FD's Guide to Growing Hefty Autos in Small Places.

Ok guys i have been dragging my knuckles on this for too long. This thread will be dedicated to my actual grow technique. I will have everything in here from the way i germ seeds to the way i harvest and everything in between.

ill cover my soil mixes, teas, water adjustments, feeding schedules as well as the recipes for the soil and teas that i use. My goal is to teach how to grow the bud lumps you see in the small pots i use. I feel if you use this you may have the same success that i do when it comes to autos in small places.

Bare with me as i will update this on the regular, but will be locking it to get it all organized.
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np... but my memory fails me... can you post a quote of the exact tea in question?
also, I'll say you should really understand organics thoroughly before expecting fantastic results (if not using FF etc - which technically isnt organic) if you have time and wish to pusue better quality.. read the thread "hit the brix or the books" in organics... stellar info! :smokeit:

yes, FD was going to come out with a book. I have no idea the status but I know life got in the way for a while and he is quite busy.
I hope this helps.
FD, I hope your still around. I have an idea that I would like you to ponder. Just like the bottom of the cup that you cut out and put a screen on, Im wondering if you can do that with the actual pot. Im also wondering if you can attach an air stone to the air pump, run it into the pot (on the bottom of the pot of course), and run it so oxygen is always being pumped into the soil. Im figuring it would dry the soil out, but maybe just run it while you are watering and maybe an hour or so after.
Does the tea replace the chemical ferts? If so, I was wondering if, since it basically is the same mixture as the soil, can the runoff of the tea mix be saved and used again?
Thanks again!

Hi... I happened to notice your question about air in soil... Here is a link to a grow currently in progress where all of this theory is being put to practice... https://www.autoflower.org/index.php?threads/quest-for-1-pound-with-autoflower-and-soilponics.43177/

Guys I'm pretty new to growing moving to Autos when my current photos finishing which are looking fantastic due to the advice i been getting from Tang on all matter of things no less his impressive feeding scheldule. My quuestion is this I use an auto pot system can i get an airpump in my (tank 220 L its size) Im currently using tap water and the PH is 5.6 but Im using PH perfect nutes so I believe the PH doesnt matter but after scanning all 32 pages of this thread is appears that oxygenating your water could have massive benefits i have about 4 weeks lefts before my current ladies come down any one have any advice if i should / can oxygenate my water tank on an autopot system ?

Kind Regards Pear