New Grower First auto flower to start in a few weeks!

looking great a nice healthy green,not too dark and the centre growth just a tad on :thumbsup:
Thanks AG...first real grow is always a stressful thing (so I've heard lol). The guidance is very much appreciated! As you can see there is still a bit of canoeing but I can't get the lights any higher. When would you recommend starting to do some light LST?

:slap: your advice is always appreciated!
young seedlings can often have a funny look to them,like somethings not quite right.but sometimes its just like an ugly baby thing,and once they are at that stage between seedling and veg they look normal.
some folks young seedlings can have a real caggabey look to them,or look sad and droopy all grow.still produce fine.
your canooing is only minor wernt as bad as mine was,its eased off las few days orange crack 2L day 36.JPG the plant is only a tiny bit unhappy,temps will drop shortly for me so not to botherd.
an extra 6" fan even hung up,the extra air movement can fool the plant into thinking its a lil cooler than it is.
first grow i find it hard to advise to do anything other than sit back and watch it grow and learn how it grows.1st time growers rarely end up with big plants,so there may be no need to lst.maybe just 1 super cropping or lots of lst.we cross that bridge when we come to it.
whats the distance from the top of the pot to light ? how far is the light from the roof ?
young seedlings can often have a funny look to them,like somethings not quite right.but sometimes its just like an ugly baby thing,and once they are at that stage between seedling and veg they look normal.
some folks young seedlings can have a real caggabey look to them,or look sad and droopy all grow.still produce fine.
your canooing is only minor wernt as bad as mine was,its eased off las few days View attachment 929509 the plant is only a tiny bit unhappy,temps will drop shortly for me so not to botherd.
an extra 6" fan even hung up,the extra air movement can fool the plant into thinking its a lil cooler than it is.
first grow i find it hard to advise to do anything other than sit back and watch it grow and learn how it grows.1st time growers rarely end up with big plants,so there may be no need to lst.maybe just 1 super cropping or lots of lst.we cross that bridge when we come to it.
whats the distance from the top of the pot to light ? how far is the light from the roof ?
Right now the top of the pot to the light is about 32 inches. I raised it up a day ago from 28 inches. It is now as high as it can go (with the ratchet cables). I could - if needed - raise it up another 5 inches by removing the ratchet cables. My light is a 800 watt cob led (4x200 watt) with and actual wattage is 215w
late in flower can get much closer to the light,so idealy we looking for a 2 and a bit foot plant :thumbsup:........if it's real fast growing just keep bending so it dont get to near the light.
i have my light as close to the roof (its really a shelf but we'll call in the roof) as i can 001 (2).JPG start my seedlings on a shelf,after about 3 weeks onto a box another 2 or 3 weeks and onto the floor.
late in flower can get much closer to the light,so idealy we looking for a 2 and a bit foot plant :thumbsup:........if it's real fast growing just keep bending so it dont get to near the light.
i have my light as close to the roof (its really a shelf but we'll call in the roof) as i can View attachment 929537 start my seedlings on a shelf,after about 3 weeks onto a box another 2 or 3 weeks and onto the floor.
Wow that pic gave me an idea....I did the same just now. So now I am at 44" from the soil/coco.'re amazing!
Started LST two days ago. I'm keeping the LST minimal until the other branches get larger. I upped the nutes to 2ml/g of MagNifiCal, Micro, Grow & Bloom which is about 1/2 of what Remo suggests. I will likely only go up to about 2/3 - 3/4 of Remo's suggested nutes unless the ladies start showing nute deprivation... not to mention it's easier (and less stressing) to respond to a nute deficiency than deal with nute burn. Since I upped the nutes they have been growing like there is no tomorrow...whoohoo :growing:! Still only feeding 500ml per day for now. Here are some pics...

Hindu Kush on the left & LSD25 on the right

So many new nodes!

It's a beautiful thing!

Sorry bout the sideways pic...but you can see the new nodes.

Getting there:jump:

Here is the LSD25...not as big but growth is speeding up since I upped nutes.

Starting LST ...
Three more days have passed and we are now 3 weeks in from the time that the seeds broke soil and my ladies were born! :smoking: I seriously am amazed at how fast they are growing! They are growing weeds LOL! Anyway I upped the nutes to 3ml/g which has brought the water ppm to around 430 - 440 and a PH of 6.0. I have been starting to do LST and doing some strategic leaf tucking in order to try to expose the new growth to the lights better. I also pinched off a few (2) small fan leaves from the bottom of the plants that were dragging on the ground or turning themselves inside out to get out from under the canopy. The LSD25 is now 4" tall after LST and the Hindu Kush is 4.5" also after the LST. I also lowered the lights a bit from 42" to 38". I am going to keep the nute ppm, watering volume and lights consistent now until the girls let me know they need something different. I will be continuing to LST and pinch off leaves that need it. I should be entering flower stage in about 2 weeks by my calculations.

As always; your suggestions, observations and recommendations are very welcome (and encouraged) as I am new to this stuff.

Here are the pics from today. :cools::baby:

Both ladies right after feeding/watering

My two girls are loving the digs :)

Hindu Kush....growing like there's no tomorrow!

Close up of new top growth

Tonnes of new growth under the main branches

My princess [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] LSD25 is being a bit slower but is slowly making progress everyday. No pinching off leaves yet but some light LST.

New LSD25 growth on top

Some new growth under the top leaves.

LST working
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Three more days have passed and we are now 3 weeks in from the time that the seeds broke soil and my ladies were born! :smoking: I seriously am amazed at how fast they are growing! They are growing weeds LOL! Anyway I upped the nutes to 3ml/g which has brought the water ppm to around 430 - 440 and a PH of 6.0. I have been starting to do LST and doing some strategic leaf tucking in order to try to expose the new growth to the lights better. I also pinched off a few (2) small fan leaves from the bottom of the plants that were dragging on the ground or turning themselves inside out to get out from under the canopy. The LSD25 is now 4" tall after LST and the Hindu Kush is 4.5" also after the LST. I also lowered the lights a bit from 42" to 38". I am going to keep the nute ppm, watering volume and lights consistent now until the girls let me know they need something different. I will be continuing to LST and pinch off leaves that need it. I should be entering flower stage in about 2 weeks by my calculations.

As always; your suggestions, observations and recommendations are very welcome (and encouraged) as I am new to this stuff.

Here are the pics from today. :cools::baby:

Both ladies right after feeding/watering
View attachment 932229
My two girls are loving the digs :)
View attachment 932230

Hindu Kush....growing like there's no tomorrow!View attachment 932231
Close up of new top growth
View attachment 932232
Tonnes of new growth under the main branches
View attachment 932233
My princess [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] LSD25 is being a bit slower but is slowly making progress everyday. No pinching off leaves yet but some light LST.
View attachment 932234

New LSD25 growth on topView attachment 932235
Some new growth under the top leaves.
View attachment 932236
LST working
View attachment 932237
looking sweet :pass:
I have a question that I hope @RemoNutrients can answer. I am using the Remo basics (MagNifiCal, Micro, Grow & Bloom). Now as per the recommendations from the Remo chart I am giving all 4 at every feeding regardless of the age of the plants (that are now 3 weeks old and almost 6 inches tall). Now - conversely; in the pinned part of this forum - specifically the "Lifecycle of the Autoflower Cannabis" it states that you should not use flowering nutes until vertical growth is completed. My question is...should I continue to use Bloom as recommended by Remo or should I go by the pinned thread and stop using Bloom for a month or so?

Thanks for you answers in advance. :pighug:
Now at day 25 & both girls are exploding! I'm really amazed at how different two different strains grow and the overall size difference between the girls. They are both 7" tall and the light is 31" from canopy. Day temps and in the mid 70s and the RH sits at about 51%. As you can see from the pics below they are growing differently but are both healthy and happy.

LSD25 on right 7" tall 25 days old - Hindu Kush on the left 7" tall 25 days old. Wow what a difference!

Hindu Kush


Hindu Kush

Hindu Kush

New pistils from the LSD25 - Non yet from the hindu kush.

No pistils from the hindu kush yet...should be soon

She is so bushy. Lots of LST and some pruning done.

LSD25 growing less bushy but she still looks great.