New Grower first grow, nycd + blue cheese scrog

Its on the way :smoking::smoking: cant wait to have a go!
Heres to ye lads
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i think this is were they will start kicking up a gear i had a lot of slow growth starts and stops am around day 50 i seen it realy pick up i think your going to suprise yourself pal also @archie gemmill i bought one of them off ebay for tricomes its great
Coming along nicely. How are your clones looking @hashead? Are you getting some yellowing leaf tips yet, indicating that they have started rooting and getting the munchies :pop:
Theyre still tickin over, the lower leaves on them are getting yellowish, but theyre still in their domes. Hum is around 90 percent.
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Tbh I dont really know what to do with em, I reckon ill pot em in 2 of these (after I put more holes in the sides)

and suspend them in the scrog so theyre level with the rest. Tbh I just want lil teenie micro plants like I saw in that best auto thread :headbang:
Theyd make great xmas gifts for the in laws lol

Ill keep yas posted
Quick update... my clones where potted and hung in the scrog. :smoking::smoking:

The bc is really coming along, got some frost and had my first scratch and sniff... YUM!!

Its crazy to think all the plants are the same age, the nyc is still mostly in preflower (I think)

Nyc biggest flower

Pretty much all the rest look like this or smaller

I'll keep yas posted
Day 59. The girls have been getting full strength biobizz nutes and loving it :) everything is nice and green and no burnt tips. Hadnt seen em in 2 days and when I checked on them BOOM the nyc has had another growth spurt! Still flexible enough to scrog. Shes starting to show some frost tho so I reckon ive a couple more days of training left before shes too rigid.

And the lil shoots I uncovered with some defoliation a while back, they some of the nicest tops on the middle child!

Ill keep yas posted
Day 61, my magnifier hasnt arrived yet, but the BC looks to be filling out nicely and its got a couple brown hairs showing. Still mostly white tho, I reckon 2-3 weeks left and probably double that for the nyc



What do ye reckon on my timings? Theyre only rough guestimates

Ill keep yas posted
So I did some more research into defoliation, I liked the results from the nyc, and I am definitely a fan! Tho there does seem to be method to the madness! I decided to proceed with caution and gave my bc a trim around the tops. Just the fan leaves tho and any with trichs have started my trim collection!

So before

And after

The pics dont really do it justice, but the light penetration to the lower bud has improved. I was also able to maneuver all the tops so that the popcorn buds a node lower are now level with the scrog. @Spanglish your a fan of defoliation right?

Ill keep yas posted
Day 64, quick update, the girls are doing good. Nyc got defoliated (hopefully it pays off)
Heres some pics


And the nyc


Ill keep ya posted


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Day 67, still on full strength nutes with no burn, getting 2 litres between em a day. Temp/hum was at @20c/55%, but I managed to fit a dehumidifier in the back and a fan to blow air through the canopy (temps reached 35c without). So now its at 26c/25% in the centre of the scrog. It could all change again cause I havent really sussed the dehumidifier settings. But whats peoples opinions on the sweet spot for temp/hum in flower? @Spanglish @archie gemmill @Dainn @EvilScotsman

Gettin crowded

Ill keep yas posted
looking good plenty of bud sites on show.
sweetspot 40% ish.not that id know i musta read it cupboard is all over the place never high or low,so dont tend to worry about it.not sure if canna likes different temps veg to flower,or just the standard within ranges.