Grow Mediums First DWC - Mephisto and Dutch Passion

mannnnn that cola is gonna be crackkkkin i might have to bomb nom u yet bro ;)

lol not sure about the BOM but i sure hope it bulks up nicely :D all the side branches looks about the same, not as filled out yet but hopefully they will.

Been working a bit on the 8 discs, ready to germ me some AUs soon mate ;)

Looking Frosty!

Yeah man, @mephisto standard ;)
Its a breed from The White, one of the frostiest ever afaik.


yeah man sounds good Au's are a breeze to grow ,they are however a fukin pain to move everyday! hahaha i think mine got super cropped 3-4 times?.hahaha
hmm i think now your nuting is pretty right and your temps are cool i think you'll grow a big one.just remember always with them even though there big, auto nuting rules still apply .my big girl made it to about 630ppm before she would start to feel it before dropping right back to 400ppm,Thats textbook auto. and keep a good breeze on them and save as many leaves as you all that and you'll get some biiiig plants bro :) Aus dont even mind going out of PH to much strong girls they are.
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Thats just a ridiculous nug @IndicaIVoz lmao. I think I could fit 2 of those in my space haha.

I just changed rooms to see if I can get it all well dialed in, it will be easier intake of cold air to cool the room, hopefully not too cool in the winter, just need some dimmer for my room-outlet-fan now.
as long as the res is chilled man it will radiate cold air like mine do yeah man the 4x4 was really cramped with her in haha but dont use her as any kinda goal man you'll do even better!. she was only my second official auto grow in dwc.
dimmers are like £5 on ebay ;)
she made great oil to man , she was drinking the solution so fast and getting thirsty this triggers the drought response so they cover in resin to protect themselves ,because the res levels low great trick for late flower ;)
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I think ive ran in to some problems.. they are showing spots and some yellowing on lower leafs.

The ppms doesnt change at all, I top up with only water when it's low level and about 350ppm, after refill about 300ppm then back up to 350ppm again when water level drops..

The pH also drops really low as the water level drops.

Should I do a full bucket change instead of top up maybe?
I think I handled the issues, some yellowing and some leafs not looking to good but shes eating again! :D

Quite a difference since last video i think. Lets hope they keep bulking up a bit more! :D

Any guesses on how long theyll go? Time to start flushing soon?
yeah you can see shes been locked out i can see k def necrosis/necrotic lesions among other typical lockout things and so on but it sounds like you have it sorted now ,i was afk and didnt see your post bro ;) if shes eating again thats very good keep an eye on the Ph if its swinging to fast let me know :)
to much dropping on the bloom nutes can cause leaching back out of the roots ,neg ions into the res from the potassium causing acidic swings ,like a bad switch to bloom nutes.
That shouldn't happen though because shes used of the NPK ratios in your bloom now id be very shocked if she wasn't you should be in the clear.
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yeah you can see shes been locked out i can see k def necrosis/necrotic lesions among other typical lockout things and so on but it sounds like you have it sorted now ,i was afk and didnt see your post bro ;) if shes eating again thats very good keep an eye on the Ph if its swinging to fast let me know :)
to much dropping on the bloom nutes can cause leaching back out of the roots ,neg ions into the res from the potassium causing acidic swings ,like a bad switch to bloom nutes.
That shouldn't happen though because shes used of the NPK ratios in your bloom now id be very shocked if she wasn't you should be in the clear.

No worries fam, cant have you babysitting my plants all the time ;)

Im about to check all ppm and pH soon as ive been away for about 24h... Hoping theyre still okay.

I gave them AN Overdrive last feed they seem to be liking it alot!! Im not really sure about giving them Carboload did you ever give carbs in dwc?
bhahaha babysitting hahaha , nah i dodge carbs in dwc.more useless junk in the res that may or may not do anything .
all conjecture bro and if it did somehow transfer that sugar to my bud i bet smoking sugar ain't that great to taste hahaha
And yeah man dont freak out if like they stop drinking or whatever its simply a sign to change it up. but what i will grill you for is for not noticing by your meters before the plant showed signs..thats why you have them is it not ;) haha
all part of the process ;)
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