New Grower first grow, nycd + blue cheese scrog

Looking great pal and very impressive for a first run. The Bio Bizz will do ya proud and can grow some nice plants with it and for a pretty good price too, as with most organics they are pretty easy going and you can push feeds pretty hard within reason without burning your plants.

Looks like you got some top growers in here already helping you along, and look forward seeing how things finish up for you as i reckon you gonna be pretty happy with the way things are looking in a month or so ;)
Day 48, scrogging is really kicking in! Training every day to keep the fan leaves underneath and bring the flowers up through. Like a much better version of tetris lol.

(The lil pot at the front is a cutting from the lower half of my bigger nyc. Potted 3 days ago and it hasnt wilted yet, fingers crossed!)

My abused middle child, throwing up shoots!

My bigger nyc :)

My blue cheese (which I broke the top off :/ )

And a close up of the new top

Other than the one break, im really liking the scrog! Its easy to train your shoots/flower sites exactly where ya want them and i reckon its definitely making the most of my small space.

Side note; the blue cheese seems to be harder to train, its more rigid and the stems are thicker. Whereas the nyc is still kinda springy and maneuverable.

Ill keep yas posted
Quick update.
Been looking into defoliation, did some on my nyc (just 2 or 3 yellow leaves). But decided to go whole hog on my middle child lol. It was kinda dense with fan leaves so I took out about 8 that were blocking flower sites. Im thinking it was the right move, looks a lot better.

Ill keep yas posted
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So the defoliation definitely helped! The lil flowers are stretching up and I reckon in a week theyll be level with the rest :)

All the sites that were covered by fans and some that still are

Im thinking I should remove these to get more light to the flowers (dont wanna go over board tho)

Ill keep yas posted
So day 51, my bc has stopped stretching, havent had to scrog it at all for bout 3 or 4 days and the flowers are starting to fill out

My nyc's are still stretching away and the flowers arent much more than a few pistils, so im hoping theyll fill out the space

Im happy out with how things are going now, theyre loving the nutes but still arent drinking heavy, bout 1/2 ltr a day. No sign of burns or deficiencies (I think). This growing lark is great craic!

Heres a pic of the sorta ratio ive got

So the seed info said nyc 65-75 days and the bc was 70-80 days. Ive read up and seems that these are the absolute earliest days you can harvest but most growers prefer to let them grow longer to develop more resin, smell, flavour and a different stone/high. @archie gemmill @Spanglish @EvilScotsman whats yer advice? how long can I leave em before I'll lose quality/potency? Is the 90 day mark pushing it?
So day 51, my bc has stopped stretching, havent had to scrog it at all for bout 3 or 4 days and the flowers are starting to fill out
View attachment 818881

My nyc's are still stretching away and the flowers arent much more than a few pistils, so im hoping theyll fill out the space
View attachment 818882

Im happy out with how things are going now, theyre loving the nutes but still arent drinking heavy, bout 1/2 ltr a day. No sign of burns or deficiencies (I think). This growing lark is great craic!

Heres a pic of the sorta ratio ive got View attachment 818887
So the seed info said nyc 65-75 days and the bc was 70-80 days. Ive read up and seems that these are the absolute earliest days you can harvest but most growers prefer to let them grow longer to develop more resin, smell, flavour and a different stone/high. @archie gemmill @Spanglish @EvilScotsman whats yer advice? how long can I leave em before I'll lose quality/potency? Is the 90 day mark pushing it?
my advice is to completely ignore the times from the companies lol. mine have all taken an extra 4 weeks. just gotta judge it mate. post some pics in live stoners if you want a judgement. thats what i do cos im not very experienced iether lol
Things are looking nice and healthy and on track to start filling out that net soon with nice sticky nugs. If 1/2 a litre a day is all they want and they are looking this healthy then that is all they will need for the time being, don't start playing with feed ratios or amounts if what is going in is working well for the moment.

Can use the finger test (pushing a finger in the soil up to the 2nd knuckle to see if it has dried), or the pot weight test (get a feel of the weight of the pot full of wet and dry medium and over time will know when to water based on the weight of the pot when lifted, can keep a spare pot full of dry medium close to hand to compare the weight of the two till you get used to the weight a dry pot feels for comparison).

As for feed ratios is a bit more complicated but not rocket science either really just need to watch the leaves and they will tell you what she needs, with not putting to much in you reduce the chance of overfeeding or toxicity, so as long as PH is in check and you start to see some kind of discolouration or spotting the most chance is it is being caused by a simple lack of deficiency and should be able to fixed with a changeup in feeds, the hardest thing is to work out what they could be lacking and what to change to get back on track but that is what the great folks in the infirmary section will help you work out, so just post up there if you see anything funky start going on and they will help you get to the bottom of it and as time goes by you will start to learn what the plants are trying to tell you and know what is needed to fix it.

The above are just a couple of things to keep in mind as you increase your knowledge and learn to grow, and as i said earlier before my rambles things are looking spot on right now, so just keep on keeping on and reckon you will be pretty happy come the end of this grow. As @EvilScotsman rightly says just ignore the breeders time frames no matter how respected they are, at the end of the day each plant is a individual living organism and will do what things however it wants to and will be done when its done, would recommend getting a 60x or 100x loupe to check the trichs over the last couple of weeks to work out your harvest point as this is one thing you're gonna struggle to see by eye no matter you experience.

Peace and happy growing :pass:
Cheers lads, so ill just take my time and read the plants/trichomes. Ive a microscope in the house but I'll have to take samples off the plants. Ive used a handheld one before to check out a friends grow, theyre the dogs bollix!
Ive been using the 2 knuckle test to check the soil, I just thought theyd have been drinking heavier by now. I trust your judgements tho, ye both been getting awesome results!

Ill keep yas posted
cant add much to the aboves.
clear,cloudy,amber percentages are personal preference,no right or wrong.
for me as rec user/eejit i like a head high,not into couch lock.i cut at the first sign of amber.

best 99p i ever spent.use the printed instructions to set the focus once and never touch the black focus knob again.
touch it against a sugar leaf on the orange line perfect focus everytime.
cant add much to the aboves.
clear,cloudy,amber percentages are personal preference,no right or wrong.
for me as rec user/eejit i like a head high,not into couch lock.i cut at the first sign of amber.
View attachment 819097
best 99p i ever spent.use the printed instructions to set the focus once and never touch the black focus knob again.
touch it against a sugar leaf on the orange line perfect focus everytime.

Its on the way :smoking::smoking: cant wait to have a go!
Heres to ye lads