Indoor First basic grow - White Widow Auto t5 soil

Today's pics
Day 20: I think maybe calcium deficiency. However told that ff ocean which it should be starting to hit soon should help. I picked up some floranova bloom yesterday and also fed the plant a bit of earthjuice oilycann. Says has calcium etc.
I think you'd better do a foliar feeding of Cal Mag if you have some. You'll need a wetting agent, like a mild liquid soap or a product like sm-90.

I think there are growers having trouble with FF soil. Something about the lime or calcium they used as a buffer not being the same.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
@jingo New growth looks ok so far. I have this OilyCann by Earth Juice. Says is Calcium and Mag booster with humic acid. I added some to water feeding the other day. Think I should also spray? Just basic hand soap? Or dawn?

Noticing some curling upwards on those leaves too. Prob due to the deficiency?
@jingo New growth looks ok so far. I have this OilyCann by Earth Juice. Says is Calcium and Mag booster with humic acid. I added some to water feeding the other day. Think I should also spray? Just basic hand soap? Or dawn?

Noticing some curling upwards on those leaves too. Prob due to the deficiency?
You definably want Dawn unscented, just a drop in a gallon of water. So you mix the soap and water first and then use whatever quantity of water you want to mix your cm in. Spray the bottoms and tops of the leaves and back your lights if a couple inches. Although, t-5's aren't a big deal.

Is the leaf curl just on the old leaves? They look like more of a pH caused def than an absence of nutrient. I think you may want to post this plant in the infirmary and get a few more soil growers looking at it.

In the mean time a foliar with your Earth juice should hold you.

It is also about time to do a good drenching watering with run off. On your next scheduled watering. Then let the pot get nice and light before watering again.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Sounds good! I will do a drenching in the coming days. Probably this weekend as we are going to have some great weather ahead and I can move it outside for some time. The reason I dont believe is PH is because using Poland Spring and also FFHF I am told is very neutral along with FFOF. Possible that the plant early was asking for more calcium and HF didnt have it. It should now be getting into the OF mix which has more and further it roots the heavier the mixture i have.

I just sprayed with the OilyCann and drop of dawn. Its just really those two leafs you see with the brown spots that have some curling action on them everything else seems basically spot free and no curl.
Well if the problem doesn't provide up the plant as it grows then you know you've got it handled and it probably was just like you expect the soil layering the you' already did. If that doesn't sort it and you see those papery dry leaves, you'll know your dealing with a pH issue.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.