First Grow In Almost 2 Years!

Day 23. LST on Trainwreck did not slow her down at all she is truckin along. Sweet cheese is looking good as well! The smell of your own plants first thing in the AM is right up there with a fresh cup of joe 😁 been awhile for me so I got the jump for joy excites! Little blueberry Headband photo is still trying to stay alive as well. Also I have 3 purple kush autos and 1 fat blueberry auto from Linda seeds they broke soil this morning so counting day 1! I have them in jiffy pellets inside painted Tupperware with a bestva 100w light on them. 12 DLI and this is in the tiny house rather the tent so I have to put a dome on and off to level humidity around 60-65% and temp is consistent 72°F. Best I can do outside the tent!



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....also I just thought of this dude and it's quite important....I grow in a coco/perlite mix and I do not know how the ladies will react to the V-style-treatment in soil....I started my growing in soil with photos dude....but I quickly moved to coco/perlite and Auto's apologies dude....I should have mentioned this earlier as I have not used my way, growing in soil.....the ladies tend to react faster in Coco than soil.....I am hoping this doesn't put you off.....but soil is not an area I am familiar with sadly!! 😔
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....also I just thought of this dude and it's quite important....I grow in a coco/perlite mix and I do not know how the ladies will react to the V-style-treatment....I started my growing in soil with photos dude....but I quickly moved to coco/perlite and Auto's apologies dude....I should have mentioned this earlier as I have not used my way, growing in soil.....the ladies tend to react faster in Coco than soil.....I am hoping this doesn't put you off.....but soil is not an area I am familiar with sadly!! 😔
Looks like we are testing it in soil! Scientific purposes... Going to be fun 😁
Day 24. Still truckin along although it did get below freezing last night and my heater once again was turned off so it got cold in the tent but I caught it early on in the night thanks to wifi controlled heater! Quickly fixed the issue and looks like they weren't bothered by it to much🤞 mid week 3 so in a week or so should be seeing a pre flower switch id assume? Been awhile don't really remember honestly 😁 I'll keep a look out for those pistils poppin up!

Some more updates. Moved the seedlings to their pots and into the tent. 3 purple kush autos in 3 gallon pots and 1 fat blueberry auto in a 5 gallon. All LINDA SEEDS. 12 DLI. Humidity will be low for them but... work with what ya got. Around 50%. I used dynomyco for the "transplant" of jiffy pellets burning them in final pot. I actually won it in a raffle off AFN like 2 years ago 😁 good stuff. Miss those raffles.... Anyways all doing good on day 2. Btw I'm typing all my details on my journal for reference for myself later. And of course anyone who may use it! So apologies if I type a lot in here or make a lot of random updates!

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@Vapo Can you give me a rundown on what coco you use, nutrients and basic feed schedule? I went through A TON of your thread and the Freakin stocks on your plants are serious man. I want to switch over to coco after I use up the rest of this soil mix for sure I feel like I would enjoy it it's more hands on and I'm ready to learn more! I want to see that BURST of growth you get with coco that I'm seeing.
@Vapo Can you give me a rundown on what coco you use, nutrients and basic feed schedule? I went through A TON of your thread and the Freakin stocks on your plants are serious man. I want to switch over to coco after I use up the rest of this soil mix for sure I feel like I would enjoy it it's more hands on and I'm ready to learn more! I want to see that BURST of growth you get with coco that I'm seeing.
Of course my dude, this is the Coco I use, it's Ecothrive Coco lite 70/30 mix

..and the nutes I am using are the TA Tri-part...

You will have to forgive me as I haven't written a chart for these yet(or I have and lost it :tongue:)but I will write one and post it up today or tomorrow.....or by the end of the week.....maybe! 🤔
I smoke a lot of weed hehe ..

Edit:....this is the chart I am using ATM....I just haven't written it up myself yet...I only use the easy part...
Of course my dude, this is the Coco I use, it's Ecothrive Coco lite 70/30 mix View attachment 1674004
..and the nutes I am using are the TA Tri-part...View attachment 1674003
You will have to forgive me as I haven't written a chart for these yet(or I have and lost it :tongue:)but I will write one and post it up today or tomorrow.....or by the end of the week.....maybe! 🤔
I smoke a lot of weed hehe ..

Edit:....this is the chart I am using ATM....I just haven't written it up myself yet...I only use the easy part...View attachment 1674005
Appreciate it! Just making sure you don't use anything really out of the ordinary. Lol can't get any of that stuff here but looks like the nutes are just GH trio pretty much and I can get FF cultivation nation coco 70/30 right down the road from me it'll be close enough! Do you feed straight from seedling breaking ground and do you cut the feed to like a 1/4 dose? I'm afraid I'm going to overfeed which is why I haven't switched to coco yet. Lol feeding seems tedious.
Day 24. No updates really just steady growing. So what was supposed to be blueberry Headband PHOTO has pistils showing now. Must be the 2nd sweet cheese that I thought died off (got the seeds mixed up apparently) so that will officially be the smallest auto ive seen yet :crying: thinking about it photos can show pistils at node sites just to show sex right? Could still be a photo?

Day 3 on the purple kush and fat blueberry seedlings. They lookin gooood. AND that's that friends!

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