Grow Mediums First DWC - Mephisto and Dutch Passion

She could be a heat sensitive pheno alright. But i will say even if your temps go higher than 78F for over a couple of hours the plants start to show signs of stress. I know about hte weather man we had tow weeks of a heat wave about a month ago an it has been crap ever since.
in the northwest of England its been hot for about 4 weeks now the odd bit of rain but at least 23c to 25c daily cant believe I'm moaning about the good weather :crying:
Yea mate, also leaf edges can curl up when the fan is too close as well. Its not unusuall for new growth the be a lighter green colour. Just keep an eye on her for the next day or two
As usual @Grim Reefer is totally right, 85= waaaaay too hot and your plants are def a LITTLE heat stressed from the occasional high temps. Is there ANY way you can try to combat those high temps and maybe try to put another exhaust fan or possibly try a small ac unit? Heat stress(and stress in general) is usually really bad for autos and they do NOT like it. Also another way to combat high temps is with cO2 enrichment(plants can handle and acutally like a little higher temps when they are getting lots of Co2
Thanks guys.

Is AutoUltimate weak on heat? Cuz I have never had this problem before really.

So I corrected pH(was at 7, now at 5.9/6), upped ppm to 550-ish, only A+B, no additives yet. Moved her away from fan a bit more.

Let's see tomorrow how they are doing.
I would go ahead and start adding the micronutrients to the mix, they are old enough now for sure and are probably wanting some of those lesser required nutes like Fe, and Zn and stuff like that. These ladies are in the fastest phase of vegetative growth they will be in for there whole life so you really want to try and give them everything they want and need to grow as much as they can
Hi there Bum,To add to everyone eles, No i can say for a def fact Au is very fine with heat. My biggest girl suffered with major heat issues (due to me only and my hps) .Humidity can cause leaf edge curl and just plain mag def can do it also quite a few things can trigger it "as well as problems at the roots",whats conserning me is if the outside temps are that hot how hot is your mix getting? the outside temps arnt really the concern only coupled with the fact your res's will be heating up.when it happens to me one of the first things i notice yellowing ,I believe your problem is at the roots by proxy.

But just adding to that when my last one started doing leaf edge curl i worked out it was because i poured nutes through the netpot by mistake ..Is that a possibility at all? .
If that is the mix for the Au its way to hot at 550. i would do only 300 tops (probably less) on her after a flush of cool water -this is just what i would do.
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Wow. Everyone is reccomending totally different things lol. A breeder and long long time dwc user told me 500-600 was fine.
So I went for it..

I've been checking up on the ppm values alot and it doesnt seem to rise OR fall, is this a good or bad thing?

I gave them camg+ and a few drops of SuperThrive last night and no changes as of today.

Water temps I really have no idea.
From what I've read and understand, if you have enough air you don't have to worry as much about water temps.

I'll try get some pics for you later tonight.
@Bum if your plants are not showing signs of nute burn you are good, someone once told me they don't really worry too much about what the ppms are just push her to the point where you see just the tinest bit of leaf tip discoloration then back off. This is a pretty crude way to do it but I have used this method as a base to know where the plant likes to be.
Wow. Everyone is reccomending totally different things lol. A breeder and long long time dwc user told me 500-600 was fine.
So I went for it..

I've been checking up on the ppm values alot and it doesnt seem to rise OR fall, is this a good or bad thing?

I gave them camg+ and a few drops of SuperThrive last night and no changes as of today.

Water temps I really have no idea.
From what I've read and understand, if you have enough air you don't have to worry as much about water temps.

I'll try get some pics for you later tonight.
I think the problem with how hot your water temp is that after a certain temp it loses its ability to hold as much oxygen as in lower temps I might be wrong I'm sure one of the hydro guys will chip in [emoji106]

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@Wile e Peyote that is a tricky one I too have heard that but have never done an actual experiment to see if that is the case, I am sure that someone has done some scientific research on waters ability to hold dissolved O2 in different temps. I personally have never checked what my rez temps were not once I just always checked it with my finger and it has always been cool. One thing that helps with that is I always have my temps under super control so I never really get hotter than 78F in my room, and I have lots of air lol