New Grower First auto flower to start in a few weeks!

Update time (for anyone interested)... Both girls are 12" tall and I have begun pruning and LST is continuing. Their watering amounts are up to 1 liter per day and my nutes are sitting at 675ppm and as always 6.0 ph. The LSD25 is in flower but the bushier Hindu Kush is not there yet. These pics are after a good pruning (over the past few days). I am planning on letting them go now undisturbed for at least a week. Humidity is now down to an average 52% and the daytime temps are at about 75 and the night is around 70. They are growing about an inch a day at this point and they look healthy and happy. :headbang:

Getting excited now :thumbsup:

Both ladies LSD25 on the right and Hindu Kush on left. Both 12" tall and exactly 30 days from breaking ground.

As yopu can see the Hindu Kush is still in pre-flower and just just barely showing flower stage is about the start.

On the other LSD25 is in flower now.

I counted 11 possible colas

You can already see a hint of purple on the calyx...this is going to be a pretty girl!
Hey can anybody here verify if this is a magnesium deficiency? There are a few small copper colored spots on two lower fan leaves. I'm into pre-flower and 32 days since breaking soil. (still stretching so no bloom nutes yet). BTW this is the LSD25...
Looks like I got the nitrogen deficiency under control yay:d5: ! Both girls are into flower but still stretching about 1" per day. As of today they are both 15" tall. I plan on holding off on bloom nutes until the vertical stretch stops. Is this advised or should I be pushing them to bloom fully?

I am now watering 2 litres (1/2 gallon) per day and for the first time in this grow I had run-off that ph'd at 6.0 :worship:!

Anyway here are some updated pics taken today.


Hindu Kush

LSD25 ...lovin' the purple!

LSD25 on left - Hindu Kush on right
Both plants doing well. LSD25 is in full flower and has stopped vertical growth at 16". Despite her small stature her buds will be huge! The Hindu Kush is still growing vertically and is up to 22" tall but is going into flower mode now. I have started blow level bloom nutes on her today. Drinking about 2 litres per day with about 500 ml run off at ph 6.0 and ppm of around 700 - 800 ppm.

No pics from now until I actually have some interest in this grow. :pass:
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Both plants doing well. LSD25 is in full flower and has stopped vertical growth at 16". Despite her small stature her buds will be huge! The Hindu Kush is still growing vertically and is up to 22" tall but is going into flower mode now. I have started blow level bloom nutes on her today. Drinking about 2 litres per day with about 500 ml run off at ph 6.0 and ppm of around 700 - 800 ppm.

No pics from now until I actually have some interest in this grow. :pass:

Looking great in there mate ,
Can't wait to see how the LSD turns out she looks beautiful already , I grew 1 on my first grow alongside a girl scout cookie my setup and conditions were garbage though but they both made it to harvest , she looked nothing like yours .

I'm not getting much interest in my grow either compared to my first time here a couple years back .

Keep the faith bro and good luck with your grow .
Thanks @richykn ! Nice to see there is life out I'd like to see your grow a link! I'll post some more resent pics later today if you are following.
Thanks @richykn ! Nice to see there is life out I'd like to see your grow a link! I'll post some more resent pics later today if you are following.

Following along bud ,
My thread is just in the new growers section it's called Mephisto fugue state .
IL also be adding more pics tonight I try to every couple of days or so but wasnt getting alot of interest .

So is this your first ever grow or just your first auto ?
Following along bud ,
My thread is just in the new growers section it's called Mephisto fugue state .
IL also be adding more pics tonight I try to every couple of days or so but wasnt getting alot of interest .

So is this your first ever grow or just your first auto ?
My first grow yes...but I have friends that have grown in the past and I learned a lot from them.So my first grow - yes - but I am familiar with the process.
My first grow yes...but I have friends that have grown in the past and I learned a lot from them.So my first grow - yes - but I am familiar with the process.

Ah yes I see IV just gone through your thread now IV got time to after getting home from work looks like your keeping on top of things to keep them happy keep it up mate