Outdoor first guerrilla grow/ second outdoor

Growing in the "wild" is tough, there will always be losses, you learn lots of little tricks to protect your plants from animals and the elements and you just have to allow for the losses. play the percentages, plant more to allow for losses. Before feminized seeds, I'd plant an amount of plants, expecting to get about 30% of them to harvest (some male, some die). Feminized seeds has improved the attrition rate back in our favor.
Don't knock the runts - some of the best Auto's (strength and crop weight) have come from these wee freaks of nature. I've got one Mighty Midget Auto this year that started as a runt - just throwing one leaf at each node - now its throwing three leaves and sets of bud at every node - is smaller (easier to hide) - bushier (looks more like a small shrub) ... and it smells very different from the rest.... I can't wait to try it.

Note to self - this year I will remember which variety is which when I put them up to dry !!
Yeah iv had runts indoors that suddenly grow like mad. Any weed is worthwhile growing a runt out for. Iv been thinking how il keep my finished product separately identifiable so I know what I'm smoking at the end. I buried my little plnt lbels with most of them so that'll help.
Hey folks it's been a while, been busy with work n letting them do their own thing. Considering how terrible the Scottish weathers been I'm pleasantly surprised. I don't think it's gonna be a big harvest but iv still got 10 alive, the one that got chewed has died. All the rest are at different stages and look totally different. Here's some pictures. Hopefully bring some down by the end of the month. The big one is the think diff, the one that looks like its been lying on its side is the NL and I think the super purple one is a Buddha seed.


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Looking as well as can be given the weather this year. So difficult to make comparisons with local differences in weather. Certainly here its been cold wet n crap pretty much continually - or its been warm wet and humid - sun was something I hide from in Spain (evil sun) - here you can hardly break sweat wearing a jacket lol. Watch out for mould around now - not that I think u need reminding, just a heads up.

Here's mine - https://www.autoflower.org/index.php?threads/n-e-scotland-guerrilla-grow.42840/page-10
Yeah going onto weekly checks for the dreaded mould. Weathers been shit. Rainy humid n a severe lack of sunshine. Temps are dropping but rain seems to be holding off for past week. Aint gonna be a big crop but I'd be happy with anything