New Grower First autoflower Grow Purple Kush

Gotcha. I picked the explosion up as well, along with some kind of kelp thing they had. Whatever works!

I’ve started giving flowering nutes to all the ladies. It is quite a procession I have going into the bucket: ascorbic acid, calmag, Flora micro, flora grow, flora bloom, liquid koolbloom, floralicious plus, and hydroguard! Booyea!
Gotcha. I picked the explosion up as well, along with some kind of kelp thing they had. Whatever works!

I’ve started giving flowering nutes to all the ladies. It is quite a procession I have going into the bucket: ascorbic acid, calmag, Flora micro, flora grow, flora bloom, liquid koolbloom, floralicious plus, and hydroguard! Booyea!
Nice! That’s why I’m hesitant about hydro. I don’t want to be mixing up a list of stuff as long as my arm. Greanleaf says their product is fine in soil or hydro grows. MC and bud explosion I think I can handle in a dwc/rdwc grow. I wanna keep it as simple as possible. Plus that MC was $55 for 10kilos. That’s like a lifetime supply lol. Was just over $100 for both with shipping.
Nice! That’s why I’m hesitant about hydro. I don’t want to be mixing up a list of stuff as long as my arm. Greanleaf says their product is fine in soil or hydro grows. MC and bud explosion I think I can handle in a dwc/rdwc grow. I wanna keep it as simple as possible. Plus that MC was $55 for 10kilos. That’s like a lifetime supply lol. Was just over $100 for both with shipping.
That’s one of the reasons I like the idea of the megacrop. In a pinch, I can add the megacrop and be done with it.

And to be honest, my plants don’t really NEED all the stuff, I could get by with just the grow micro and bloom. But on my first grow...

The ascorbic acid treats the tap water for chlorine/chloramine. And the hydroguard is just insurance against root rot. That is something extra that you will need.
That’s one of the reasons I like the idea of the megacrop. In a pinch, I can add the megacrop and be done with it.

And to be honest, my plants don’t really NEED all the stuff, I could get by with just the grow micro and bloom. But on my first grow...

The ascorbic acid treats the tap water for chlorine/chloramine. And the hydroguard is just insurance against root rot. That is something extra that you will need.
“Hydroguard” Thanks for the heads up on that one. Megacrop, bud explosion, hydroguard, CalMagPlus. Lol the list is already getting long, but I think I can manage that. My water is well water. I think I’m gonna buy myself that new tent, rdwc setup, and some more autocobs for Christmas. Gonna run all 3 tents in a line and Daisy chain the venting to run on one Rhino 8 inch carbon filter. It will also help with my CO2 plans. I already have a hydrofarm controller and CO2 setup with 100lb tank.
Looking great, Wes! And great contingency plan in case you have more photo autos. Training is looking great!

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Co2! Now I’m jealous!!!

What are you going to pick for a tent?

I’m so excited for you! Merry Christmas!!
Co2! Now I’m jealous!!!

What are you going to pick for a tent?

I’m so excited for you! Merry Christmas!!
I’m gonna stick with the vivosun 3x3. That way they will all be even in a line and all the venting ports will align perfectly. I’m kind of OCD on the organizing thing lol. But tyvm, yes it will be a Merry Christmas! I made sure I bought my wife an extra large selection of chocolates from ,her favorites, just for being SO supportive about the project. Like you, I dived into this project head first with no life preserver, and I’m LOVING it!:woohoo1:
Looking great, Wes! And great contingency plan in case you have more photo autos. Training is looking great!

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@Pigskinfantasy Thanks! I really am enjoying this new hobby of tent growing greatly. Unfortunately, I have developed an addiction to buying seeds as well as many others here lol. There’s SO many more choices available than when I first smoked Cannabis, over 20 years ago. So many aromas and flavors, I wanna try them ALL! I’m gonna start a new batch ( 4 same each batch for uniformity) in a cpl weeks and I can’t decide what to use next. My wife told me to write em on scraps of paper and pick one out of a hat. I think that’s what I’m gonna do lol...
I have an idea that might make it easier to decide, and it’s also helped me in my efforts to not buy more seeds.

Most strains have a kind of family tree/lineage information. When I am looking at a strain I might want, I see what the parents are and I find out that I already have a very similar seed.

2 seeds that I don’t have in my collection that I want badly:

first, Fast Buds auto Girl Scout cookie. Sweet makes a photoperiod one, and I’d love to grow something of theirs, but I want to do autos mostly. I’ll do a photo at some point but those seeds are already lined up. I’ve managed to talk myself out of buying the Fastbuds GSC because I already have DP Colorado Cookies.

Second, DP Think Different. I forget exactly why I haven’t bought this yet. One of the few examples of my self control (Mammoth p!) LOL.

Another one I want to try is a Barney’s Farm one, I forget the name. It won a big award. The other day I was looking through lists of recent cannabis cup winners and you know what? In most cases, you can’t get those seeds. At least I can’t find them for sale. Those would be fun.

Sorry for rambling on your journal LOL. I forgot my point now, and I’m not even high. My next grow is going to be a hell of a hard decision. I’ll probably pick my top 4 or 5 contenders and pick out of a hat, same as you. Pretty sure it’ll be a DP strain though, I’ve got blueberry, Colorado cookies, and Critical orange punch ...
@davisgirl My next grow is definitely gonna be something from Mephisto, depending on what I can get. I definitely want a SURE auto, not like my non auto purple kush and my other questionable kush lol. But I definitely wanna run a dark devil in the near future. I’m trying to pick exotics that I have never heard of before. They have a devil auto pack, but it’s been outta stock. Yield is not nearly important to me as quality and rarity. You never see red or purple bud in my neck of the woods. Definitely a conversation starter “ and hopefully finisher” lol. I’ve smoked a ton of skunk flavors too, I wanna try some fruity stuff. Decisions, decisions...