My wife and i grow a ton of different kinds of herbs, veggies, and fruits in the summer. Ive been trying to talk her into using my old t5 lights to get plants started, but she likes doing it old school by the sun in the spring...meh :D
I typically have to start my veggies and fruits indoors since we can't rely on non-frosty weather until usually the end of May, which for some plants is waaaaaay too late.. Last year, I started all of my peppers end of February as well as a couple of the melons, then started the rest indoors at the beginning of April.. I wish I had at least an extra month outdoors with my fruits/veggies.
Scorpion chilis? Like as in one of the hottest pepper known to man? Only behind the ghost peppers in hotness if I am thinking correctly.

The very same. I started them under the Mars in late Nov thru Dec and early Jan.
The soil was a mess at first, but after a flush, they slowly came ok pH side.
Then I left them outside on a balcony for a month, just give them to mother Gaia to look after.
I heard these chilis are super sensitive, so I thought they'd all be dead when I returned.
They're doing just great. Using 1L pots, with a couple per pot. The little ones already shaded out.
The largest is just popping some flower pods out, so hope to have some scorpion red chilis in a couple of months.
I typically have to start my veggies and fruits indoors since we can't rely on non-frosty weather until usually the end of May, which for some plants is waaaaaay too late.. Last year, I started all of my peppers end of February as well as a couple of the melons, then started the rest indoors at the beginning of April.. I wish I had at least an extra month outdoors with my fruits/veggies.

Haha same here all around...damn I wish I had another month.

The very same. I started them under the Mars in late Nov thru Dec and early Jan.
The soil was a mess at first, but after a flush, they slowly came ok pH side.
Then I left them outside on a balcony for a month, just give them to mother Gaia to look after.
I heard these chilis are super sensitive, so I thought they'd all be dead when I returned.
They're doing just great. Using 1L pots, with a couple per pot. The little ones already shaded out.
The largest is just popping some flower pods out, so hope to have some scorpion red chilis in a couple of months.

Cool...hope they work out for you great!! Last season we grew 5 different kinds of hot pepper including Ghost peppers. The ghost variety flowered too late and we only got a few peppers. The jalepenos di very well last season and we ended up with around 200 peppers which we made poppers with.
Haha same here all around...damn I wish I had another month.

Cool...hope they work out for you great!! Last season we grew 5 different kinds of hot pepper including Ghost peppers. The ghost variety flowered too late and we only got a few peppers. The jalepenos di very well last season and we ended up with around 200 peppers which we made poppers with.

Maybe can make some fun chili-canna special sauce?
Think I may drop those three Early Top Tao seeds in the next few days.

I know most of you are still definitely in the late side of winter,
and many probably have snow piled up outside the door,
or at least a lost of frosts and cold temperatures.....
(I'm trolling @912GreenSkell here... hee hee hee...)

But where I am, weather report for the next 15 days say:
Temp: Low of 12, High of 26.
It's colder up here on the mountain, but warmer in my tent.
So, that should even out nicely.
Humidity around 70%.

The Early Top Tao were freebies, so did a bit of research on Seed Finder:

Top Tao Seeds - Early Top Tao
Early Top Tao has twice succeeded in competitions of Cannabiscup in the outdoor category. After many years of selection of the fastest maturing plants, the fixed strain Top Tao labeled "Early" - early ripening.
It is a plant extremely resistant to mold, pests, disease and the cold autumn of the Central European climate. It produces an amazing number of branches when you cut the central bud.
The stem and branches are very strong and resistant to wind storms! Huge leaves create a large surface for the absorption of sunlight.
This plant will certainly mature in the gardens of Central and Northern Europe.
The incredible amount of resin and the fruitand flower fragrance cause energizing, sometimes psychedelic high.
Genetics: Early Tao x Oldschool Bohemia

Height: 2 - 2,5 m
Genetics: Indica / Sativa
Cannabinoid: medium and more
Harvest: August / September
Flowering time indoor: 6-7 weeks

User-Generated Strain-Profile

Known Phenotypes: » new » none up to now (homogenous??)

For this strain we got input by 1 user(s). Here a short overview:

Harvest Time Outdoor: Middle of September +/- 1 Week in CmShα climates.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed affects middle-high to high.
Yield / Quantity Outdoor: The crop of this strain is high.
General Impression Outdoor: is all together a quite good strain.
Votings of our users: Early Top Tao gets 7.00 of 10 possible Points in the average!​

Which all looks pretty darn awesome to me!! That review is from climate zone CmShα,
warm temperate, micro- to mesotherm and semi-humid climates (maritime),
which is pretty much the same as me here.

Think I'll do all three seeds.
Drop them into individual small pots once they germ, maybe 0.4L or 1.0L pots.
Once they get a little size, maybe 3-4 weeks, see where I can put them outside.
From the description above, almost def top them (at least once, maybe twice if big enough).

They are reg photo plants, so I figure that 4 weeks vege,
then outside will be about late March, so 12/12 hr light cycle.
They are short flowering, so even if they take 60 days,
that is still just end of May, and daylight is just 13/11 hr or so.

Sounds like a plan? What you people think?
In more great news....

Those of you that followed or checked out my last grow know my outdoor situation here.
Originally I had a couple of locations, but by late summer, one was def overgrown.

I just checked out that site again. The groundsmen have been in and done some work.
They've tidied up a nice section of raised beds where they've planted cabbage and romaine lettuce.
Around the edges are a few raised beds next to the forest / jungle, with nothing planted.
The light in this site is excellent, a full day of sun from dawn to dusk,
and to the north side is a 20' cliff area, which will block the cold northern winds.

The groundsmen usually just do the bare minimum maintainence work,
visiting just every few months. Looks like they just did here not so long ago.

So.... guess where I think I'll put those Early Top Tao babies?
I can put straight into soil here, the quality is not too bad, really.

The only prob would be if, since they are reg photo and sativa dom,
they didn't flower this spring and just kept veging... all through summer.
But start of fall flowering in late July... that would be ... 4 months of veg...
Could have some serious crazy outdoor monsters at that rate.
I doubt it'll happen though -- they'll almost def flower outside here with the sunlight hrs.
Hey...haha yeah we have over 3 feet of snow accumulated in the back yard right now. Welcome to the north!!

Yes I think they will flower as soon as the light hours start to decline, or fairly shortly afterwards. Early top tao sounds like a perfect strain for you situation. You daylight hours are soooo different from mine, I am itching to see what happens. The new spot sounds great!! Maximize what you can, where you can!! Give me a shout anytime!