New Grower First auto test grow - Autoseeds Gorilla Glue

Day 6 -



I let the seedling get a bit leggy, about the size of a big lighter high right now. Figured it was because of high temps and lack of airflow, so I started to put a fan to blow lightly at the seedling aswell as moving the light a bit further away, I might need to get a new fan as I think it is too strong causing the leaves to stand upwards. The color is a little bit on the lighter side but I'm going to wait out a few more leaves to grow to see if I need to start adding Cal-Mag. But so far so good I guess. Just ordered some Mephisto beans and I think I will be using a different soil that I am looking to make myself, does anyone have any headers on where I can find a simple autoflower starting mix? (I can't find bagged stuff like potters gold or biobizz lightmix here but I have managed to source some perlite and a peat moss base which is un-nuted. Thinking about buying those along with some EWC and coco coir. But I guess the water is fine (I have ph'd it before for my first and maybe last photo grow).
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Verve soil from B+Q mate, i havent used it but heard its good

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Hey guys, sorry for being away for a while. Been quite busy recently but will certainly be more active!. I will be going tomorrow to get some update pictures. I however have this pictures that I took around a week ago.

The smell is quite nice, not very strong yet but you can smell it if you cup your hands around the bud or rub the stem. Smells of citrus , very sweet smell with some small hint of coffee.
Outdoors so cannot do much about bugs, would love to get some organic repellents for my next grow but western products are hard to source where I live sadly.

DAY 39 (Right now I'm on day 45)






On the bottom picture you guys might see a spider web. Thankfully it's not spider mites but I have an actual spider chillin on my lady. I thought that it would be ok as it could help me with keeping other bugs off, what do you guys think?
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