New Grower First auto test grow - Autoseeds Gorilla Glue


Buds are lookin much more chunky. Managed to get a pic of the spiders I was talkin about. Enjoy.



Wont stop buddin but not lookin too strong lol





So far so good, smells a bit more and getting chunkier. However I think I may have gotten leaf septoria. Fed some calmag plus bloom nutes and a bit of bat guano. Will take a look tomorrow to see if I need to remove those leafs, what do you guys think I should do?





I've got so many spiders and crickets and other bugs crawling around my grow room it's like a arachnid jungle in there. I think they're great to have around your plants I think they help keep any cannabis pests off your plants.

I noticed the picture that has the spider in it, the leaves have a lot of white spots. Sometimes that's damaged on the back of the leaf being caused by something like a spider mite. That may be why that spider is hanging out there he might be eating some cannabis pests. I might look at the bottom of those leaves and see if there are some bugs in there and then think about whether you want to help that spider out or not.
I've got so many spiders and crickets and other bugs crawling around my grow room it's like a arachnid jungle in there. I think they're great to have around your plants I think they help keep any cannabis pests off your plants.

I noticed the picture that has the spider in it, the leaves have a lot of white spots. Sometimes that's damaged on the back of the leaf being caused by something like a spider mite. That may be why that spider is hanging out there he might be eating some cannabis pests. I might look at the bottom of those leaves and see if there are some bugs in there and then think about whether you want to help that spider out or not.
This is one of the pains of outdoors I guess! hahah. I am growing in asia so it is quite hard to come by recognized brands and I definitely don't want to run the risk of using local pesticides, will be looking to use neem sprays during veg next time. Thankfully there are no spider mites on the plant (I've been keeping a close watch for a couple of weeks now). Where I live there are common insects that are small and orange that like fruit trees (and cannabis surprisingly!). I have noticed less insects recently and the plant seems to be doing fine in terms of growth (no slowed growth). I will probably allow the spiders to stay and consider the pest eating as rent!. Thanks for your input