Good job Rolo. Im growing Dinafem White Widow XXL myself at the moment. I'm about a week ahead of you in terms of time. Don't chop just yet, they seem to keep getting heavier dude. PS, the drooping of the leaves in the begining and the early yellowing of some of the lower leaves seems to be pretty common with this strain. I'm using BioBizz nutes (in between each watering) so I cant really comment on the canna feeding schedule. At this point now, most of my leaves are a lighter shade of green (almost yellowish) but their still alive and working. I'm almost expecting these to go to about 75 days before they meet their maker. Trust me, dont chop the WW just yet, there's more to come! You'r doing a great job.
PS: Sorry I cant comment on the other strain, I'm just working the WW at the moment.
PS: Sorry I cant comment on the other strain, I'm just working the WW at the moment.