New Grower First auto flower to start in a few weeks!

Well I have zero expiernce in coco and I’m pretty much doing my first real grow but I’m in soil and I try not to trip on the little stuff but coco could be different ... The OGs should be chiming in here soon...
goggle tells me thats 28c its on the high side yes but not so much to panic,no real signs of heat stress,can look a bit like this
orange crack day 25.JPG

canoo effect edges lifted up.RH if its not under 30 or over 70 again dont panic.
coco can be trickier than soil,coco likes a wet/damp/wet cycle not a wet/dry cycle like soil.keeping track of ph more critical to,and ofcouse coco has 0 food and no buffer so to speak.
but theres only one way to learn and thats get stuck in head first :thumbsup:
the first 2 weeks most of the work is going on underground building root structure,can appear to be slow then week 3 things start to take off.
pale ? hmm its so hard to tell,small differences in light at time of pic,and the brightness of peeps screens.being a smidge off is ok.
good luck n keep er lit.
goggle tells me thats 28c its on the high side yes but not so much to panic,no real signs of heat stress,can look a bit like this View attachment 926977
canoo effect edges lifted up.RH if its not under 30 or over 70 again dont panic.
coco can be trickier than soil,coco likes a wet/damp/wet cycle not a wet/dry cycle like soil.keeping track of ph more critical to,and ofcouse coco has 0 food and no buffer so to speak.
but theres only one way to learn and thats get stuck in head first :thumbsup:
the first 2 weeks most of the work is going on underground building root structure,can appear to be slow then week 3 things start to take off.
pale ? hmm its so hard to tell,small differences in light at time of pic,and the brightness of peeps screens.being a smidge off is ok.
good luck n keep er lit.
:worship: Thank you oh wise one :greenthumb: Appreciated!
Hey folks! So the ladies recovered from the flush ok I think but the LSD25 seems to be taking her time growing while the Hindu Kush is showing signs she is entering veg state...the LSD25...not quite yet. I have upped the water amount to 500 ml and will continue with that until I see signs that I need to increase the water. I also started on very mild nutes (as per Remo's guide) as follows:
  • calmag 1.25 ml/g
  • Micro 1.25 ml/g
  • Grow 1.25 ml/g
  • Bloom 1.25 ml/g
Phd to 6.0 and a final PPM of 260

Here are some pics...


This is the LSD25...she's slow but getting there.

And this is the Hindu Kush and is about an inch taller than the LSD.
I need a little help... I've never seen this before quarter of the leaf is lighter color than the other part. Is this a nutrient deficiency? I watering issue? A light issue? Or just something not to worry about?

Update time...:d5:! Ok I am now at about 2 weeks into veg and things are going well. I am up to 500ml of nute water a day consisting of Remo MagNifiCal, Micro, Grow & Flower @ 1.5 ml per gallon. I am making 1 gallon up at a time. Will be upping the nutes to 3ml per gallon in about a week (or sooner if required). I am using lemon juice as a natural ph down system but may end up scrapping that idea. This is because yesterday I made up a gallon of nute water then used the lemon juice to bring the ph down to 6.0. Today I saw that the nute water had become super cloudy and it smelled really BAD:gassy:. So I dumped the foul liquid, rinsed and disinfected the container and made a new batch today. I'm thinking the lemon juice may be causing a bacteria bloom in the water. So I will purchase real ph down so I don't have to worry.

It had been suggested by @jdot to raise my lights up a bit because of some canoeing on a few leaves of the Hindu Kush (Philomena). The lights were already at about 28" but I was able to raise them to as high as they go which is 32" from soil level (thus about 29" from top leaves). Seems to be helping a bit.

The girls are starting to have that familiar weed smell :greenthumb:...thank god for the carbon filters LOL.

A few questions
  1. When is it advisable to start watering till 15% RO with coco?
  2. When is it best to start LST?
Ok here are some pics from today :) ENJOY!

the last two pics is this a fair representation of the light green/dark green of the plant ?
post 56 looks a real good colour.the centre/new growth of a fast growing plant can appear a lil lighter,but soon darkens up.kinda like new skin for us.
i lift the pots up and down to give me a feel of how dry or wet they are.but with coco we want a damp pot not a dry pot.that takes a bit of time and feel im afraid.
the last two pics is this a fair representation of the light green/dark green of the plant ?
post 56 looks a real good colour.the centre/new growth of a fast growing plant can appear a lil lighter,but soon darkens up.kinda like new skin for us.
i lift the pots up and down to give me a feel of how dry or wet they are.but with coco we want a damp pot not a dry pot.that takes a bit of time and feel im afraid.

Actually the COB Leds do not give a proper representation of the true colors. I just took a few just now with the plant outside...these are the true colors.
