New Grower First grow - RQS Northern Lights auto

It could easily go 75 days, so you might have just under 3 weeks left to fatten them up.
Well I'm in no rush to chop. I'm thinking at least 80 days going on some other journals. Gives me plenty of time to plan for my 3rd grow!
I really hope so. Very difficult to see much change in the last week. The wait is starting to get painful! Lol.

Can you huck some CO2 at it?
I'd rather compete this grow without any further changes. I need a benchmark. I'm learning where the shortfalls in my setup are. A single 300w cfl doesn't suit 2 plants - I think this is why my Roadrunner is a bit on the small side.
I don't want to add any co2 directly, but I am looking at increasing the air exchange in the cab.
Yesterday - day 58

Received bb boom & bb topmax. Slowly swelling!

Day 65

Not a lot to report. She's been taking nutes well. It's a painfully slow process watching her fill out. Really starting to smell now too.

It's obviously progressing though...I wonder if this is where the term "late bloomer" came from...LOL
I read somewhere that plants put on 20% of their weight in the last two weeks so patience is absolutely worth cultivating. Looking good Gman!!
I have been patient. 65 days worth of patient. I want it bigger now.... toys thrown out of buggy!