Outdoor first guerrilla grow/ second outdoor

Hey Vas, I'm new to outdoor growing, what is the mulch used for?/is mulch kinda like bark n stuff? Sorry pretty blazed and google isn't making sense. Hahaha I'm sure a fellow toker will do the explaining better.

So I am wondering the fate of my new outdoor children. Its been rotten weather since they went out, at least they're well watered in. The rest of them need to go out probably next Monday or Tuesday. I don't know when this Scottish summers going to kick in but damn it better hurry up....
Mulch helps keep moisture prevents weeds and provides a barrier to some pest..good stuff that.
Thanks man easy to understand. Will garden centre stuff do it? Or anything specialised. If can get at a garden centre I can pick up on Monday before the rest go out. Was thinking of placing dead branches and stuff around the bases to help disguise them. Thanks for the quick answer, that's why I love this site
no nothing specialised needed, just use some straw, a few inches thick.
Hey folks been a week or so since I last updated. Was on site on Tuesday and took a few snaps. So I got all the rest of the autos outside, so total of 11. I scrapped the bagseeds as couldn't run the risk of males as I won't be visiting that often. The first 4 that went out are all still alive most where looking alright. I don't know if one has snapped or been chewed by a furry bastard it was still alive but barely attached, I tried to tape it up but I'm not sure. A few leaves on some other plants look like some slug munching. I'm going to visit once again to do a final check, put down some copper scourers n few slug pellets. N a bit of draw. I'm hoping that playing the numbers game, that hopefully 3 or more survive. Since my visit the weather has been great. Really warm,sunny,humid and the occasional rain. I'm hoping if this lasts a month. Then just sun n warm :) I might live in Scotland but I can dream. Will update next week sometime with some final photos from probably a month or so.


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Hey folks been a week or so since I last updated. Was on site on Tuesday and took a few snaps. So I got all the rest of the autos outside, so total of 11. I scrapped the bagseeds as couldn't run the risk of males as I won't be visiting that often. The first 4 that went out are all still alive most where looking alright. I don't know if one has snapped or been chewed by a furry bastard it was still alive but barely attached, I tried to tape it up but I'm not sure. A few leaves on some other plants look like some slug munching. I'm going to visit once again to do a final check, put down some copper scourers n few slug pellets. N a bit of draw. I'm hoping that playing the numbers game, that hopefully 3 or more survive. Since my visit the weather has been great. Really warm,sunny,humid and the occasional rain. I'm hoping if this lasts a month. Then just sun n warm :) I might live in Scotland but I can dream. Will update next week sometime with some final photos from probably a month or so.
Lookin good doc. Please reconsider using poisons. If you get a roll of copper tape, you just make collars that you can put around the stems on the ground and slugs wont cross it. Aye I got Scottish blood in me lad, but my ancestors were rebels and got sent to Australia ;-)
Yeah I think I saw copper tape somewhere at the shops I'll have a look. Aye well at least for your criminal ancestors you get to enjoy sunny oz. Right now in Scotland pisding it down
Yep, middle of winter here and I'm out digging holes, mixing barrow loads of soil, in shorts and t-shirt, sweating like a pig, love it !
or a cheaper and organic option for slugs I have heard of... save some egg shells, boil & dry them, crush them into really small pieces (but not powdered) and sprinkle it around them stems, it's a barrier they have to cross that would be like us having to wriggle over broken glass on our belly lol.