New Grower Expert Seeds Gorrila Glue 4

Final trim for the tincture. I'd say 60% popcorn bud and 40% leaf trim by mass. I'll have a final weight on this and the buds in a few days. I'd be surprised if it wasn't at least an ounce.

@Pigskinfantasy @912GreenSkell

Tincture processing.

Using the famous recipe Skelly put up, I made a wee batch of tincture.

I made a few adjustments, mainly for circumstantial reasons, and I'll detail them here.

The plant material is all of the popcorn buds and sugar leaves from this grow, and there was a pretty good sized pile. See the post just before this.

I didn't want to wait for it to dry (and risk it molding) so I decided to dry and decarb the weed at the same time.

First, I converted the original recipe entirely to metric. This will make it easier to scale. 1/8 oz plant + 2 oz booze comes to about 15ml/gram Using that, you will wind up using a little less booze than Skelly's recipe, but it will work just fine.

Preheat the oven to 250F or 120C. Do not put anything into the oven until it has pre-heated or you will likely vaporize some of the goodies.

To dry/decarb, I spread the trimmings onto a foil-lined cookie sheet. Spread it out so it's not piled up. It's important that the water is driven out early in the process. If it's piled up, it wont dry evenly. Something like this:


Put it in the oven for 45 minutes. Take it out, cool a bit then grind into a coarse mixture - a coffee grinder works best.

My first batch was 13.76 grams, and the second was 14.26, for a total of 27.82 grams. Nice pile!


Even though we had the bud in the oven for 45 minutes already, it won't hurt to run it in the oven for a bit longer.

Just like the raw plant from before, spread the mixture out onto a foil lined sheet and put it in the oven.


At least 10 minutes will be fine. Wont hurt to run longer.

In the meantime, let's measure out the booze. We have 27.82 grams of material, so at 15ml/gram we need 417.3 ml. ~400ml will be just fine. Let's measure that into a beaker (or other heat-tolerant glass. Mason jar works fine, too.) Obviously you'll need room for the solvent and the plant, so I went with a 600ml beaker, and added 400ml of 151 proof rum.


Forgive me using the shit rum. Bacardi doesn't make 151 anymore (at least for sale here), and I don't have my everclear permit back yet.

Besides, you aren't doing this for the taste. Believe me.

Now place that beaker in a large pot, and fill the pot with water so it is pretty much even with the level of booze, but just under. You don't want the water higher than the rum, or the beaker will gain buoyancy and could rattle around a bit more than usual. This probably goes without saying, but since you are about to be working with boiling ethanol, don't even consider smoking, or having any open flame, anywhere near this until everything is off the heat.


I have an electric stove-top, so I set it to about 70% on-cycle and leave it be as the rum heats up. The water will start to simmer at about the same time the booze does. Add the ground up plant and stir it in.

Skelly suggests monitoring the temperature, but I don't think that's really necessary unless you are worried about boiling off too much booze. The booze can't get much warmer than 173F or 78C until all the alcohol has boiled off. Frankly, I want it as concentrated as possible.

Wait 20 minutes, stirring occasionally to keep more surface area exposed. Turn off the heat and remove the beaker from the water. Be careful not to burn yourself and/or drop the beaker. You do not want to have to clean that mess up. It will stain whatever it touches.


You'll note that we've lost about 150ml in volume. As you'll soon see, we actually lost a bit over half the alcohol. Most of that to evaporation.

You will lose some to the leftover plant material. I have some thoughts on how to increase your extraction and concentrate your tincture, and I'll pass them along at the end of this.

Let everything cool a bit then strain into a jar. If you are going to squeeze the stuff left in the filter to get out a bit more... ****WEAR GLOVES**** This will be absorbed through the skin if it makes contact. Even more so if its warm/hot.


This is the final yield. Probably around 170ml. 85 doses at 2ml/dose.

As skelly wisely points out, you'll want to self-titrate. Take gradually larger doses (starting off at .5 - 1ml) as your first exposure to canna for the day. Always take the dose on an empty stomach, and be prepared to wait about an hour before the effect kicks in. Mix it with a small amount of anything cold. See the cloud? That is your medicine crashing out of solution and saying hello!

Don't smoke or vape any canna until you know how any given dose is going to affect you. This could take several hours.

Hope this information helps you make some amazingly portable medz!

Ok, if you've read this far, I want to share some thoughts on increasing the yield, and adjusting the strength of the medicine.

Before doing any of this, measure the amount of tincture you have so far. This is an important number to keep track of. You'll want to be relatively accurate. For this example, let's assume its 200ml.

Pour the tincture into another jar/beaker and place the filter funnel/strainer over the container. Pour some more booze through the material, probably at least half of the amount tincture you already have. So with 200ml of tincture, add more booze slowly until 100ml has run out. You can squeeze this into the beaker/jar as well. It's safe to throw out what's left. It's not worth trying to get any more at this point.

This will also leave you with diluted tincture. Place the jar/beaker back into a water bath and boil it down to the original amount you had. In this case, 200ml.

This will be the base for your self-titration. Take a 1ml dose and ride it out. To adjust the strength, boil off more alcohol to make stronger, and add booze to make it weaker. If you've made a really large batch, I imagine this will absolutely be worth the time. You will not lose any goodies by the extra boiling. Only the alcohol will evaporate. Water concentration will go up a tad, as will the flavor of the booze, but neither are very important factors in this.

Be careful, and have fun!

Edit: As an addendum, unless you are using everclear, be very mindful of the fact that as you boil off the alcohol to concentrate the mixture, you will be increasing the amount of water in the solution. Go too far and your medicine will start to crash out of solution and get caked to the bottom of your beaker.

For reference: With 151 proof rum, the solution is 75% alcohol and 25% water. Alcohol distills at a ratio of 95% alcohol and 5% water (give or take). If you start off with 200ml of rum (150ml alcohol and 50ml water), and boil away half, the remaining booze will now be only 110 proof (55ml alcohol and 45ml water). With everclear, you don't have this to worry about.
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Was that sarcasm or do you really need a permit for everclear where you live?
You need to apply for a permit to buy it from the state, and can only buy it (and any other hard liquor) from a state run store. It's actually easier to get a permit to carry a concealed firearm.