New Grower First auto flower to start in a few weeks!

Well my two girls (lovingly named Babette (LSD25) & Philomina (Hindu Kush) :haha:) have just popped their heads above soil. Only watering/feeding about 20ml of nute-water in about a 2 inches ring around each plant once a day (1.25 ml/l MAGnifiCAL). Pics to come once they show first leaves. Humidity around 58% with temp at 78-80.:vibe:

Quick the cotton pre-filter 100% necessary on the inline carbon filter? What purpose does it have?
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Ok so both little ladies are growing up a storm. Both are about 1" tall. Lowered the lights to about 24" and have started to feed/water about 50 ml per day in a doughnut shape around the seedlings. Nutes remain as stated in last post. Humidity 55% and temperature 77 with lights on and 72 with them off. see pics below.

This is the Hindu Kush (Philomina)

And this is the LSD25 (Babette)

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Well my two girls (lovingly named Babette (LSD25) & Philomina (Hindu Kush) :haha:) have just popped their heads above soil. Only watering/feeding about 20ml of nute-water in about a 2 inches ring around each plant once a day (1.25 ml/l MAGnifiCAL). Pics to come once they show first leaves. Humidity around 58% with temp at 78-80.:vibe:

Quick the cotton pre-filter 100% necessary on the inline carbon filter? What purpose does it have?
pretty sure the cotton pre filter is a dust barrier to stop the filter clogging up if you leave it on for a year you will notice it get dirty looking with dust at least mine do
I need some advice Fam... ok I am only into the grow a few days and and am feeding/watering 50 ml per plant per day in a ring around plant. Today one of the girls seems to be a lighter green on the edges of the tiny leaves. I have to assume it is nute burn so I diluted the nute water by this the correct assumption for you all also based on the pic below?

- water ph: 6.3
- ppm 221
- nutes given 1/4 strength Remo Calmag (1.25ml/g)
- Temp 78
- Humidity 52 - 58%

That's kinda what I thought...the other one is totally fine. So you think the move to dilute is the correct one?
id say it was the right move probly just a bit much so soon i dont feed anything for ten days apart from the initial cal mag charge to the coco :pass:
id say it was the right move probly just a bit much so soon i dont feed anything for ten days apart from the initial cal mag charge to the coco :pass:
Yeah that's about what I was going to do too. I'm only doing the Cal Mag because I'm using Coco. Once I see the third set of leaves coming in I'll slowly start with the other nutes. Unless of course I start seeing signs of nutrient deficiencies and I may start earlier.
Arg! I require some advice. As you know I am using coco and the coco I bought (and now have my girls in) was supposed to be pre-rinsed and buffered...apparently I was incorrect. What recommendations do you have for doing a full flush/rinse of the coco? Do I remove the girls first or is there a way to safely do it with the 5 day old plants in the pots? :bummer: I am not seeing any negative effects so I want to catch this issue now. Noob mistake... I need a :pass: