New Grower First grow, humbolt caramel cream (8-3-22)

2 days after the top
It seems like when you top them at an early age it causes a growth spurt. It must release growth hormones or something.
Its suppose to. Shes growing fast as it is and its a 90% indica dom. but all this node growth seems like its cutting into it growing up. So I figure lets make 2-4 main colas and focus on that rather than trying to get the main stalj to grow up
I think you'll like the results. Once I got bold enough to top one, i've topped them all. Most were indica dom. I'm about to do some sativa doms now, starting with Mango Smile:
I wanna get a taller tent but i think ill need a 4x4 to get any taller. I wanna do sativas but I want them to get taller than 3.5-4 feet...ive got some experience topping but ive never topped anything worth harvesting before, i used to just hrow for fun
I have 6'8" headroom between overhead floor joists, but by the time i subtract for how far the lights hang down, drainage space below, flowerpot height, light distance... I've had to top, spread, and sometimes super-crop to keep the girls under 4' tall. I still hope to reduce wasted space above the lights and below the plants. The description on Mephisto's Mango Smile said she could go 7' tall, but with topping and spreading it doesn't look like she'll go 4'. We shall see, it's day 48 so she could still stretch more... I've never tried a tent yet, I'm spoiled being able to sit on a rolling stool in the middle of the 6x7 grow.
I have 6'8" headroom between overhead floor joists, but by the time i subtract for how far the lights hang down, drainage space below, flowerpot height, light distance... I've had to top, spread, and sometimes super-crop to keep the girls under 4' tall. I still hope to reduce wasted space above the lights and below the plants. The description on Mephisto's Mango Smile said she could go 7' tall, but with topping and spreading it doesn't look like she'll go 4'. We shall see, it's day 48 so she could still stretch more... I've never tried a tent yet, I'm spoiled being able to sit on a rolling stool in the middle of the 6x7 grow.
Yeah, im only using a tent for odor control when flowering gets started
Official start of week 5

A little droopy today. Much more when I got home from work last night. All that undergrowth is starting to work its way out already, most limbs from the nodes have already almost doubled in length looking for light which is what I was hoping for.

Curious though its been a month, my dissolved solids tester broke somehow, wont turn on but battery is fine. So Idk if I should start feeding or not with the next watering. I guess I could wait till I get a new meter.
Midway thru week 5

Midway thru week 5

Top seems to have taken well, node growth has almost caught up just be low top, and growth at the first few is poking through the bottom of the canopy, figuring in about a week or 2 i should start seeing the plant canopy even out a bit.

Temps hanging around the low to mid 70s
Rh in the mid 50s to low 60s at night, last night spiking at 69%
Vpd varies heavily throughout the day

Ph is 6.7 so looking good there

First feeding given on friday .5 gal with half dosed nutes. Seems to have helped the droopiness a bit
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Midway thru week 5

Top seems to have taken well, node growth has almost caught up just be low top, and growth at the first few is poking through the bottom of the canopy, figuring in about a week or 2 i should start seeing the plant canopy even out a bit.

Temps hanging around the low to mid 70s
Rh in the mid 50s to low 60s at night, last night spiking at 69%
Vpd varies heavily throughout the day

Ph is 6.7 so looking good there

First feeding given on friday .5 gal with half dosed nutes. Seems to have helped the droopiness a bit
Also forgot to mention last week I raised the lights to about 30 inches above and turned up the power to 60% she didnt like it so ilI left the height of the light and turned it back to 40% figured Id let her stretch a bit, mad sure the canopy was getting the bare min at 325-350ppfd. Hopefully this causes them to reach especially those lower branches