Grow Mediums First DWC - Mephisto and Dutch Passion

Yeah man, I didn't think about it at first then after first night running it I lift bucket to check it and the roots had splashed up against the side of the mesh, probably lost a bit of root to so I'm counting on the AU to stunt a bit.. Might pinch in a drop of SuperThrive today.

I plugged in 1 more disc running on the floor and 1 line shut, so it's alot less now.

Lesson learned, it's all good.
Yeah man, I didn't think about it at first then after first night running it I lift bucket to check it and the roots had splashed up against the side of the mesh, probably lost a bit of root to so I'm counting on the AU to stunt a bit.. Might pinch in a drop of SuperThrive today.

I plugged in 1 more disc running on the floor and 1 line shut, so it's alot less now.

Lesson learned, it's all good.

Did you see ANY small pieces of roots floating in the bucket? Look really carefully as they can stick in funny places. Also look at all your roots super close, you can tell if one has broken. IF you have broken some part of the taproot by chance my advice is to drop another bean ASAP, I have never seen a plant that had a tap root break early on that wasn't just a straight up runt. If you have another bean to drop and the root broke I would go ahead and start soaking a new baby, I know it sucks but trust me it is better than growing a plant for 3 months and wondering why the hell it won't get big
Ok at the risk of sounding like a dick just to be funny, um it will look broken off hahahahaha You might have to get a loupe or 420 scope or something to look and see if it has a flat broken off surface or still has its conical shape at the end of the tap root. Also you could take a good close up picture and I could try and help by seeing how long it is, I know generally about how long they should be. But that would just be an educated guess
Lol! Yeah there was definately a piece of root stuck to the side of the bucket above water level and it had that pointy edge on it... no loupe needed. :( Probably about a cm long
Chunk it dude and drop another one, Lessons learned hardest are unfortunately learned best. If you don't have another bean then you might not see THAT much stunting from a cm being off but for some reason when plants loose any part of that tap root the spend all there energy trying to repair it so I would say start over my friend sorry for the bad luck
I promise man I know it stings a little but honestly you are the first person I have seen that I didn't have to diagnose what happened a month or two into the grow, so you really did make it out lucky on this one. Put it this way in the end it will either force you to let your other 3 to go a little long(which in the case of the AU is not really ever a bad thing) or you can harvest the other 3 then that one will have the light all to its self for a week or so.