New Grower First grow- seedsman northern lights

Have you ever looked up the water company website? They have charts of trace minerals that is added or removed. So whatever minerals ie, Iron, Calcium, or other salts is in the tap water with nutrients, you are adding both.

Like where I live I have hard water with Calcium, part of living in an dry desert. So i know i have to be light in Calcium the soil. Did it in the past. Added Calcium to my soil and on week 3 Calcium toxicity.

What nutrients are you using?
Have you ever looked up the water company website? They have charts of trace minerals that is added or removed. So whatever minerals ie, Iron, Calcium, or other salts is in the tap water with nutrients, you are adding both.

Like where I live I have hard water with Calcium, part of living in an dry desert. So i know i have to be light in Calcium the soil. Did it in the past. Added Calcium to my soil and on week 3 Calcium toxicity.

What nutrients are you using?

Our water report doesn't include calcium. All it says is that our water is "moderately hard." I really don't think that my water is part of the problem. I think it's just me being an idiot and feeding multiple times in a row. I got bold since I wasn't seeing nute burn on the leaf tips.

I'm using fox farm big bloom and grow big with these plants--and real growers recharge microbes and yucca powder emulsifier.
I just caught up, nice to see you powering along with your 1st grow.

During my 1st grow i made the mistake of feeding every time i thought they needed water and i had some unhappy looking plants learned i was overfeeding and my tap water sucked so i switched to collected rain water and slowed down the feedings and ended up with 4 very short stunted plants but dense buds :smoking: 200g dry weight.

We learn by making mistakes and trying things out. Good luck! I'll be here watching and if you need help i'll try my best to assist, i'm still a 1st year grower myself so I'm no pro.
For me I know I will mess up when when to feed when to not... I am simple dude that wants to do one thing... water lol. That why growing organic works for me. I do have to worry on soil prep in the beginning. And make sure I remove chlorine from my water. Make compose tea here and there.

I have been growing photos for long time. First time going to auto. We all learn and share what we have learned from.

But your plants are doing great. Just keep eye on her leaves. She will tell you what going on. The guessing game is pin point the issue with Auto and correcting it.
that I don't know, I'm a coco guy myself but have heard quite a few people alternate between feed and plain water. if you water in a way that doesn't get a lot of runoff i suppose that can work out but your nutrient levels have to be very well adjusted for your particular plant for that kind of method to work well.

it also depends on the type of nutrients you use. if you use ready for uptake hydroponic nutrients or slow release ones.
The reason i went living soil so i can just give it water and top dress every 3 weeks or so.
autopots would be another easy method, DWC bucket can't be to hard, just ph the water and get the ppm of your nutrients but requires alot of water testing almost daily to see what its using and not using and keeping ph in check (never tried DWC but i'm ready to try it) i have 1 grow using kratky which is dwc without airstones and i had great success so it can't be to hard.
The reason i went living soil so i can just give it water and top dress every 3 weeks or so.
autopots would be another easy method, DWC bucket can't be to hard, just ph the water and get the ppm of your nutrients but requires alot of water testing almost daily to see what its using and not using and keeping ph in check (never tried DWC but i'm ready to try it) i have 1 grow using kratky which is dwc without airstones and i had great success so it can't be to hard.

I have a hempy bucket going and it's been super simple so far. I have a DWC bucket waiting for rocbud seeds to come in the few days. I want to sample all of the things. Kratky looks interesting too, that might go on the list for the sake of novelty.
The reason i went living soil so i can just give it water and top dress every 3 weeks or so.
autopots would be another easy method, DWC bucket can't be to hard, just ph the water and get the ppm of your nutrients but requires alot of water testing almost daily to see what its using and not using and keeping ph in check (never tried DWC but i'm ready to try it) i have 1 grow using kratky which is dwc without airstones and i had great success so it can't be to hard.

Do you have a journal going for the kratky?
Do you have a journal going for the kratky?
i did a pepper my 1st time and its in my journals in the back ground but i never covered it as it was just a side project for me. With my new one i just started with a freebie seed i am doing a journal on it but its still in its infancy. I'm going to combine it with my redpoison/trizkits journal here

Here are a few pics of my pepper plant kratky, after 120 or so days i put her in a 3 gallon fabric pot with living soil in there for her.
i did get root rot but that was my fault for not changing out the water in the jar for around 80 days, i clipped off the root rot and changed the "res" and she recovered just fine, filled the jar with so much roots i had a hard time removing her from the jar without hurting her.

And my current kratky:

I found a bigger jar so more roots = more plant = more buds :smoking:
I wonder how cannabis would do with that in a big container like a rubbermaid tub