Indoor First Indoor Grow Under Lights

:Sharing One::hug: Canna' my friend, many apologies for my laggardly arrival! ...***... :jaw: :d5: :bow: Dooood,... those true shrubs are looking damn fine!! Cripes, looky all da future bud sites! Outstanding job Canna', really really, especially given the severity of limitations you're working with,... :kusht: TD is an auto, right? And the NL--unknown? You got rather long veg-time on them all,.... not a bad thing, considering the results! GP should have delish' aromatics,... like Kaffir lime and maybe lychee? ... I do have a concern with the fish ferts, particularly with the fishy aromatics messing with the bud flavor... generally, it's not recommended for later stages as a fert', but you've had little choice, I know.... not a sure thing, just what I've read,... a serious cleanse period might help before harvest,... (hey, can you find orchid food? That might be under the radar enough to be gettable,...? Diluted, it would do the job just fine)... you say there are there two blends of the fish fert's, grow and bloom? That at least is good news!..must be pretty complete stuff, if you're not having defc. issues,... that molasses will certainly help! -there's also Mg and some K along with the Ca in there, even a bit if Fe,... :goodluck: all digits crossed brother, I know you deserve it! :brow: :BottomBeater: :WTF:.... I did see the major bummer about the J47's non-germing on you,.... :cuss: -of all the rotten facking luck, mate!! :face: *sigh*.... didn't see anything you did that could have cause that to happen,...though i have started to pre-rinse the PT's nowadays, since they have other crappy chem's in them,... not heard it being a factor before though, including with my seeds.... *** ... nice light bro'! Any chance to find even some Al foil or something for reflective material? Even something white would help bounce some light down lower,... yeah, the damn heat from HPS-- a challenging problem for you, in that steamy hot place! 32C is getting pretty toasty, so air movement becomes more and more important as T increases,... nice to see them getting a taste of real Sun too! UVB does help increase potency,...
... very well done my friend! You have blown me away- :pighug: - I want more folken to come by and have a look at what you've done with so little in grow supply resources- Superb! ...sending you lottsa good sexy bud :foxy: :karma Cloud: :foxy: for those privacy booshes you cooked up! Oh, and a little something for your arse cheeks too! :slap: .... See you soon mate!! :Cheers:

Brother Waira :Sharing One: many thanks for the kind words and the slap. Not sure if it's the constant 32C heat, but all the autos I've grown (outdoors) have taken ages to transition from veg to flower. The humidity is usually in the 65% range, so it's not too steamy in the grow room (the HPS creates its own 'climate' it seems). The table fan thats precariously perched on the bathroom sink shifts a huge amount of air, so the undergrowth is quite healthy.Yeah, the fish fert gets me down sometimes (it stinks up the grow room after feeding), but there's no doubt it works. I found some orchid food (think I mentioned it in my last PM), but it's 10-52-17. Methinks that may be a little hot, but I could start with a weak dilution. :dunno:

Having all three J47s fail to germ was a serious disappointment, but Sweet Seeds Tommy has made me an offer I can't refuse... :xlaugh: I really didn't expect much from the GP - remind me never to tier pots again, unless the smaller one is upside down. The soil in the larger pot compacted with gravity/watering and pulled all but the toughest roots apart. No wonder it took so long to finish. From tasting the quick-dried popcorn buds, it does have a sweet, floral, citrus flavor with effects that start like a warm hug and develop into a trippy, long-lasting buzz. I still have two more GP seeds for my next grow... TaNg's Thang

Some photos taken earlier:

NL Day 52

NL-Day52.jpg NL-Day52a.jpg

The grow space is 38" wide. The NL takes up most of that, so fitting the TD in requires some deft space management. She's 33" tall and almost as wide. Her bud sites viewed from the top remind me of this for some reason "pher Wiggle".

TD Day 47

TD-Day47.jpg TD-Day47a.jpg

Now 29" tall, starting to take on a Xmas tree shape. Very small leaves on this one. Apart from an almost imperceptible nute burn on the leaf tips, there are no issues (touch wood).

Have switched from dual spectrum HPS to normal HPS and brought the lighting down to 20/4. Hopefully, in the next update there will be some pistil action. :smoke:
First of all it takes huge set of stones mate to grow in your part of the world. Second those plants look gorgeous and you are going to enjoy the fruits of your labor. I read your first post and saying that your lighting is rudimentry I remember when i got my first 400 watter in 1993 it was torn out of a factory lol a little crazy back in the day I was blown away with the indoor i produced with that. You will get years and years of great growing with that bulb and ballast bro proof is in the pudding.
Just to let you know when you get it dialed in you looking at a solid 3/4 to pound of kick ass bud for sure and more. The looks of that TD she is going to be HUGE I have grown it the other I am not sure weight wise but it looks almost as big. I am really excited for you bro i can hardly wait for your smoke report
:cool: Canna' my man, I still can't get over those bushes! They'd make lovely landscaping plants, eh? :bone:--- Cripes! 38"?!.. you must be shoving with both hands to get them to fit,...fingers crossed they stall out some as blooming begins! ...***... The fish fert's, are they a "local" product? I'm very curious to see what the NPK numbers are on them,... Nobody I've seen to date has had these kind of results from this type of fertilizer! ... :roflcry:-yeah, the stank from them is pretty bad! can always claim it's fish sauce you spilled when cooking,...:Medibles: LOL! ...Now that you mention it, I do recall the orchid food you found; the N is a bit high, but for a straight smack to the gonads to get bloom started, and a little mixed in with the other stuff regularly, it'll be great! The numbers are close to a much liked fert' call Hawaiian Bud (Grow More),... K is really important to for blooming too, so between the molasses and this (pending what the P-K numbers are on the fish fert's) you should be set,... in fact, you might use just the orchid food for the last few weeks to minimize the fish oil inputs,... so, see if you can get the NPK data for me, and we'll see what tweaking we can do to optimize things! ...***... Dewd, I'm impressed you can keep the T and RH as good as you can!'s Spring down your way? How fierce is the weather?... :wiggle: -- awaiting wildlife and "drop-in" guest pics my friend! :WTF: What are the ants like in your area? Toe clippers,.. toxic..?! I hope nothing like the poor Aussies and their Bulldogs and Jack Jumpers! :no: Those rotten shit's will make you bleed, bark and swell!! ..still one of the most fascinating creatures on Earth to me,...:Cool bud: ..***.. Ahh, Tommy is The Man- :bow: (Jaypp too!) Sweet had been solid gold to all here, and at other forums as well,... they are customer lovers, and it shows! And their gear is, of course, among the very best!... Look up DubV, a Supah-Mod here, if you want to see a specific strain grow.... superb grower, one of the very best here, and has run many many Sweets to brilliant effect! ..***.. Huh, the soil reacted to that degree?! ..tiering is usually a very good way to go,.. sucks that that happened to you! I can see how exactly. now that you describe it,... I'm glad the GP turned out well for you! Still one of the most potent and aromatic I've grown to date... I'm sure your friends were duly impressed! :Woozy..?: :WTF:...***.. I'm puzzled at how auto's consistently react for you,... outdoors, the lower total light hours and weather may be why,... but inside--? Still this long veg time,.. wait! What's this about dropping to 20/4? Were you going 24/0? LOL- small wonder you got these beasty-girls! ...There's all kinds of back and forth about this, but a fair number I've seen don't think they like 24/0 as much as 20/4 or 18/6,.... of course, strains vary on this as well,... I'll bet if you cut down to 18/6, it'll help stop the stretch and maybe tip the bloom switch a bit harder,... good call on the bulb swap! :Cheers:
Agree Waira--Canna--near perfect confirmation.


Waira--the Hawaiian Bud looks interesting. Do you think the 5 N is OK. Wonder what is the optimal N during flowering. Noticed with coco the N is absorbed with ease.

That right there is a future bom nom :drool:

:Sharing One:
Thanks for the input, Fairlynew, GCase, Eyes and sniper. :Cool bud:

The fish fert's, are they a "local" product? I'm very curious to see what the NPK numbers are on them...

Wish I knew too, mate. The instructions are in Thai. No numbers on the bottle at all.

Dewd, I'm impressed you can keep the T and RH as good as you can!'s Spring down your way? How fierce is the weather?...

No seasons in this part of the world, just hot, hotter and wet. But I'm north of the Equator, so technically autumn here. Temp and RH require no input from me. The HPS only raises the room temp by 1 degree C and the RH is about 5 points lower than the rest of the house. Apart from a few wandering house ants, there have been no pests in the grow room. My first ever grow without leaf miners and one of the few without spider mites. :dance2:

I'm puzzled at how auto's consistently react for you,... outdoors, the lower total light hours and weather may be why,... but inside--?

Doesn't make sense to me either. I really thought the HPS would move things along, but both of these will be 100+ days, in line with all my other grows.

In the past couple of days, both ladies have cut down on water intake dramatically (since I switched to 20/4). The TD was drinking two and a half litres a day, now it's less than half that. Still no pistil action. But all looks healthy, so I'm just going to let them do their thing. Remember, these seeds are the best part of two years old.