Grow Mediums First DWC - Mephisto and Dutch Passion

Yeah Ph sticking is bad, nah the reason you can go higher is because your using organics ,its more forgiving . all i can give is my opinion right or wrong but here's a quick basic list of ppms and age i would use on an Au or something like this:
0-2.5 weeks 0ppm
2.5-3.5 w 250ppm
3.5-5 w 300-350
5-7 w 400-500
8-9 w 500-600 (1-1.2ec)
10-11-400 flush
Yeah water temps can be a massive deal especially if its not almost completly clean/sterile as it sets off infections,If your very clean ie gloves bleach res's etc you can get quite high but thats not to say it's good for them i find it strips the hairs off my roots and leaves them kinda see through in apperance.Also worth noting is high air will only help to a degree because its not DO or dissolved oxygen which is what plants want, water cant hold it at high temps no matter how much air you pour into it.
@Wile e Peyote that is a tricky one I too have heard that but have never done an actual experiment to see if that is the case, I am sure that someone has done some scientific research on waters ability to hold dissolved O2 in different temps. I personally have never checked what my rez temps were not once I just always checked it with my finger and it has always been cool. One thing that helps with that is I always have my temps under super control so I never really get hotter than 78F in my room, and I have lots of air lol
I only know my res temps as my ph pen has a temp gauge on mine went upto 82f the other week ha ha

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Yeah thats my understanding of it anyway but i def would be taking any and all advice from derek420 he even has a degree.
Oh yeah ,the reason your Ph is sticking by the way is because the ppms are to high for her it will slide when you take some buffers out ;) and another tip might be not to be afraid to flush they love it and its not going to instantly take all the nutes out or anything remember the reason they grow so fast in hydro is the water ;). when in doubt flush the f*&%r out. :D
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Waaah, thanks for keeping my topic alive guys LOL!

So today is day 29!
She picked up some speed but is still behind. 2-3cm/day she been growing last few days.

Coco A+B
@ ~450ppm right now

pH 5.9-6.2 usually after correcting.
Each day I have to add ph-, it rises to 6.7ish always... any ideas?

My Mephisto lady had to go.. :(
She's kickin it with lambsbread and Bob Marley in weed heaven right now, RIP.

The monster air pump caused unmanageable heat and noise. AU only have a small pump with 2 stones right now until I figure it out..

AutoUltimate, 29 days, sorry for lights on pics..

Bigass fan leaf

New growth, branching



Weird spot, 95% sure I dripped some ph- on her... DOH!
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Heya Bum :) just a quick q. are you growing in coco cause i thought it was Dwc? without going back over the posts to see whats happening are those nutes hydro friendly? Id have to see the whole plant to give you any ruff doses..oh yeah by the way I'm like Au's biggest fan if you kill her i'l never forgive you haha ;)
Ps. i grew in canna aqua for a while.. worked well ;)
I think some key points to point out would be ..
Your using coco formula so the Ph will want to swing up because it's for coco substrate which it uses as a buffer.
Also you are in fact running synthetics and really needed tiny doses at the beginning for it to work or you'll be getting plaged with lockouts.
That's my two cents. i hope it helps .
My over all advice is obviously stopping coco nutes and keep the dose really low use the silicon to adjust the speed of the slide up in Ph. I've been becoming somewhat of a master of what Au's want.There very strong .they lust mostly just water and a good amount of mag most of all for those big powerful leaves for chlorophyll production and water loss through evap. when they get bigger. (just watch the epsoms as it carry's really high ppms but works just great at the roots in hours).