New Grower First grow - RQS Northern Lights auto

Really nice grow so far Gman, I'm doing an RQS NLA grow myself right now, but I'm nowhere near as far along as you, so it's good to see what my ladies might look like when they aren't girls anymore ;-) I bookmarked so I'll be back, keep up the good work!

I'm really enjoying this grow. She's been quite forgiving so far as well which is reassuring for a newbie. Thanks for stopping by.
Can anyone tell me what's happening with the leaves at the bottom of my girl?

Can anyone tell me what's happening with the leaves at the bottom of my girl?

Looks like slight nuet burn to me. How old ids the plant? the burn at the tips, could be old, and if so, the beginning of yellowing could just be the leaves dying in a normal manner. Maybe someone who knows more than I do will jump in. Or, if it gets worse, post on the 24/7 live help thread.

:Sharing One:
Don't worry about those leaves, the plant is slowing down the supply of N to the lower leaves because it 'knows' that they are receiving very little light compared to the top of the canopy.

As the plant grows it'll happen to all the lower leaves, it's worth trimming the underskirt once the leaves have yellowed and are easy to just nip off without damaging the surface of the main stem.

All the best,

Thanks pop & steely. She's at day 55. Input appreciated, as always :)
Day 55

The top leaves seem to have picked up a bit.
She received biobizz bloom and her first taste of topmax yesterday. I only bought the topmax this week.


Looking good gman, I'm excited to see what they'll look like in another 2 weeks or so!!
Thanks guys. It's been a great grow so far. Couple of little problems but a good learning curve.
I bet those fill in nicely....:)