:Sharing One::hug: Canna' my friend, many apologies for my laggardly arrival! ...***... :jaw:

Dooood,... those
true shrubs are looking damn fine!! Cripes, looky all da future bud sites! Outstanding job Canna', really really, especially given the severity of limitations you're working with,... :kusht: TD is an auto, right? And the NL--unknown? You got rather long veg-time on them all,.... not a bad thing, considering the results! GP should have delish' aromatics,... like Kaffir lime and maybe lychee? ... I do have a concern with the fish ferts, particularly with the fishy aromatics messing with the bud flavor... generally, it's not recommended for later stages as a fert', but you've had little choice, I know.... not a sure thing, just what I've read,... a serious cleanse period might help before harvest,... (hey, can you find orchid food? That might be under the radar enough to be gettable,...? Diluted, it would do the job just fine)... you say there are there two blends of the fish fert's, grow and bloom? That at least is good news!..must be pretty complete stuff, if you're not having defc. issues,... that molasses will certainly help! -there's also Mg and some K along with the Ca in there, even a bit if Fe,...

all digits crossed brother, I know you deserve it! :brow: :BottomBeater:

.... I did see the major bummer about the J47's non-germing on you,....

-of all the rotten facking luck, mate!!

*sigh*.... didn't see anything you did that could have cause that to happen,...though i have started to pre-rinse the PT's nowadays, since they have other crappy chem's in them,... not heard it being a factor before though, including with my seeds.... *** ... nice light bro'! Any chance to find even some Al foil or something for reflective material? Even something white would help bounce some light down lower,... yeah, the damn heat from HPS-- a challenging problem for you, in that steamy hot place! 32C is getting pretty toasty, so air movement becomes more and more important as T increases,... nice to see them getting a taste of real Sun too! UVB does help increase potency,...
... very well done my friend! You have blown me away-

- I want more folken to come by and have a look at what you've done with so little in grow supply resources- Superb! ...sending you lottsa good sexy bud :foxy: :karma Cloud: :foxy: for those privacy booshes you cooked up! Oh, and a little something for your arse cheeks too!

.... See you soon mate!! :Cheers: