New Grower First Ever Grow- Mephisto Seeds/Coco/Megacrop

I forgot what light(s) you are running, but humidity that high can also damage your lighting! :pass:

Thanks for the rep @RivetGrrl :pighug::pass:
I'm running a sf2000. I think I got everything under control. By leaving the front flap open on the tent door, the numbers in the tent are currently 71.8Degrees/68%RH. :d5::smoking:
Day 18: Nute Feed and Photos, time to feed daily??

Good morning :coffee2: Girls are getting bigger by the day! Feed them the last bit of nutes in my 5Gal bucket from a couple days ago(696ppm now/6.1PH). Run off for each was 856PPM(50 shades of grape) 871ppm(MBAP) 956PPm(PinotNoir). From some reading on cocoforcannibus, I learned that this isn't too bad, but it may be time to start watering once a day instead of every other. Any input on that would be great!

MBAP was first to get it's 4th node. Hoping the others come through within a couple days. I planned on topping the 50shades by day 20, I should get there. All will get LST. Pinot Noir should be a medium size bush, not sure if I want to top. Not sure how hard I should push my first grow, but we shall see soon. :thanks::smoking::vibe:

50 Shades of Grape
50 shades of grape D18.jpg

Tent Day 18

ManBearAlienPig Day 18
MBAP D18.jpg

Peak Hole on Front Tent Door Day 18
Peak Hole Day18.jpg

Pinot Noir Day 18
Pinot Noir D18.jpg
Day 19: Recharge and first try at LST

Gave the girls 1L each of Filtered Tapwater and Recharge. Started a little bit of runoff, so 1L is what they will get daily until it doesn't start run-off, in which then I will increase the amount. Since they were just feed yesterday, I'm guessing I was correct that they need to be feed daily at this point if it took 1L to start run-off.

50 shades of Grape
50 Shades LST D19.jpg

Tent Day 19

MBAP LST D19.jpg
They will get nute feeds every watering, except Monday (Recharge Day).

Also tried LST for the first time. Not going to lie, I was nervous. I tried to take it easy on them since I have "gamer fingers" (what my fiance like to call them". I think I didn't do too bad of a job. LST'd the MBAP and the 50 shades of grape. Left the Pinot Noir alone.
Day 20: Nute Feed, 1 Day after LST, and Topping the 50 Shades of Grape

Another day, another entry. Was going to wait a couple days but I woke up and decided to top the 50 shades of grape because she was looking good this morning :eyebrows:. The girls really liked their Recharge bath. I think the little bit of LST really helped with some growth for the MBAP, and 50 shades. I want to leave the Pinot Noir alone and let her grow naturally for this run, but the 1 day results so far really is making me reconsider.

Was very nervous topping my baby this morning, especially since my trimmer magically disappeared. Took a dab for some courage, and grabbed the scissors. She came out great. Did some tucking after looking at the photos. Will go back in this evening to do some tucking before night time.

Gave them each about 1300ML of nute feed (180ppm Tap water/480 ppm MC/2G of Sea Kelp) Final numbers were 651ppm/6.1PH.

50 Shades of Grape
50 shades of grape D20.jpg

MBAP D20.jpg

Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir D20.jpg
Day 22: Nute Feed and Photos

Happy Friday Eve everyone! :yay: :vibe:

The girls are looking bigger by the day. The MBAP seem to have a little bit of rust spots on a couple leafs, as well as a leaf with a light tip. I'm guessing the light tip is from the leaf being in the wet coco but I am keeping an eye on it. I was also thinking the rust spots were wind burn (see previous photos for fan position). I turned the fan around to face the tent wall. If it continues to get worse, I will look into it. The runoff was 860ppm/6.0ph from a 671ppm/6.0ph feeding. I took a couple photos to show below. If you have any advice about this, or if you think I should take it to the infirmary, please let me know. I was going to watch it the next couple of weeks to see what happen. The only thing I can think of is wind burn, or the effects from my 540ppm feed early on before I dialed it back to the 500 range.

The 50 Shades of Grape seem to have taken the topping good and have continue to grow. I wish I would have waited a few more days to start the LST, but I'm very happy with the bottom growth. I've been trying to do some tucking on the Pinot Noir, as I want her to grow naturally.

50 Shades of Grape
50 shades of grape D22.jpg

50 Shades of Grape Topping Update (2 days after)
50 shades of grape ToppedD22.jpg

MBAP Day 22
MBAP Day22.jpg

Pinot Noir Day 22
Pinot Noir D22.jpg

MBAP Maybe Wind Burn???
Maybe Air Burn Day20.jpg

Tent Day 22.jpg
If you're still getting 300+ more ppm in your runoff than you're putting in, then my best guess is those rust spots are Ca lockout from excessive salts.

That said, I would stay the course now since the plants look healthy overall. Those rust spots may prove to be entirely inconsequential if you stay the course and can get the plant to eat again. If it's still kicking out hundreds of PPM when you water next, I'd dial back your fertilizer even more...
If you're still getting 300+ more ppm in your runoff than you're putting in, then my best guess is those rust spots are Ca lockout from excessive salts.

That said, I would stay the course now since the plants look healthy overall. Those rust spots may prove to be entirely inconsequential if you stay the course and can get the plant to eat again. If it's still kicking out hundreds of PPM when you water next, I'd dial back your fertilizer even more...

That's the plan for now. Stay the course and hop it doesn't get worse. Run-off variance was smaller than previous watering. Probably because of the Recharge bath earlier in the week. Will keep an eye on them though. Last feeding was 490ppm MC.
Day 28: Pics and Updates/ When to start Defoliation?

I'm back with some updates on the little ladies. They're doing pretty well. The 50 shades of grape have taken to her topping pretty good. One minor issue, one of the new colas seem to have a slight mutation (Pic Below). She is looking good though. I've been trying to keep up with some LST. The Pinot Noir is getting big, her leaves are HUGE. I want to start Defoliating on Day30. From reading, my understanding is to focus only on lower nodes first. What do you guys think?

The MBAP seems like she is growing out of control lol I tried to LST but she wasn't about it. Thought I went too soft on her, So I tried to tie down more.

Fed them at 750ppm/5.8PH this morning (180ppm Tap Water). They're still only getting Megacrop and 2grams of Sea Kelp. Their runoff was as follows.

MBAP: 778ppm/6.1PH
50 Shades of Grape: 717ppm/6.1PH
Pinot Noir: 718ppm/6.1PH

50 Shades of Grape Mutation?
50 shades of grape D28 Mutation on new Cola.jpg

50 Shades of Grape Topping Update
50 shades of grape D28 Topping Update.jpg

50 Shades of Grape
50 shades of grape D28.jpg

MBAP D28 2.jpg

MBAP D28.jpg

Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir D28.jpg

Tent Day 28
Tent D28.jpg
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