FD's Guide to Growing Hefty Autos in Small Places.

Ok guys i have been dragging my knuckles on this for too long. This thread will be dedicated to my actual grow technique. I will have everything in here from the way i germ seeds to the way i harvest and everything in between.

ill cover my soil mixes, teas, water adjustments, feeding schedules as well as the recipes for the soil and teas that i use. My goal is to teach how to grow the bud lumps you see in the small pots i use. I feel if you use this you may have the same success that i do when it comes to autos in small places.

Bare with me as i will update this on the regular, but will be locking it to get it all organized.
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Great thread learnt alot from it was considering making my own soil for next run and am defo doing ure soil method thanks
Wow some good info there must have took some time wrighting all of that much appreciated man some real good nuggets of info there never thought of adding stuff to my medium before planting and the watering theory is so mad it makes perfect sense good job happy toking
Hey Duplex ! Thanks for great info ! Wanted to ask what you think will happen if i just pump small ammount of air to container itself , let's say from drain holes ?
Hey Duplex ! Thanks for great info ! Wanted to ask what you think will happen if i just pump small ammount of air to container itself , let's say from drain holes ?
That i am not sure, there are a few guys that run air domes around here in the soil. I would imagine that it would be helpful but not sure exactly what it would do. Never hurts to give something a try
Wiz calles it magic and now i am starting to believe

Ok so i know i havent been posting much, but as we all know we all do have lives out side of this wonderful ring of friends. But between all the busyness of life and work i have been doing mounds of research on something because i wanted to know why. I see the results and watch it happen time after time after time but what is it doing for the plant that it likes so much.

So i bring to you my final theory on why the bubbled water works so well. It isn't concrete and it is not proven gospel but to me it makes sense and to a few others i think it may to, and if not i am hoping to get some feed back on this one.

Over the last few years i have been running the bubbled water and started it all to avoid over watering the girls. I figured that since the roots could live submerged in gallons of water and all they needed to survive was an air pump. I figured that if i added o2 to the water it would be more concentrated than it would normally be avoiding me over watering and starving the roots from the much needed source of life. So i began the treatment and then i started seeing the results you all are seeing from my pics to your own grows.

The someone said something one day to me about the process, "its almost like its a hybrid system," well this got me thinking and around the same time i received my digital pH pen to get things dialed in that much more. Little did i know that the above comment and this pen would change the way i looked at this all together and bring forward a whole lot of new questions and puzzles.

I have shared and shared with you about the levels of pH and how important it is to your grow. How the plants cant eat if its not right may it be soil or hydro. We have all seen the charts and the diagrams that show the ideal range for nutrient pick up. But here is the thing, i think that i have broke through those ideal ranges and found out that MJ can take more than we thought that they could, Here's why.

Before the arrival of my digital pH pen i used a typical aquarium pH tube and drop solution. blue green was 7.0, more towards greenish yellow 6.5 and yellow being 6.0. When i would check my fresh rain water the color was right on the 6.5 mark, but i know its going to bounce all around when i add my mixes to it. Usually when i added my tea i would bring the water to what i thought was ideal 6.0 for my girls. i would add my mixes and nutes and then take the measurement....yellow....6.0 everything is set to go. I have been doing this for years now and all i have had was good results.

Now the game changer, i finally get all the calibration solutions in to properly calibrate the pen and after i do i tested the water that i had just fed the plants with that i checked with the drop system. After a good min of sitting in the water i take my reading, awaiting 6.0 or the likes to pop up on the meeter.....not so much. What i get is the reading of 5.2......i couldn't believe what i saw so i re calibrated the pen and ran another test, same thing 5.2 . it didn't make any sense to me so i had to figure out why one kit was saying one thing and the other was saying something different. Knowing the water that i just had tested was super low i added more pH down to the water. It dropped it off the pens available reading range. So i took the same water added it to the tube and added in the color drops. In this pH range you should see a red to orange color at this acidic level, but i didnt i saw .....you guessed it yellow.

So for the last year i had been feeding my plants water at a way lower range than what i thought i had been. my methods have not changed and the way i do things is always measured out to a t and i follow my notes if i have an issue or forget something. This took everything that i have worked on the last year and threw it out the window. Yet it brings it back to the statement that started all of this. Its like a hybrid system, and it almost has to be to be able to eat and grow under those types of acidic conditions. Something is going on here and i am not sure what but i promise you its not hurting the plants at all.

Now to the good part, why i think that this is doing something greater to the plants. It would also explain, if true, why i am getting stupid high weights in little pots. I think that the water is amended enough that it is allowing the plants to eat twice as much as they ever have.

If the water is introduced to them in a soil that is light and airy and no resistance its acting almost like a EBB and Flow system or hempy. the water goes in and gets picked up by the roots as it passes over it, the low pH of the water is allowing the plant to do this just like in a hydro system. It would explain the need to water more than i ever have had to before.

Then there is the water that gets trapped in the actual soil medium i have and is loaded with o2 left from the treatment, and as the plant transpires its feeding again from the water that is saturated and trapped in the soil. thus allowing the plants to eat twice as much as they could in the past.

I think that its the two in combo that are allowing a much wider pH rage of feeding allowing the plant to eat at all times always getting what it needs. This is why i think that i am getting hydro numbers in small soil pots. even with the acidic waterings the soil still remained between 6.2-6.7. This is all shocking to me but i have seen the results and most of you have too. This is the only thing that i can come up with that explains the phenom that i am having in small pots.

I cant think of anything else that would be going on here, i do know that what i am doing is not harming them in anyway so i know that the pH being that acidic isnt doing to much damage as i am not seeing it reflected on the plant, so it has to be eating if it wasn't i dont think i could pull 1.5 zips from less that a gal of soil.

Now what do you think?
What tablets do you use for water?
Ok guys i have been dragging my knuckles on this for too long. This thread will be dedicated to my actual grow technique. I will have everything in here from the way i germ seeds to the way i harvest and everything in between.

ill cover my soil mixes, teas, water adjustments, feeding schedules as well as the recipes for the soil and teas that i use. My goal is to teach how to grow the bud lumps you see in the small pots i use. I feel if you use this you may have the same success that i do when it comes to autos in small places.

Bare with me as i will update this on the regular, but will be locking it to get it all organized.
What tablets of 02 do you dissolve in your water?
What tablets of 02 do you dissolve in your water?
So i stopped using tablets a long time ago and cant remember where or what they were called. I have gone to pumps at all times and stages of growth to make sure that the water has O2 in it at all times. Seems to be the easiest way to keep there there 24/7
I'm going to get set up so I can use stones too. Haven't tried this method yet but I've heard they love it .