New Grower First auto flower to start in a few weeks!

I had plants popped out of soil in 4 1/2 days from dropping in water but seemed like eternity to get there... So get ready the storms comin...
Good luck on your grow!!! :vibe:
Ok so both seeds are cracked open and are showing signs of life! I also prepared my 60/40 mix of coco and perlite and did a PH test of the run-off. Ok my tap water is an alkaline 7.6 and the run off through the coco and perlite tested at 6.5...perfect! Because I know the Remo line of nutes are slightly alkaline that should end up bringing my soil ph down to around 6.0 - 6.2 mark!! Gotta love it!

I know there is constant discussion on whether to use low levels of nutes in the first two weeks of life in coco...I would like to have some input from you all on this topic (now that you know my run off numbers) and given that I will be dropping the sprouted seeds in the coco in the next day or two.:smoker1:
I usually expand my coco with calmag and voodoo juice. I'll usually water my pot 2 times letting it dry almost fully in between. Usually around 8 - 10ish days if temps are all good and what not.

I water day 1 -10 with calmag and voodoo only. If I see it growing vigorously I'll start to feed 1/4 as early as 5 days or so. Just watch your plant man give it plain water.

Since you pre soaked the coco with nutes it will essentially remain in the soil. I have also expanded coco in 1/4 nute solution with 0 problems.
cant really get a soil that has no built in nutes,biobizz light mix comes close but as soil is or was muck at one time or other it still has a tiny amount built in.
coco has nothing nada perhaps a tiny amount of calmag.give it plain water and waterever was in the coco is now flushed out.
some top tips from blue
Simple question...I'm going to be planting the sprouted seeds (they sprouted today :)) in a day or two. I plan on doing 18/6 photo cycle. My question is when is it best to do the "dark" part of the cycle? During the day? Over night or it doesn't really matter?
I have it set right now to have the dark cycle during the hottest part of the day to keep the ladies cooler... Lights on from 4pm to 10am... 18/6 cycle
I have it set right now to have the dark cycle during the hottest part of the day to keep the ladies cooler... Lights on from 4pm to 10am... 18/6 cycle
That's what I was looking for! Thank you! :slap:
Well the ladies are in their "forever homes" about an inch under 60/40 coco/perlite in 3 gallon fabric pots. Only feeding was about 20ml of 1.25ml/l of calmag. TDS of first feed was 211ppm with a ph of 6.2. Water was placed in a circle around seed site. Both seeds had 1cm to 1.5cm tap roots at time of planting. Only air circulation is a small clamp fan (no inline fan yet). I also installed the seen below...

NOW THE FUN STARTS! :thumbsup::frog:
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