New Grower First grow- seedsman northern lights

I wonder how cannabis would do with that in a big container like a rubbermaid tub
As long as the tub gets changed out once a month i think it should be great, and watch the ph since its a huge container.
if you want ideas on kratky , this guy Jeb does all kinds of tub grows.
As long as the tub gets changed out once a month i think it should be great, and watch the ph since its a huge container.
if you want ideas on kratky , this guy Jeb does all kinds of tub grows.

Interesting stuff here. This guy does really good time lapse videos. This one is an auto in a 5gal bucket. I also saw one where he did a photo in a 32oz mason jar running 12/12 light cycles the whole way.

Watered the twins with a gallon of water with no nutrients + 2.5ml of SLF-100.


The GSC hempy is rolling along. I've just been refreshing the reservoir with a liter of nutes + hydroguard + slf-100 every 2 or 3 days. I like the simplicity of this set up.


I also put 3 rocbud grape dosi breath seeds in root riot cubes.
It seems the twins are light feeders. I fed them on Friday just like i did in the last post and they were grumpy this weekend. They looked better today and got a good watering of just plain water, about 3/4 gal between them. I'll feed them less frequently going forward. They do drink alot, though.

Here's the GSC in the hempy bucket. I really like how this plant is growing:

I might start a new journal for these rocbud grape dosi breaths. I have alot of these seeds from the last drop so I'll be at them for a long time. Right now i have 1 seedling in a solo cup of espoma organic potting mix and 1 in a bubble bucket dwc. I plan to get the one in soil outside at some point. Here's the dwc:

I like being able to check the roots.
Those light feeders might just need water for a few trips before feeding again. Hempy bucket GSC looking great along with that DWC girl, i love being able to check the roots too, watching my mason jar's roots grow each day is very interesting.
I've been working to correct my feeding mistakes. I think I managed to get everything out of balance when I had a bit of N tox and then got impatient and gave them tiger bloom. I started to see lightening and spotting on the leaves which looked like a Mg issue. The other day I gave them both a gallon of water with calmag, recharge and yucca, which gave me a nice amount of run off. I had also been doing a poor job of watering to a bit of run off, which I suspect was leading to some build up of the excess nutrients that they weren't using. The new growth is coming in looking much better now, despite the plants overall looking like they've had a rough go of it for the last week, because I've certainly been hard on them with these mistakes. They're still alive and going though, so I'm not going to complain. It's all a learning experience.

The hempy bucket GSC is my best plant right now, but she's showing a little bit of the rust spotting on the lower leaves. I'm not too concerned about it, I think I caught it in time. These multi part nutrients are giving me fits. I've read about others having similar problems. I'm going to switch everything to mega crop.
These multi part nutrients are giving me fits.

Yeah, I keep being like "oh, looks like it needs a little bit more of this, so I'll add a bit more of that" - which just ruins the balance. Then it just stays in the soil to haunt you. Still not sure if FFOF / FFHF is more "soil" that shouldn't be watered to run-off, or more "peat" that should be "ferted to run-off, water, water".

Are you planning to flush, or just pH water / no feed until it clears up? I tried a small flush to clear up a pH issue on one of mine, but think I just made things worse...
Yeah, I keep being like "oh, looks like it needs a little bit more of this, so I'll add a bit more of that" - which just ruins the balance. Then it just stays in the soil to haunt you. Still not sure if FFOF / FFHF is more "soil" that shouldn't be watered to run-off, or more "peat" that should be "ferted to run-off, water, water".

Are you planning to flush, or just pH water / no feed until it clears up? I tried a small flush to clear up a pH issue on one of mine, but think I just made things worse...

I think I'm going to do another 1 gal each watering with low dose cal mag + recharge + yucca. I have a bottle of SLF-100 which is supposed to help break up salt deposits too, but I gave these ones some of that in the middle of all of these issues so I probably won't try that again in this soil at this time.