New Grower first grow, nycd + blue cheese scrog

hey buddy im not a soil grower so not sure about the dangers/cures of transplanting to be honest. i wouldnt worry too much though it really takes a lot to kill them. and even with a bit of a stunt they can and will still produce well. i know that when you transplant the roots go mental so it could be that theyre not growing because the roots are doing their thing. regarding the nutes, i just let the plants tell me what to do. if they turn purple or yellow then up them. when they turn dark, tips burn or burnt spots appear then lower them. get some pictures n tag me up though and ill pull in a couple of soil growers for ya bud.
lovin the diy by the way. im cheap as fuck too but shit at diy so just gotta break my heart every time i need somethin lol. if you really want to get lazy properly though mate the answer is auto pots. go have a look for them if your not familiar : )
Cheers man, im hoping its just a case of waiting a bit for them to perk up! Those pots look right up my street :) bit outta my price range at the minute, tho ill probably try rig somethin like it in the future ;)

Heres some pics:





Any sort of advice would be a great help :)
after a shock or a transplant the plants take a few days to find their feet so to speak.
they look a tad yellow ish but i suspect thats from the overwatering,as the top of the plant is a nice lush green.
think they have perked up allready.
So day 43 and the girls seem to be recovered from the shock. Theyve started producing some bud :) I did some more research into nutes and I reckon id been starving them a wee bit lol... well lesson learned! Got some of the biobizz grow,bloom and top max (hoping to make the most of the flower sites there are)
anyone any experience with these? I like the whole organic thing, appeals to my inner hippy :doc1:




Theyre still tiny, but live and learn eh?
Any guestimations on final yield?:aha:

Ill keep yas posted :)
Day 45, they seem to be liking the nutes lol. Getting a lil more stretch and have some bud popping through the scrog. With 4 weeks to go im feeling optimistic.


So ive flipped my cfl to flowering and stopped boosting the humidity. Its sitting at 44% without any help. Im gonna use a dehumidifier for the last week or 2 to try get some extra resin.
quite a few of us use biobizz Spanglish,hairyman....where ya at ya eejit? and Ribbzzy to name a few.should check out some of their grows a mountain of info to be had.
i wouldnt dare have a guess at final yield,a lot more happens the last 3 weeks than the first 3 weeks.
a good schedule from sanguine
looking good.
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quite a few of us use biobizz Spanglish,hairyman....where ya at ya eejit? and Ribbzzy to name a few.should check out some of their grows a mountain of info to be had.
i wouldnt dare have a guess at final yield,a lot more happens the last 3 weeks than the first 3 weeks.
a good schedule from sanguine
looking good.

Cheers man, I stumbled onto that chart the other day. Ill be following that minus the bio haven and alg a mic. Gonna get some root juice for the next round too, and plant into light mix.

Hopefully ALOT more happens in the next 3 weeks :smoking::smoking:
Tho even if I only pull a 1/4 off them, im still chuffed to be finally growing my own!! :woohoo1:

Ill check the lads out and follow yer lead, serious bank of info on here!

Ill keep yas posted