Indoor First Indoor Grow Under Lights

Canna', how are ya my friend? :hug:....shit, has it been 10 days already?? :no:- sorry for the lagg brudda,...*** :pimp: damn those stubborn bitches! please, be careful with the orchid food,... are you diluting the dosage, and making a blend with the other bloom formula? reduce the frequency too, mate... don't want to create a P-toxicity issue! It'd be good to get more K in there,.. but we don't know what that value is in that food! :slaps: ....clawing is more likely the N,.. overwatering would have them drooping,... *sigh*... I'll ask another guru to look in my friend,... going 12/12 is worth a try,....LOL!- otherwise, they're fine-ass ladies!
... I'm toast tonight!... off to PM a guru, then soon to bed,... :tiphat: ..check in later!

I'm doing OK thanks, brother Waira. :Sharing One: Would be a lot better if the grow was going to plan. And it's not. :no:

The 10-52-17 is granular. I dilute it at 1g per litre of water (shot in the dark, trying to be conservative). I'm getting the feeling (grower's intuition?) that it's not doing the ladies much good, so it's back to fish fert. The light cycle has been 12/12 for the past five days, to no avail. The TD is still vegging, while the NL is in a kind of suspended animation. Very frustrating after 10 weeks. :dunno:

Do the plants have pistils?

TaNg...appreciate you stopping by. There are pistils at the nodes, but not at the bud sites. The preflowers look under-developed, but the 'white legs' are there - there aren't many of them, but there's no sign of any male protuberances or hermie-ing. My previous auto grows have all been late developers (as much as 130 days). Lights are off at the moment; I'll put up some photos tomorrow.
NL - Day 71

NL - Day71a.jpg NL - Day 71b.jpg NL - Day71Cola.jpg NL - Day71d.jpg

Starting to stretch at 42".

TD - Day 66

TD - Day66.jpg TD - Day66Pistils.jpg

Continuing to at 44".

Neither plant looks to be stressed, and apart from some signs of N toxicity on the NL (always get that, possibly too much fish fert), look healthy.

I've already cancelled a trip abroad because of the delay, so I can let these go another two months or more. Just need a little reassurance that they will eventually flower and develop to maturity. "Munch..munch..munch
Cannaficianado a few questions bro.. The pistils that Tang asked about, were they there before you flipped to 12/12 8 days ago? The plants are absolutely gorgeous but the issues you are having, lead me to think you have some non auto seeds. Especially if it was two years ago. There is a chance of a mix up or you just got not 100% stable auto seeds. Is there any sign of flowering yet since being on 12/12 for 8 days. Also photos vegged long enough will throw pistils almost all the time. Is the room you have them in fully light tight?
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DubV...thanks for looking in bro. :Cool bud: The pistils were showing at the nodes, but not at the bud sites. However, after eight days of 12/12, I'm happy to say that both ladies are now in flower. "pher Wiggle"

...the issues you are having, lead me to think you have some non auto seeds...

They sure act like photos, but these seeds were bought in Amsterdam along with DP AutoBlueberry, Polar Lights and Automazar. The only unknown entity is the NL (it was a buy and fly, so no packaging, and I thought at the time that DP did NL, which of course they don't), but this is the fifth NL I've grown and all have auto-ed, albeit late.

Even the Green Poison I grew recently took 60 days to flower and 130 days to finish (could have gone longer too). All autos I've grown have followed the same pattern - late flowering, late finishing, whether outdoors or under CFLs, 12/12, 18/6, 20/4. The only difference is, this is the first grow on a 24/0 light cycle. I thought a 400W HPS would move things along, but I seem to be on the usual time schedule but with much more vegetation. The only common thread is that all grows were in a high heat/high humidity environment.

Is the room you have them in fully light tight?

Windows are blacked out, door closed, I couldn't make it any darker in there.

I'll post some pics at the weekend. Thanks again man. :peace:
:dance2::woohoo::d5::woohoo::dance2:Shweeeeet!! It's like going to a mechanic when's somethings wonky with your ride-- problem is nowhere to be found when he looks into it,..! :slaps: :roflcry: ....was it the glowering eye's of the guru's..? Naaah, I say it was all the naughty late night sex talk-- in the dark!! :crying: ...I'm almost as relieved as you my friend, maybe next time, if there's similar trouble, don't mess around with step-downs in light hours, just bang the change right out! I think the 12/12 is what really did it, and it does take several days at this regime for the "switch" to be hit, physiologically speaking,... We'll see what DubV has to say about this, and the overall trend with long veg' times,... I'm learning too! :grin: I'd ask him for some fertilizer advise too, given what you're working with,... I think the orchid food will be okay,...? -that N-10 value is kinda high, but likely not enough to mess with blooming, especially considering the size of your girls! .. any chance you can have a friend translate the bottle of fish bloom ferts, and get some kind of hint about it's contents and values? I forget, did you use these last time as well, and there was no off-flavor in the buds? ...I'd like to see more K get in there,.. real wood ash is your best bet locally,... it's very alkaline when dissolved in solution, so maybe using vinegar as a pH down might work to correct it some,... without a meter though, it'll be a guess, but let's see if we can find some info about how exactly to prepare and apply it....:thumbs:
Hey Cannaficianado,
Waira asked me to stop by about some possibilities for K for you. After reading back through the thread some I see you have issues other than fertilizer. I am with Dub on the hunch that you have photoperiod plants man. Those pistils will come out in photos as well, just like dub said. That is pretty much all I grow and mine start showing at about 6 weeks, strain dependent of course. I will be honest, if those are photos you better have a ton of cord because those girls are going to get taaaaaaall. You may want to consider starting to tie some branches down right now if you just switched to 12/12. The stretch is on.

As for the fertilizer waira asked about, he thought you may need some K. If you have access to hardwood that would be great. Hardwoods provide about 3 times more ash and 5 times more nutrients than soft woods and has 13 essential nutrients including calcium, magnesium, potassium and trace elements.. A
sh contains enough calcium and magnesium to reduce soil acidity (increase soil pH) slightly. One-half to one pound of wood ash is the typical recommended for each plant. Spread ash evenly on the soil and rake the ash in lightly, being careful not to damage the roots. Never leave ash in lumps or piles, because if it is concentrated in one place, excessive salt from the ash will leach into the soil, creating a harmful environment for plants.

One big caveat here, Do not add ash with nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate (21-0-0-24S), urea (46-0-0) or ammonium nitrate (34-0-0). These fertilizers produce ammonia gas when placed in contact with high pH materials such as wood ash. My guess is, you aren't finding those high concentrations in your area if you are having a difficult time finding reliable nutrients. But I just wanted to make that statement in case another grower comes along and reads this thread.

I suppose lastly, you may be asking how do you make wood ash? Just burn the wood and used the collected ash. Nothing special has to be done. I would recommend starting the fire with twigs or something natural besides a lighter fluid. Too much petroleum residues left behind from that stuff.

Best of luck with her! As always, I am on here most every day, just shoot me a pm if you have questions and I will get back as quickly as I can.
I forget, did you use these last time as well, and there was no off-flavor in the buds?

I've used the fish ferts for all my grows bro. TBH, with the exception of the AutoBlueberry, nothing I've grown has been notable for its taste (that's a kind way of putting it...). But we're talking comparatives here. The jungle weed I get here tastes of shit. What I grow tastes a lot better. But I won't be winning any prizes any time soon... :Medibles:

...any chance you can have a friend translate the bottle of fish bloom ferts, and get some kind of hint about it's contents and values?

I can try. I've read that the typical values are 5:2:2 for non-emulsified and 4:2:2 for emulsified. It's pretty tame stuff; the ladies could gargle it without too much damage...

...I'd like to see more K get in there,.. real wood ash is your best bet locally...

The orchid food has a K value of 17; does it need to be higher? Everything's going so well at the moment, I'm reluctant to mess with the formula. "Stirring"
Hey Cannaficianado,
Waira asked me to stop by about some possibilities for K for you. After reading back through the thread some I see you have issues other than fertilizer. I am with Dub on the hunch that you have photoperiod plants man. Those pistils will come out in photos as well, just like dub said. That is pretty much all I grow and mine start showing at about 6 weeks, strain dependent of course. I will be honest, if those are photos you better have a ton of cord because those girls are going to get taaaaaaall. You may want to consider starting to tie some branches down right now if you just switched to 12/12. The stretch is on.

Hi A4, appreciate you taking the time to contribute bro. If these are photos, and the evidence sure points that way, is there a possibility the TD is not a TD? If there's more of a stretch to come, I'm in trouble. The TD is now at 50", and I reckon I only have about another six inches of height to play with before the HPS integrates with the ceiling. The NL has stabilized around 43" which means the TD main stem needs to be tied down just to have an even spread of light.

If you have access to hardwood that would be great.

Hardwood refers to the method of propagation, not the hardness of the wood, right? I live on a beach in the tropics, bamboo and coconut
dominate. Plenty of dry driftwood though, but hard to identify. I'll do some research on that. Many thanks for all the info.
It's update time. :jump:

NL - Day 79

NL - Day79.jpg NL - Day79a.jpg

The N-toxicity issue is improving after halving the amount of fish fert. No further vertical growth, seems to have stabilized (for the moment) at 44".

TD - Day 74

TD - Day74b.jpg TD - Day74F.jpg

Gradually tying down the main stem using soft wool 'borrowed' from the missus.

Group Shot

NL-TD - 7974.jpg

Anyone like to hazard a guess as to how long these will take to finish? I've never grown photoperiods before.
:Cool bud: :wiz: :hump:...Fuzzy crowns, Ahoy!! I love it, mate! -- prime-time is starting now,... :smoke: I guess the jury is still out Canna, as to why exactly, given how your other auto's have behaved in the past,... maybe it's just one of those person specific Ju-Ju things...? :roflcry: Lucky you!! ...Well, DP is known for their larger than usual auto's, so the size of the TD isn't out of spec', per se, and TD is auto only, soooo,..... who knows with the mystery NL! Hmmm, I'd toss 6-8 weeks out there as an estimate! Fingers crossed for speed blooming in any case... :karma Cloud: ... Yup, some serious bondage is in order,...:devil:...It may even come to *gasp* clipping the top main of the TD if it gets up in that roasting zone,... the bud will likely be ruined anyway, so at least with that type of pruning-- early!- the lower, laterals can pick up some of the bud growth-slack lost from topping it,...***.... Mmmm, those girls make for fine ID room-scaping my friend,... :brow: plop'm in some nice ornamental pots, and you can boast to your guests that you have Humboldt Bamboo! :grin:-- looking damn good Canna', we're pulling for ya! ...later, in full bud-- :bone:literally-- :WTF: