre of water (shot in the dark, trying to be conservative). I'm getting the feeling (grower's intuition?) that it's not doing the ladies much good, so it's back to fish fert. The light cycle has been 12/12 for the past five days, to no avail. The TD is still vegging, while the NL is in a kind of suspended animation. Very frustrating after 10 weeks. :dunno:
Do the plants have pistils?
TaNg...appreciate you stopping by. There are pistils at the nodes, but not at the bud sites. The preflowers look under-developed, but the 'white legs' are there - there aren't many of them, but there's no sign of any male protuberances or hermie-ing. My previous auto grows have all been late developers (as much as 130 days). Lights are off at the moment; I'll put up some photos tomorrow.