New Grower First Ever Grow- Mephisto Seeds/Coco/Megacrop

Day 14: Nute Feed and Photos.

Girls are looking good. They all started their 3rd nodes. Happy to see them grow by the day. I made a batch of feed over the weekend, came out to 707ppm/6.1ph. I feed them until run off on Monday, I needed about 2.5 gallons. After feeding the girls, I noticed a small white tip on both the 50 shades of grape and Pinot Noir (pic below). I added some additional water, and a pitch of sea kelp (finally came in!). Dropped the solution to 668ppm (168ppm tap water/500ppm MC). Gave a little bit of ph down to get it back to 6.1 and feed the girls this morning. They each needed about no more than a gallon to start run off. Tested the runoff, it was 674ppm. Will continue feeding every other day at this point.

This is my first grow, so I am open to criticism/discussion on my methods since I'm sort of going with the flow at the moment. Thanks again for checking out my journal, I'm really enjoying the vibes in this community and hope to stick around for a very long time. View attachment 1278223View attachment 1278224View attachment 1278225View attachment 1278226View attachment 1278227

Could be just a little bit of nutrient burn, they are still pretty young plants. Saying that tho, it isn't too bad at all and I'd keep with what you are doing as they are growing just fine. Just keep an eye on them as you are doing, I'm sure others will have advice too.
Could be just a little bit of nutrient burn, they are still pretty young plants. Saying that tho, it isn't too bad at all and I'd keep with what you are doing as they are growing just fine. Just keep an eye on them as you are doing, I'm sure others will have advice too.
I appreciate the feedback! I noticed the burn a couple days ago. It didn't get worse, so I thought I should be okay. My thinking was that was probably the worse it will get since the plant will grow and expect the increased amount of nutrients.
Day 16: Nute Feed and Photos

Girls are looking good! Hoping they'll be strong enough for some training in a week or so. I'm thinking about topping the 50 shades of grape. I don't want to do anything to the MBAP other than LST, I don't want to increase the chance of her herming. Based on others I've seen growing Pinot Noir, she is expected to be a small bush, we will see!

Gave them 460ppm of MC (Wanted to get it up to 500 but Fiance had a morning meeting and unleashed the Pitties, so I had to deal with them running into the room), and 2Grams of Sea Kelp. I always mix in 5Gallons of filtered tap water(160ppm). Solution was 627ppm/6.0PH. Watered until runoff. I'm happy I'm growing in coco because I'm sure I overwater a bit, but things are going well at the moment.

When do you think I should start dialing back the humidity? Right now it's in the mid-to-high 70s, last night hit 81%.

50 Shades of Grape
50 shades of grape D16.jpg

MBAP D16.jpg

Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir D16.jpg
I keep mine between 65 - 70% during the seedling stage. Here's a VPD chart for reference, but you can read more here! :pass:

View attachment 1278932
Based on the chart, my RH should be about 65%. I think my tent is currently at 81% :nono: . Can turn on the exhaust, but don't want to lose the warm air and drop temps too bad. I think I will lower the humidifier to 55% and see where it drops. I believe it is set to 65% at the moment.
Based on the chart, my RH should be about 65%. I think my tent is currently at 81% :nono: . Can turn on the exhaust, but don't want to lose the warm air and drop temps too bad. I think I will lower the humidifier to 55% and see where it drops. I believe it is set to 65% at the moment.

I forget about the VPD charts, glad Need4Weed shared it, as they are a great tool to have. Higher RH in seedling stage isn't the worst thing you can have, but getting it down from 81% is still good to do. The plants needs change in veg and especially flower, so that's where you really want to get the RH down (I'm sure you know that already in flower tho).
I forget about the VPD charts, glad Need4Weed shared it, as they are a great tool to have. Higher RH in seedling stage isn't the worst thing you can have, but getting it down from 81% is still good to do. The plants needs change in veg and especially flower, so that's where you really want to get the RH down (I'm sure you know that already in flower tho).
Yeah I wrote it down in my notes a week or so ago to print a copy, but I totally forgot. Need4Weed has been a big help. My buddy that grows recently had a baby and he is also a nurse, so he doesn't have much time on his hands to help. I ran my set up a couple days before I began to see what the environment looked like. The tent help 40% RH without anything in it, so I'm guessing I will have to invest in a dehumidifier at some point due to me not being able to run the exhaust too high because of temps.
Do you have a fan speed controller that has a humidistat? AC Infinity makes them, you can target a set RH, or temp range.

Also keep in mind when looking at the VPD chart that under LED you want 82-85F leaf temperatures, so if you're up in that neighborhood 70% RH is perfectly fine.
Do you have a fan speed controller that has a humidistat? AC Infinity makes them, you can target a set RH, or temp range.

Also keep in mind when looking at the VPD chart that under LED you want 82-85F leaf temperatures, so if you're up in that neighborhood 70% RH is perfectly fine.
I use the AC infinity T4, so I do have the controller. I have it set to max 83% RH. I have it set to auto with the fan running at 2 speed at the moment. Funny thing, that actually helped a lot was the small square space you can remove on the Mars Hydro Tent door to peak into the tent without opening it. Lowered my RH by 10%. Now my tent is at 71 Degrees/70% RH. Will check the environment in 2 hours and see how it looks. Definitely plan on buying a dehumidifier to help later on in the grow. I grow in a closet, so I thought I would run into this problem at some point in my first grow.