My grow space is a repurposed shitter!

No shit!

At least not anymore!

I live in a trailer with a pretty large master bedroom, (for a trailer), garden tub, double sink and a little half bath with a shower & toilet. I first started growing in the shower, (mainly in the spring to get plants ready to grow outside). Then I started growing in the shower year round and even the space between the shower and shitter. Then a friend, (who has since passed on), needed a commode and I was like "help me take it out and cover up the hole and you can have it" So now I got room, (32 in X 7 ft), to easily grow 4 plants in a repurposed shitter! Btw, I'm going to put my res on the sink next to the shitter door. It will be up high and much cooler than inside the grow space/shitter! :smoking: